Kalimdor cup is genuinely a 10/10

That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Even better if anytime we fly through a rift we have no idea which setting we’re going to.

I played day 1 of the expac and never once did the queue for PvP based races ever pop. Not even on day 1 of the expac. So I’ve never experienced it.

Eh, it’s aight.

Might last me 3 or 4 days as I get all of the armor pieces unlocked. Got the achieves I wanted and I don’t see myself running the races just for the hell of it.

It’s just races but in other parts of Azeroth. Once you’ve done one you’ve done them all so meh.

Be nice if it had a WQ feature of a gold reward.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


How casual you are! if you like racing game, you can just try GT7. Dragon riding is just dragon riding, which will never be a core content and the reason people play this game.

If they put shadowflame crest bits as rewards - or make them purchasable with the race reward currency once you run out of cosmetics to buy - and I’d run them more.


BM hunters get to go faster because, well, they are masters of beasts! Might as well unbalance this too!! :laughing:

More than likely the races are to test dragon riding in old world zones to make sure it doesn’t cause an issues for when it’s implemented.

Bu who cares right, for players it’s better to just implement something, then complain when a bug occurs or your character gets stuck in the environment or something and then complain on the forums that it didn’t get more testing before release. How dare Blizzard try to take away a valid forum complaint before it can be used :angry::roll_eyes::rofl:

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I agree. It’s a neat little fun side activity. My two complaints are that 1) It only lasts for two weeks for some reason and 2) we can’t use our dragon riding mounts in Kalimdor outside of the races

Why does every stupid course have to be super tight?
Just let us have fun ffs.
it is a casual content yet, a timed event and some gold courses is just bs.

Anyone else here start new races with the advanced and reverse options and save the regular course for a sorbet? Or am I just built different?


You know, that never occurred to me. If I remember, I’ll have to try that for the Eastern Kingdoms routes.


It’s made me a better Dragonrider!

:sparkling_heart: LOVE IT! :sparkling_heart:

Can’t wait until we have it in Eastern Kingdoms.

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You’re 10/10 brainless if you actually believe this.