5k or bust: I feel bad for fresh 80's

Lol, lmao. Credit card swiper self report.

Sure, let’s play ball.

Weapons - The biggest deal honestly you won’t get any real good weapons on AH, they aren’t BoE. But let’s look at some options for a frost DK.
Thankfully Direbrew gave us Tankard o Terror, 226 weapons. 900g each. So 1800g for 2 of those.

Trinkets are pretty important and Greatness is only ilvl 200, and is 4000g.

All 245 crafted is cheap you say? Alright let’s see. Titanium Razorplate chest is 8000g
Titanium Spikeguards Wrists are 4000g

And those are the only 245 crafted for plate I currently see on the AH. Already, we’re up at how much gold cost? 17800 gold for like 5 pieces of gear? Mhm, dirt cheap.

But wait that’s not enough for 5000 GS nowhere close! Let’s buy up some of those 225 boe’s.

Battlelord’s Plate Boots 232 for 4000g

Belt of the Titans 232 for 2500g

And honestly, that’s all I could find for a frost DK to gear up.

But yeah, 5k gs could be bought on AH for low prices. What’s next, you’re gonna tell me I can own land in scotland and be a certified Lord?