Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Being gemmed also shows you at least made an effort to respect my time. You have an idea of basic gearing, and are not expecting handout upgrades every run because you didnt treat your gear as if it will be replaced within 5 minutes.

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You must think very highly of yourself to think people respect your time enough to throw away 100-300gs for ONE gem and the same amount for ONE enchant (more for weapons.) All on gear that will likely be replaced “within 5 minutes.”

You guys really think you’re that important? :rofl:

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Effort=effort, gems have literally nothing to do with not standing in death, or kicking bad things from happening.

But thats okay, you clearly have an inflated sense of self to instantly presume youre going to carry anyone without understanding that you arent the best player that had ever existed, and are more than likely average.


If that’s the narrative you want to believe, I blocked you for a short time because you proved you had no interest in being anything but inflammatory and would only argue in bad faith.

So your time is respected because I flew over to hfp and grabbed some +4 spell power gems? Good to know your respect level is so high, as youve clearly demonstrated with your statement


You realize you can use green quality gems and just use some of the cheaper enchant options at that point right?

We are not asking for bis gems and enchabts on your gear. But we expect you to have at least gone for the cheap stuff. Rounded out your hit rating as a dps, get some avoidance or stamina as a tank. And some raw intelect or mana regen of some type as a healer.

But if you do show up with nothing. Dont be suprised at being kicked.

Its better than you doing nothing.

And it isnt hard to get there at all.

  1. Those gems are not bop so you can get them from an alt and mail them over
  2. You can still use rdf from there
  3. Getting there is easy with using the blasted lands portal in SW or Org, or even dalaran has a portal to shat trath.
  4. You can hearth put after getting there or use engineer portal, or as a mage, mage portal, etc.
  5. You would use those gems if your realms economy is bad and green quality gems are stupidly overpriced. You can usually get wotlk gems for very cheap as well. Green or blue quality gems as long as your realms economy isnt being stupid.
  6. When getting the outlands gems, its usually better to aim for socket bonuses for more overall stats, unless you need to focus a high value stat like hit ratting as a dps.

Is that troll Redhead trying to act like some elite gamer? I hope Drinknblink (I think he’s the one) shows up to link some of that guy’s parses. He’s TERRIBLE at the game.

Why? These gems and enchants are pretty pointless in gammas.

Who is this “we?” I don’t get kicked. I also don’t kick players unless they DC or w/e. I run one FOS every day and get grouped with plenty of new and boosted characters and I don’t gaf. I have no idea if they’re gemmed or not. It doesn’t matter.

Pretending you care about the most trivial things doesn’t make you a good player. Imagine thinking low level gems and enchants will make or break a dungeon run.


Statistically, its actually not better than doing nothing because it takes up resources for a zero sum gain.

Gemming +12 spell power is literally pointless, and so is your point.

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It shows basic gear upkeep and can be the difference of having enough of an important stat, and not having enough.

Easiest example it hit rating. You missed your kick, spell went off, and killed someone.

I dont look at it as “its one person at 210” i look at is as, “if everyone is at ilvl 210, what would be the result”

That extra bit of hp, hit, mana, etc could be the difference between a wipe or not, especially in the harder gammas like the toc dungeon.

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It isnt a 0 sum gain.

If you want to put 0 effort into the most basic aspect of gear management, be my guest. But that choice can have consequences.

Why do you even check before the first trash group? I don’t look at anything until something goes wrong. You’re as likely to get an skilled player with no gems as an unskilled player with gems. I’d take the skilled player with no gems. But you don’t know what you have in your group until you start to do the dungeon. The problem isn’t that you’re gate keeping it’s that you’re gate keeping stupidly based on trivial meaningless criterion.

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And that this trivial meaningless criterion keeps shifting, as evidenced by this very thread.

Nah, you just cant stand that someone who hasnt put it what you consider enough effort into their character could possibly be better than you.

They are, and youre babish reaction to it shows it clearly.

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He doesn’t. No one has time to even throw out buffs before the tank is charging into the first pack. He’s just trying to sound important. Or something.

Overinflated view of his self worth?

Yes it has went from, GS number, to DPS output, to gems (doesnt matter what kind just gem something apparently) and enchants… its an ever shifting goalpost of an indefensible position. The DPS output one didnt last long though.


For anyone here who thinks its TLDR @ this thread.

210 is fine, ungemmed and unenchanted as long as you arent standing in crap and know what an interrupt is.


I dont. But if you performing poorly, and i inspect you because of it. Ya, no gems/enchants will make me considering kicking you at that point.

Right… thats why i only inspect after poor performance is noticed.

If you come in and do 3k dps but have all your gear gemed. Im going to try and help you improve (rotational and mechanical advice). If you have no gems. You are not there to improve. You are there for a carry, and i wont waste my time.

I dont mind low gear people in my groups. What i mind is people who clearly are there to get carried because they made 0 effort in basic gear maintenance.


Interrupt and not standing in “crap” isnt enough, if I see a dps not focusing images and causes a healer to get interrupted and wipe and complains about no heal you’re about to not only not get healed for the rest of the run or might get kicked. Let alone helping others to break free from their webs…