Finding a Home! (Kaldorei)

I’ve just moved to Moon Guard, and well, I’ve rp’ed for years but I have -no idea- how the community works with Moon Guard.

Is there any helpful discords for Kaldorei RP? - RP hubs for it and the like, help is appreciated. :slight_smile: (Pardon the transmog, new char, still leveling.)

The RP hub in general would be Stormwind, if you’re looking for a specific guild for nelves I’d check out this thread it’s got a handful of folks in it that run kaldorei specific guilds.

As for how the community in general works, welcome to Moon Guard! There’s generally a healthy amount of public events you can attend, Stormwind Markets are every monday, Om Nom Noodles has their shop open on wednesdays I believe. If your character is open to cross-faction events the Stonewind Tribe run a storytelling event every saturday around 6 or 7pm server time and there’s Sunday Sermons up at Tyr’s Hand though I’ve forgotten the time for that one. Make sure to pick up elixir of tongues before going to those last two though!

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Well, you posted on the forums so that’s one step in the right direction. It’s just about diving in and seeing what the sea has to offer. Shop around some of the threads with guilds recruiting and see what tickles your fancy.

Khamael has you covered the more specifics for Night Elfs/Worgen/etc, but generally Stormwind is the hot spot, mage district, sometimes the too Catherine too. Though things might be slower until 8.3 drops.

Despite Goldshire giving MG a rep, it ain’t so bad once you dig a little deeper.

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Make sure you dodge the falling bodies.

Thanks for all the advice. I came from EU RP where there are legit full nelf / moonclaw rp hubs. Trying to adapt is a struggle. Just hoping I can find an IC home (guild) somewhere :relieved::slightly_frowning_face:

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Go to Stormwind stay away from Goldshire Inn due to ERP activities there

Aha, don’t you worry, EU has it’s own Goldshire. - Though in EU we avoid Stormwind as well. So, - gotta get used to Rp’ing there at least. :sweat_smile:

Yo, some people are into that. No judgement.