Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

And also generally won’t make a lick of difference in your clear time for a WotLK 5 man. None whatsoever.

My first ever random RDF Gamma in classic was an ilvl 187 or so tank (clearly an offspec holy) and it would’ve been fine if he just hadn’t been really bad at tanking.

I thought you were the one who was supposed to be “helpful” with your fellow players here and I’m the mean one?

It just really wouldn’t.

Yeah, you’re just moving the goalpost now.

Liar again. Is that all you can do? Lie and make up strawman arguments?

I disagree. You should always call a spade a spade especially when all they do is lie and push peoples buttons, like you do. You ran off the last time you tried some nonsense with me, and so did Red.

See, more dirtbag behavior that Blizzard does nothing about.

even more and not only that they get the argument 100% wrong because they rather insult than actually address anything, like you, constantly saying people cant read and then you dont even know what a conspiracy is.

he is right, though.

it would make your team happy to see you put effort into your gear, and 3g is worth that.

No hes not.

If they are kicking for gearscore they will kick for gem quality and they will kick for enchant quality, its an ever moving goal post because people dont understand that toxic is toxic, they will be toxic and then try to justify it and these people will defend them because they are 100% known forum trolls.

So you buy green quality gems… and they kick you for not having blue quality gems because “its only 100g per gem? What are you that poor?” because that is exactly what they are doing now. Green gems are not worth it, its not worth the time to open of your window, its not worth wasting the gold because it will be replaced so fast, its not worth going to a vendor for or even going to the AH for. Its going to do almost nothing for you ultimately especially for a stepping stone. MOST people understand this because they are doing the same thing and people are dying, anyone who inspects another in a random 5 man dungeon has nothing better to do. Let people gear and move on.

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Winner winner chicken dinner!

Your own words was that it was a waste of gold.

You are the one that views gemming gear with basic gems as a waste of gold if you believe you will replace said gear soon.

You also claimed that your realms AH has no green quality gems on it. Yet wont share what realm/faction that is for us to verify. Then when i brought up the vendor gems you claim it is a waste of gold…

It’s a heroic dungeon. All you need to do is show up and follow mechanics.

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I dont kick for gearscore alone. I kick if you cannot reasonably perform your role.

If you did a naxx run p1 and had a dps warrior doing 400 dps on patchwork would you kick him? Especially considering the rest of the raids dps is doing 3k+ dps?

Now lets say you look at the logs and see his dps is low from having constant misses. You look at his gear and you see 8 gem slots out of 8 with nothing in them. Would you kick him?

Now lets say his dps is that low and you look at his gear and see his gem slots are filled with hit ratting and expertise gems, he has some enchants for hit/expertise as well. In this second scenario you can see he lnows he is under hit/expertise cap and is trying to fix it with what he has available to him. I am FAR less likely to kick him in this scenario because i understand that we cannot control what gear drops for us. He has crap gear and is doing crap dps, but he has made a clear effort to try and fix the fatal flaw of hit /expertise with what he had available. At this point i would be looking at his abilities used and try to give him pointers on rotation, even if i had to do a quick google search to find his rotation/talent build for him. I would possibility tell him to just keep sunder on the boss and do his best to provide the utility of a warrior.

I get that we dont all have good luck on gear drops (heck the entire time of togc p3 we had 1 DC trinket drop and we have been clearing since week 1). BUT there are things we can do to fix flaws with our gear. Gems and enchants are one of them.

I have a druid that is main spec resto off spec boomkin. His boomkin gear is crap but i have gemmed hit ratting in it to the point i wont miss. With his gear being half resto i have a very hard time running oom. Thus i am able to give inervate to aomeone else and that becomes part of my value when i dps on my boomkin. But a clear effort was made on my part to fix his lack of hit rating.

The gatekeepers don’t care about any of this. They see a low GS number and immediately click vote to kick.

Made up non-sense.
The same 3 or 4 are complaining about this. If this were an actual issue there would be more people complaining. Gatekeeping is just some buzz word you have latched on to.

My final thoughts - if you are getting kicked, look upon your own-self as to what this issue is and fix it.

:thread: :no_bell: :mute:

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This is impossible for most people. They just want to buy their way to gear instead.

Report then and move on

Here’s your fix:

  • Don’t eat at your computer.
  • Fast food chicken? :face_vomiting:
  • Carpeting is a wall to wall petri dish. Nasty. Replace that with hard wood and tasteful area rugs.
  • Never eat anything that falls on the floor. Especially carpet. Do you have a death wish?

Why is it always paladins from benediction bringing the cringe with them?

You literally play the easiest class in the game, why arent you more chill about life?

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The only one capable of gatekeeping you is yourself.

You keep saying rules for your groups acting like they apply for everyone else

i queued for one yesterday and for the first time i encountered a vote on someone for low gear score. i looked around the group at 3 4800ish toons trying to kick a 4500 mage. lol. violet hold no less.

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Right? I cant believe he wants to gatekeep people who want to afk and not do mechanics while the rest of the group gets them gear.

What an evil gatekeeper!

Blizzard’s rules, not mine.