Kalimdor cup is genuinely a 10/10

I’m doing my game chores before going to do the kalimdor cup, but now I’m regretting not doing it first thing.

Update to this last post, the timekeeper assistant at each race will also let you switch your dragon mount.



I can’t wait to try this! I love dragonriding. I want to see a BG based on dragonriding - something resource-gathering based where you fly around and gather resources, but can engage in pvp as well to get more or prevent the other faction’s acquisition. :metal:

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My experience with Kalimdor Cup so far:

I hate trees.


Except for Un’Goro Crater.


Yeah, so far, that has been the worst one. Way too many tight spaces.

Yeah, it’s super fresh to fly through some old zones. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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i think i love you

Thank you for this. Everything doesn’t need to be a murder your pals into the ground competition. We need to have more “PLAY” time. As in, time spent able to just goof around and play. :slight_smile:

Omg. I was already looking forward to them and then I started goofing with them and my Vanilla Vet’s heart is just purring with happiness! :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: My main has never once changed all the way from 2004. Taking her back to the zones she “grew up” in (even if the Cata versions) to participate in dragon zoomies, which I completely adore, under the star in the sky from Legion, one of my top favorite expansions…

Maybe I’m the only one, but I wasn’t ready for the amazing feels. :dracthyr_heart: :two_hearts:

But but but but… The blue one can have ALL THE FINS and ALL THE SPOTS!! :smiley: It’s all about the fins and spots. :smiley:

For more serious, I was super happy they let you pick which dragon you wanted to use. :slight_smile: That was a very good attention to player desires. :slight_smile:

I saw the teal scales listed for one of the dragon types… I hope they’re going to open teal scales (and other options) to all the dragons!

Only thing I’m disappointed with is the selected mount not carrying your chosen customizations. I like my infinite highland drake! Races themselves are great though.


Why did they choose the two most hideous looking drakes to give rewards for?

I agree, great content. I’m glad they didn’t make them steamroll like some of the dragon isle ones.

Now that they’ve given us a taste of dragonriding in the old world, it needs to become the new norm. Give all flying mounts the treatment, would love to see flying carpets zoomin around.

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They actually added dragonriding animations to a ton of old mounts (including basically all the old/previous drake mounts) already, but haven’t allowed them for dragonriding use because, uh, reasons, and also none of our customizations for our drakes are used in the Kalimdor Cup versions because apparently also reasons. :stuck_out_tongue:

This would definitely be a perfect world event if they’d gone to the trouble of allowing us to fly everywhere on our customized drakes instead of only in very specific circles on default drakes. Or even just done one of those things instead of enabling the barest minimum allowance.

any advices to get gold on advanced ones? have been doing my best and yet i end up +10 seconds late

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Nice things it should have:

  • Cheering fans.
  • Stadium type spot to being the event / buy the mog
  • Fireworks.
  • Music for the event.
  • New dragon mount for finishing all the things.
    :beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :sparkler:

Using skyward ascent when available over the dash helps out a bunch. If its level or a bit under you can always fly a bit under a ring and then look up and fly up. Then after that pull a down on your mouse. You will get a nice burst of speed for a pretty decent amount of time.

Usually what I find is that you don’t get enough orbs to maintain high speed, so when you know there’s “downhill” sections near the beginning or the middle, plan to let your orbs generate to 4, don’t drop below momentum, but only spend charges to maintain. When you have 4 orbs, start spending them to maintain high speed, if you get down to only one orb again, look for another generating downhill.

Usually spending a significant time at high speed is much better than the entire race at medium speed.

Okay waking the thread since i’ve been at work but you look absolutely adorable and dashing in the mog.

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Enjoyed doing the normal races last night, and got gold in each, and only had to repeat one of them after hitting a tree then hitting the ground stalling out, haha.
I don’t expect to get gold in advanced, but I’ll give it a go today or tomorrow, and then reverse. Fun way to see the old world again, from the sky, and zipping by!
I do agree it’s painfully sluggish to have to manual fly right after to a flight master to go to the next zone, although I still love old flying too. :slight_smile:


on my machine, dragonriding races are too laggy, so i will not participate.
hope they would fox that soon.