Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Sounds cool. I’ve always wanted a smoking black cat form, something truly black - same style as the nightmare versions, but just all black.

Forms they likely had tucked away for a moment like this.

If they’d had more forms made, they would have released them now.

Keep in mind how long it took to even get these.

Solution would be a 9.2 new mage tower (not a face roll scaled down but a real new solo challenge) with recolors. Then everyone who claims they where good enough but for some reason where not playing at the time can prove they are good enough to get the new color skin. And those that got the old ones can achieve new colors.

Pretty much agree with this. The biggest issue to me is that Mythic+ has unobtainable seasonal items, Raids have AOTC, CE, and end of expansion unobtainable raid mounts, PvP has seasonal stuff that remains unobtainable after the season too. So why is solo play not allowed to? I wouldn’t be opposed to the mage tower coming back with new skin options, as suggested, it gives everyone something to do while leaving the old skins with prestige. I do understand some claims of FOMO, but Mage Tower challenges and The Faceless One title are some of the few solo unobtainable challenges I even know about aside from… something with Brawler’s guild seasons? Let solo players have some unobtainable things, too.


I know some people that won’t play the game because of it. It reflects poorly on the game that they can’t keep some challenging content in game.


“Humanbeak, why do you have a 6-month sub to FF14 and not WoW?”

“Well, let me tell you all about Blizzard’s pet toy called ‘FOMO’”…


Naw. This would just be Blizzard changing their mind on a decision they made. The Mage Tower isnt some mythical monolith of WoW’s history. It is a piece of cool content that gave cool rewards for a limited time. The Mage Tower alone didnt keep many people subbed the whole expac. Maybe a few, but the quality of the expansion in general kept them subbed.

You are making out this Mage Tower Appearances as this big grand thing. A sacred and time honored piece of history to never be brought back, due to this treasured contract of WoW players who played during the time where it was active. Its not. There is nothing wrong with bringing it, and its rewards back. And it is a video game people play for fun. I still say make them available again. Bring the tower back. Scale it. Make it as challenging. Or make a new challenge to get those appearances.

And yes… this is completely about keeping people from getting things which you have.

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It’s not merely changing their minds, it’s breaking a covenant with the player base and for what, because a few people are complaining. That’s not cool.

Nope. You are making it out to be this sacred thing in your own mind. Its a piece of popular video game content, with popular rewards, that should be brought back in some, way, shape or form.

And to be frank. There was no contract. There was no agreement. There was the intention to keep it limited time.

They could easily say “Due to the popularity of Legion Time Walking, we have decided to bring back another Legion Feature. We are bringing back the Legion Mage Tower Time Walking! This Time Walking Feature will be limited to when Legion Time Walking is available. This is another chance to get those fabled Mage Tower Appearances for your artifact!”

Easy. Simple. They have done it several times. I would rather they do that, than just throw them arbitrarily on the BMAH.


Exclusive content that’s obtained by players is a big deal, I realise you don’t care, but I assure you, you hardly speak for the player base. People achieve something valuable, it has meaning to them, it’s not fair to debase it later because some folks didn’t happen to get whatever it was at the time.


Which time sensitive challenge modes did they bring back? Amani War Bear? Tribute to Insanity? Any elite/glad PvP stuff? CMs from MoP or WoD? No, none of it. The only limited time stuff they ever brought back was stuff that was removed well after it was current content like t3 or zg mounts. Literally the only example of a skill reward that was removed when it was relevant and returned is the plagued protodrake that Blizzard admitted was a mistake to remove. Nothing else.


Fear Of Missing Out is an extremely powerful thing. Blizzard does it all the time with their franchises, as do many others.

If they’re just gonna keep going back on their word like that, why even bother staying subbed if I can just get what I want any time later?


No idea… Other than to play the game for fun.


Nothing is stopping you from doing that.

final fantasy has exclusive things, as does every other relevant mmo


Ancient Corehound, Arcanite Ripper, blah blah blah. They’ve done it before and they can certainly do it again.

Those werent skill based challenges. The core hound was from MC LFR, I mean come on.


They LITERALLY re-released the Amani War Bear and challange. It was the same model, just a slightly different shade of color. And I have the OG origional Amani War Bear. And the re-color

Your words:

Are what I responded to.

You cherrypicked one part of the reply which is expected from forum trolls I guess. You can see where I said challenge and skill based right there in my post.

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I mean, if you don’t want to be specific and then get upset because you didn’t state it the way you supposedly intended, that’s on you.