Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

They could make recolors of the weapons and put them in Torghast. Have a vendor on floor 12 Adamant Vaults that will only show when running the instance solo and have the items priced at 2k phantasm. Still a challenge and no worries about having to scale for older abilities or equipment.

No, what they’re saying is preserve everybody else’s exclusives but not the MT exclusives. Yeah NO. Not fair. Forget it.

Either make all limited-time items available, or keep things the way they are.

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And the two faction cities that were scrapped.
And a whole raid tier.
And customization to the garrisons.

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You are raising precedents that are not on point. An on point precedent would be where a time-sensitive item has their exclusivity removed to be generally obtainable by the general player body again. Nobody has provided that example, because no example exists. That is because it is an unwritten contract between player and maker. That has value. The feel good vibes for honouring that has value.

If they want to introduce a similar challenge and make new appearances available, that doesn’t violate the covenant with the player. You show utterly no respect for your fellow players or for the integrity of how that unwritten contract works when you bellow and moan for it to be changed FOR YOU.

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People don’t feel superior to others they are proud of what they individually earned. You apparently just need to be a victim, it’s a game, that has cool rewards for players, keep playing and maybe you will get the next “mage tower” like mogs.


This is such a strange soap box to grandstand from. It is literally just a really cool transmog option. From content, that at the time was fairly challenging and a lot of fun. All the appearances are desirable and most of them were so well done that they have not been eclipsed. I just want myself and others the ability to get those cool appearances. Some path to get them. Another challenge or something.

As I have said before I have several of them. All of my chars at the time, that I mained, got their primary spec ones. I had fun getting them and I was proud of getting them. Now they dont hold this level of prestige for me. They are simply a cool looking appearance for my character. Many other people have the same ones, so I really dont feel special about having one. Its just a cool transmog. And I think there should still be a path to them.

This “Unwritten Contract” or sanctity of the developers keeping this one promise doesnt make sense either. They constantly go back and fourth on things which they say.

Again. All this is, is wanting to keep others from getting what you have. Thats it. Any other way you want to paint it is fine. But thats what it boils down to.

This is an odd statement. Who is claiming to be a victim? I dont think I was victimized because they removed the mage tower. Again I participated in it. And I had a blast getting those appearances on characters I played at the time. All that I am saying, is that, for what are just really well done weapon and in druid’s sake forms, should have a path to get them still. As they, in my opinion are still some of the best done models.

And as you said. “Its a Game”. Why does it matter if people have access to these item appearances? They are just that. Item and character appearances. In a GAME. A game that we all play for fun. Someone getting something I have worked hard for in the game, but they get it easily doesnt have any impact on how much fun I had while getting it. It doesnt change my enjoyment of having the reward. Its a Game after all.

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All exclusive items earned this way amount to nothing more than something that looks cool. That’s the whole point of it.

Not sure what you’re trying to say since some limited-time items are on BMAH.

Are you saying that if they won’t make them all available, then continue arbitrarily picking which ones should and shouldn’t go on BMAH? I don’t understand what you’re saying.


what do you mean by a few? The mage tower was available for EVERYONE at the time, not just the “few” that completed it.

This isn’t a matter of Blizz changing their mind about something like Classic servers. This is something heavily advertised as time limited in order to keep players subbed to the end of the x-pac. Players paid money to keep their subs up instead of quitting until BFA like they usually do. Devs being vague or changing their minds on things isn’t the same as false advertising at all.

It’s not about keeping others from getting things it’s about a company advertising a product in order to generate sales and then reversing things later on.


That looks like a rhetorical question, because your second sentence makes it seem like you do understand what I’m saying.

The few relatively that haven’t done it. I imagine most players have.

Yikes, you’re angry. I take it back. You really need that, erm… Mage Tower appearance prestige.

What specifically is unfair about giving druids a recolor of the MT form, or something similar?

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There are plenty of limited-time items that have become available in some form or another - be it recolors, reskins, the BMAH etc.

In general, I’d agree with you.

However, druids have almost no options when it comes to combat forms aside from the MT ones, and Blizzard isn’t likely to give us new, unique forms aside from the MT forms - particularly the ‘were-bear’ form.

I think the ‘unwritten’ rules could be bent here, slightly.

At the absolute bare minimum, “limited-time” items should be consistenty put in BMAH, not on a “we feel like this one should go in but not this one” basis, but instead an actual consistent basis.

Or of course, turn the MT into evergreen content. Keep it limited to Legion timewalking if the “limited time” mantra really needs to be followed for whatever elitist reason.

“B-b-b-but the devs can’t scale it properly and talents were removed from the game and and” - ok, templates fix that, right?

This is all something that is indeed possible. We’ll see how the PTR evolves.

Lots and lots of us did exactly that. Myself included.

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Or recolor skins of the mage tower appearance.
Bump bump bump

Why is it always the druids making these threads?