Hi there folks, hoping I can get some help here. Short version; I’ve been RPing in WoW since 2006, (on WrA, recent xfer to MG), majority of my toons are Nelves, and in all this time I have never found a Kaldorei centered guild for my characters.
I did a forum search, and it seems like a lot of other players are looking for a Kaldorei guild as well - but somehow all this interest isn’t stacking up to any active Nelf guilds out there.
Weird right?
So - I’d like to try something here. If there are players out there that belong to a Kaldorei centered guild, would you mind posting a short write-up in this thread? Let’s say to the following template:
Thanks a ton, if you’re out there!
Guild Name: write name here
Description: short write-up about the guild
Leader(s): guild leader and officers
Who to Contact: officers and or recruiters
RP/PVP/PVE?: What’s your main focus? Secondary focus?
Preferences: lore-compliance, website application, Discord, interview, and so on.
Currently Seeking: tanks/healers/dps? Short on RPers of a certain class?
Most Active Playtime: when are players online
Forum Post: link to guild’s forum recruitment post
Guild Name: Ana’dorei Talah
Description: Altruistic night elves and worgen assisting refugees and rebuilding homes.
Leader(s): Lightbough
Who to Contact: Alodoril
RP/PVP/PVE?: Casual RP
Preferences: Lore-complliance, interview required. New players welcome.
Currently Seeking: Elves seeking to make a difference off the battlefield.
Most Active Playtime: 7pm to 12am
Thanks Launalal!
Hope I’m not overstepping any bounds by taking some initiative here - also, anyone, correct me if I’m wrong about any of the following information. Or, any additional info seeing as these will be sparse.
Guild Name: Dor’Serrar
Description: Dor’Serrar is a military based force made up of primarily Kaldorei characters who have chosen to take an active role in defending Kalimdor.
Leader(s): Isarith, Jalcynter, Spectreana, Velasandra
Forum Post: _https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-rp-dorserrar-fight-for-kalimdor/26176_
Guild Name: The Shanari
Description: The Shanari is an ancient and elite order of Kaldorei that devote their lives to safeguarding the lands of Kalimdor, protecting the Kaldorei and their interests, and executing the will of the Goddess.
Leader(s): Sereneia
Forum Post: _https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-rp-the-shanari-a-new-moon-kaldorei-rp/155811_
Guild Name: Enudoril
Description: Enudoril is a kaldorei-themed guild with a focus on the restoration and preservation of Azeroth
Leader(s): Gaeia
Forum Post: _https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-rp-enudoril/238406_
Guild Name: The Crescent Glaive
Description: The Crescent Glaive is a Kaldorei militia RP guild that has been an active part of the Moon Guard community for over seven years. Seeking dedicated RPers to join our cause - to bring justice to the Horde, to protect the Kaldorei people and their Goddess, and to bring peace to Kalimdor.
Leader(s): Sillena, Saelinn, Melwyn, Nishåra, Mavaalus, Saelyla, Vaess
Preferences: Potential new members are expected to fill out an application through our Guild Website. However, we welcome interested players to reach out to us in-game, IC and/or OOC, before making the decision to apply…
Forum Post: _https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-rp-the-crescent-glaive-fear-the-night/89507_
Guild Name: Handmaidens of Elune
Description: A religious order of women, founded in respect for Haidene - the first High Priestess - the Handmaidens of Elune continue to toil abroad and in the homeland to further the work of the Sisterhood of Elune. They work as priests, protectors and knowledge seekers.
Leader(s): Ithrienne
Who to Contact: Ithrienne, Tellarria, Vallaryn
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP focus / Some PvP
Preferences: Lore Compliant, Religious Focus, Kaldorei, LGBTQIA+ Friendly, Female-Identifying Toons
Most Active Playtime: all over the place atm
Forum Post: coming soon!
Awww you’re a peach for putting up there! I can put up a more detailed explanation of Enudoril once my arduous move across the country is complete and after the holidays, (military PCSing is a hand basket of awful and unnecessarily long) and can relax and have a focus <3
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Hey, this looks great. Any guilds in the market for a recovering Fire Druid?
Heya, glad you didn’t mind, Gaela.
