Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

The fact you had to complete a challenge to get them and it was time limited is a major part of the value in them.

Any time something is scarce it adds value, doesn’t matter if we are talking about money, gems, or weapon skins. The scarcity adds to the value of it.

Right now people are creating alts just for the starter gear sets. Why? Because it was datamined they got updated. So now the old sets will no longer be in game. This creates scarcity and that adds value.

Now the opposite is also true. If everyone has something it losses a lot of value. The hearthsteed is a great example. It’s actually an amazing looking mount model. It flys, it glows, and it has a good running animation. But no one uses it because it was given for free and most players have it. Over saturation lowers value.

If the magetower skins in their current form where brought back it would take value from people who earned them. And they where earned. The entire reason most people don’t have them is because even with over gearing the content people could still not defeat the one shot mechanics.

Solution would be a 9.2 new mage tower (not a face roll scaled down but a real new solo challenge) with recolors. Then everyone who claims they where good enough but for some reason where not playing at the time can prove they are good enough to get the new color skin. And those that got the old ones can achieve new colors.


No one is being punished here.

This claim is purely silly. We have literally thousands of items in the game to unlock. A new player isn’t going to focus on these skins, that’s just an imaginary scenario to fit the agenda here.

If a new player did focus on these items it’s because they hold an aura most items don’t. They are unaccessible.

Once you remove that, they are boring again. Psychologically speaking of course.


This would be true if two of the 3 alternate druid forms didn’t come from the MT.

That’s almost at the level of making Nightborne a timed exclusive to Legion.

The druid argument has more weight I would agree. But once you give that skin away everyone will be asking for more.

Blizzard just needs to add another Were bear skin alternative with a different color.

Lmao wow this is a recurring theme around here. Run out of things to say, just resort to claiming the other person is “angry”. Keep proving my point with those zero i.q. replies though. Means I dont even have to put effort into pointing out your foolishness.

That is a weak argument.

By this logic, nobody should be given anything they want in this game.

Condescending, though I elaborated anyway.

Still being condescending despite the fact that I hadn’t been (until now, because I mean… c’mon). But at least you elaborated this time, after which I did the same.

Same as before, although this time you accuse me of it out of self-interest… despite the fact that it’s easy to see in my achievements I have the achievements, and thus the appearances.

So now we get to…

Which is you flopping on me what I’ve pointed out you doing. Fact is, I’ve stated my points and you’ve stated yours. You’re angry that yours just don’t land, and you’re angrier still that, post after post, you’re really not getting anywhere. Demeaning people just for daring to have a different opinion from you - which you’ve done from the get-go, in this case - is not a compelling stance.


If by get you mean earn through the same (or as similar as can be replicated because much in the game has changed at this point) difficulty then agreed 100%.


Did you only talk about the Tower of Mages here?
Have prepatch quest chains been mentioned? War of Thorns?

This is why i say you cant keep up despite you continually claiming you understand. Nothing i said in what you quoted or otherwise accused you of self interest or had anything to do with your achievements.

Again, thanks for trying to tell me how I feel as your passive agressive way to dig at me. At least when I am demeaning, as you point out, I have the stones to just come out with it instead of feigning some sort of high ground.

You can have a different opinion all you want. Just because I point out the multitude of flaws in your opinion doesn’t mean you cant have it.

I never claimed I was polite nor have I denied being demeaning. When I see people say stupid things and pretend they have a point, I speak to them in a condescending way. You can ignore me. Instead you spend a while arguing then pretend like you have some moral high ground. You don’t.

You… didn’t, though. That’s my point. You literally just kept demeaning me and my points without actually providing counterpoints. But we can go on about this forever.

First good point you’ve made thus far.

I think this has been briefly touched on a few times before, but honestly I’d say it deserves its own thread. You do miss out on quite a bit of the context of an expansion if you start after the pre-patch.

I don’t have a problem with that actually :wink:

And on this, I resoundingly do not agree. It’s not fair to change it for druids but everyone else preserves the value of their achievements. Like I said, and I think I’ve made plain elsewhere, I think offering new challenges and new appearances is fair and if anything, more Druid options I am supporter of.

Simply put, NO. its unique and was achieved during an expansion, leave it alone.


I totally agree with you :kissing_heart:

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They probably have the most skin in the game one could say.

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I like the idea of reusing that rig. Like a hulking, worgen werewolf form for Gilnean Druids.

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The thing is - that’s not realistic. Blizzard has their hands full right now, and likely will for the foreseeable future.

If it’s between druids not having any more forms, and making an exception regarding the MT forms, then I’d rather be generous for the sake of other players than be a miser for the sake of my own sense of ‘exclusivity’.

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They just released new Druid travel forms. I don’t think it’s terribly difficult