Kalimdor cup is genuinely a 10/10

I shouldnt have to do this just to beat the time. My hands do not go fast enough to do this. The mechanic is literally hindering players with disabilities and it’s awful.

how are they meant to fix that?
buy you a new computer?
i’m using a potato, and haven’t had any major issues so far

Funnily enough, this is why people like them better. They can idle in the air, because logging out is hard.

I would at least like the option to race another person on these things, maybe as a source of repeatable tokens because getting gold in all 3 categories of each race isn’t enough to buy everything.

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well since it’s a new feature, there’s always room for performance optimization. not to bash, but rushing content is kind of an industry standard these days, so I hope there will be indeed some loading acceleration for heavier animations/assets such as lava falls that I remember off my hat.

Can’t legacy fly in new zones yet? I sleep.


I dont think Ive ever done shots from one of your posts! :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass:

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Haven’t done any races yet but I imagine going from a race to a standard mount is pretty jarring.


dropping this here for anyone who needs it
Un’Goro Advanced Gold strategy


The races in Kalimdor are genuinely a tier above what’s available in DF. They’re much more exciting, the pathing makes much better use of the environment than anything we’ve seen in DF. Thousand needles, Razerfen, and Azshara in particular are an absolute blast.

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I’ve done some of them… Well five of them. Azshara, Thousand Needles, Winterspring and the two in Hyjal. I really liked the one in Aszhara and Nordrassil. Will do the others for the coins. But really in it for the rewards more than the thrill of the races.

Yeah, minor disappointment, but the basic bronze drake looks good enough, so I’ll live with it.


I just wish the gave out sick gold with these races and scaled the gold amount according to Bronze Sliver and Gold Acheivements!

The Rocketway race is THE HOT WHEELS TRACK OF THE GODS. My favorite route so far.

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It’s even worse when you press 1 to go faster and plummet to your death.


It’s the Sporebat. The Sporebat is best.

Also let’s me pick the winding slither but I don’t think I ever unlocked it

Goblin Glider — don’t leave home without it. Hit up your friendly neighborhood Engineer today!


I think we should put dragon races in everything and make it like a Chromie quest to save the multiverse.

Collect chaos emeralds.

We could do Horrific visions, IEs, Wrath Gate, Siege of Lordaron, warfronts, cataclysm with Deathwing around, all kinds of unused or rarely seen instances anymore.

Argus invasions. Scourge attacking city. Corrupted blood event. Anything.

We go around collecting these chaos gems that open big time rifts where we fly around a huge world boss and our toon shoots arrows at the boss per ring we get.

Like a flying only TES greater gate oblivion event. To prevent the time void lords from eating all reality. Requires different color Dragonflights. A cosmos united! Take that jailer!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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