That’d be great, I’m sure there’s players out there that would want to read up on you.
Oh. My. Goddess! This guild sounds like a dream come true… for my Shal’dorei. Ugh! If I made a Kaldorei stand-in for her, would that work? If not, I suppose I can create an entirely new character.
Guild Name: Eternal Star
Description: Eternal Star is a family of mostly-Kaldorei activists passionate about the preservation of Kaldorei Culture and tradition, as well as keeping their cultural identity in tact! We accept all races and classes, but have a preference for Night Elves for obvious reasons. We do accept Death Knights, and Demon Hunters, but only for OOC memberships.
Leader(s): Aliya Stagsong and Liogrey Wintergale
Officers Anasina Stormbreath, Emthi’lyn Silversong
Who to Contact: Any listed above.
**RP/PVP/PVE?:**RP is our main focus. PVP and PVE are after thoughts.
Preferences: lore-compliance, website application, and Discord. We are welcoming to those new to RP and WoW lore.
Currently Seeking: Savage Nelves ready to kick butt and celebrate elf kind!
Most Active Playtime: This varies. Mostly evening to late night, MST.
Forum Post: <Eternal Star> [A] Kaldorei RP - recruiting!
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Guild Name: Zin Elun
Description: Zin Elun is an OOC hub guild meant to connect Night Elf RPers or people who just want a friendly casual atmosphere to hang out in.
Leader(s): Nelurien
Who to Contact: Nelurien via DM or in-game mail
RP/PVP/PVE?: Social! All other focuses also applicable.
Preferences: See membership requirements in the forum post
Currently Seeking: People who think Night Elves are pretty cool
Most Active Playtime: Anytime in the afternoon/evening US-Central, might have more popular timezones as more people join!
Forum Post: [A-OOC Hub] <Zin Elun> Night Elf Networking - RP Friendly!
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Any guilds accept demon Hunter elves? Or just on Eastern time?
My guild accepts demon hunters, and has several of them.
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Then I’ll make sure to get in touch with you when I start my weekend after this work shift. It won’t be until tomorrow which is why I say that.
Would I just have to whisper you in game? Also it’ll be by a different name because I know someone is gonna rail me for using the name from a book character.
If it makes you feel any better I don’t actually know what book your character is from. And yes, you can contact us in game, the info is a little higher up in the thread. 
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That’s all good. The name is from the Illidan book but I know someone out there is going to home in on me for it lol.
I’ll also make sure to write a character profile just in case because I saw interview in the info.
Hello, Launalai I would def be interested in joining the guild on my Druid.
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Guild Name: Circle of Dusk
Description: Founded originally by elusive druids of rot, the Circle of Dusk is finally emerging from hiding to assist the Alliance by securing Kalimdor. Also aiding communities caught in the wake of war.
Leader(s): Neniä
Who to Contact: Neniä, Raélin
RP/PVP/PVE?: Heavy RP / Eventually PVE (with enough members for a raid team)
Preferences: Lore Compliant (some theorycrafting / bending), Religious Focus, Druid Focus, Kaldorei, Worgen, LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Currently Seeking: All classes (except fel-users)
Most Active Playtime: Evenings (EST)
Forum Post: [A-RP] The <Circle of Dusk> is recruiting!
Guild Name: Ru Shallora Enudoril
Description: Guild idea is 5 years old now. Migrants From Emerald Dream-US. Ru Shallora Enudoril = Anointed Caretakers of the Wild, said by Elune. Very druidic centric with a focus on the reclamation of kaldorei lands, restoring balance to nature and even reacquiring ancient kaldorei artifacts.
Leader: Draena
Who to Contact: Draena, Aydrean, Lyreille, Ayura, and Janalore.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Medium-Heavy RP. We have some diehard PvPers. We do a lot of Mythic+ content.
Preferences: Lore abiding RPers. For other questions and answers, see below linked guild forum post.
Currently Seeking: We accept all kaldorei RPers aside from DKs for IC reasons. We take DHs but do not want to be overrun with them.
Most Active Playtime: Peak hours until late in the evening or early in the morning depending on your timezone.
Forum Post: [NELF A-RP] <Ru Shallora Enudoril>
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