Just Let Everyone Get The Mage Tower Appearances

Seriously. The argument of exclusivity isnt even a good one. There are many people who may not have played during legion, or played their now main character during legion. The argument that these people should be barred from obtaining them is just silly.

Look at it this way. Many of my chars have the full Mythic Nighthold, ToS and Antorus Tier sets. They never raided Mythic in those raids. Some of them werent even created during those raids. But yet they have them.

The same to be said for the Mage Tower Appearances. Getting them, at least on several chars I got them on, was challenging, but I wager not more difficult than Mythic Raiding. They are cosmetic choices at this point, that are easy to get. You just have to farm them every week.

Prot Paladin was one of the more difficult Mage Towers from my understanding. I was able to complete it, without the Leg Legendary. Myself Personally would not feel bad, or that my accomplishment was lessened, in any way, if all paladins could zerg the tower and get the appearance right now.

Letting people enjoy some of the best weapon designs ever made, is not a problem for me. The issue is people wanting to feel superior to others, simply because they have an exclusive MoG. Thats lame and in general the mark of a negative and unhappy person.

We had our time to shine with the mage tower appearances. Just as people had their time to shine with their Mythic Raid Tiers. Give everyone the chance to get them.


they were exclusive items.

you’re comparing apples to oranges. Raid/dungeon gear is never advertised as exclusive. The mage tower was. Didn’t get it? too bad, should have played during legion.

So, no. they should not just arbitrarily bring back the mage tower items. unless they also bring back literally every exclusive item that is no longer available. What about the people who didn’t get the undying or immortal titles? What about he people who missed out on the black qiraji mount? How about the guys who didn’t get Hand of A’Dal?

I’m actually not a fan of them removing things from the game. But I’m also not a fan of randomly bringing some things back and not others.


“How do I get that cool looking bear form?

“Sorry, that stopped being obtainable before you started playing and knew it existed”


I used to be on the unlock them side but have since reconsidered. I think exclusive content is fine as long as it’s not the bulk of what’s available. There are multitudes of examples of exclusivity that people don’t bat an eye at. This just happens to be one that people really want.

Having said that, I also think they need to continue making content like that periodically instead of it being a one time during one expansion thing.


Either give them or make it available again as Challenge. Who ever thinks people shouldn’t get it or have it because they didn’t play should quit this game and never again talk to human person due their selfishness.

I’m all for it to give new players those appearances or at least options to do them because it will engage people to play more. Same with classic pvp gear. Why is there rating lock behind it? Remove that stupid rating thing and let us buy the gear for tokens


people can have different opinions than you and still talk to other human beings. :roll_eyes:

it’s not even selfish. the items were released, marketed, and made a big deal about them being exclusive.

Personally? I don’t think they should have made them exclusive, but they did, and so they should remain so. The mage tower was awesome though, so perhaps blizzard should make a new mage tower with new appearances for people to get.

But, no. unless they bring back literally everything that has been removed due to exclusivity, they shouldn’t bring back just some things.


This statement in and of itself is pretty selfish.


ya it is


No warebear for you


No, the skins were time sensitive and should remain as such.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the big issue with the Mage Tower skins are the fact that Blizzard has failed to add anything into the game as visually unique and of high quality since Legion, so the desire is so much greater. This is a failure on Blizzard’s end, but they should absolutely stick to what they promised these skins were.

Now, I don’t mind new recolors of those skins, but I want things to be added to the game that benefit everyone.


Exactly my point. See how it is when you wanna something your way?

We shouldn’t be selfish in this game.


we also shouldn’t be ignorantly telling others they shouldn’t talk to humans, or calling people selfish for having a different opinion on something as insignificant as the mage tower appearances.

but here we are.


Exclusive content is objectively good for the game. What would be bad is telling someone something is exclusive and then walking it back out after they’d committed to earn it.

  1. It cheapens the reward (scarcity is directly proportional to value)
  2. You would (rightfully) expect that any limited time content would come back, meaning there would be no pressure to stay subbed.
  3. You’re advocating for a bait and switch.

Exclusives are kind of silly. I’m also not a fan of them removing things from the game. I’m also not a fan of bringing something back for arbitrary reasons. But most of all… I’m not a fan of arbitrarily making things exclusives that many people seem to like.

It’s a freaking video game. There’s no appropriate reason for the Mage Tower Appearances not to be accessible to players.

I wouldn’t care absolutely one bit if someone else has my “Black Harvest” Title recently when I already did it on Current Content. If they’re happy to use that title, I’m happy.

This is something that people should learn but that’s just my 2c and it will not apply to everyone and would defend exclusivity in a video game for silly reasons.


But you contradict yourself. You are against other people getting something simply because they didn’t play during that time.

It’s same as me telling someone don’t talk to other because you’re selfish. If not even worse. That is not having different opinion. That is straight up selfish and not wishing well to other players


The thing is, it IS a different opinion. People are of the opinion that Blizzard should stick to their word in regards to something advertised as time sensitive. And people are of the opinion that exclusive rewards aren’t bad.

Just because you don’t like the opinion doesn’t mean it isn’t an opinion, it’s just one that goes against yours.

I genuinely don’t care about posturing or whatever other thing people accuse me of when I say I don’t want the Mage Tower skins available again; all I care about is the fact that I acted on them based on Blizzard’s word and I want them to stick to that word, otherwise it diminishes the amount of effort that I put at the time and I personally dislike that idea.


Didn’t they already do that? In some other way that’s not involving MT Exclusives?

Or people can respect other peoples’ achievements, and move on. Time sensitive means time sensitive. We’ve never brought back MOP or WOD CM’s. We’ve never brought back elite mogs. We’ve never brought back AOTC mounts. And we’re not gonna bring back the mage tower.

Challenge content is not the same as mythic content. This is an irrelevant comparison.


They never brought back the MoP gear, and that’s the only other thing I’ve done within time. So no, and I’m happy they didn’t either.

Now, they did bring in recolors. And I’m all for recolors because that benefits everyone.


That’s one way to cheapen the Green Fire questline. :confused:

Oh well.