Just give the alliance high elves already

If you smash through the doorway like the Kool aid man, that’s a tell take sign.


wait a moment… who is that masked man? hehe

Wow, so much wrong in here.

For starters, Belves literally don´t give a f* over gnomes -no seriously, put the canon source that explicitly states Belves hate gnomes; cause as far as I´ve seen and read, this has never been stated anywhere-.

Dwarves were right there next to Garithos -heck and the idiots suffered racism too but apparently were to slow to catch it- when he gave his suicidal orders. Also, kindly explain if Wildhammer are so staunch supporters of the elves and were prepared to receive a bunch of refugee children -as explicitly stated in “Blood of the Highborne”-; then why the f* they never investigated nor offered support AFTER Arthas left?

Blood elves hating on Stormwind Humans is player headcanon. They don´t hate on the humans of Stormwind per se; they simply fight against them cause they´re the enemies of their current Orc allies, nothing more and nothing less. The specific group of humans hated by some of the Belves are the Dalaranian ones -which is funny if we take into account idiots like Aethas exist-.

Night elf hate by the Belf race as a collective is too another player headcanon BS; Belves frankly don´t give a f* either over Nelves as a whole -go back and read “Blood of the Highborne”; basically when Lor´themar confides in Liadrin about the plans to join the Horde, she DOES mention that Nelves could get pissed off… and his answer was “times change”. Btw, Nelf “support” was completely nulledwhen the same Nelves invaded the Belf territory (instead of you know… announce themselves and offer actual support as any coherent good samaritan would have done) to mess up with the already stressed out Belves.

Never been done dear, when Belf NPCs are shown hating on humans it´s usually against members of the Council of the Six -and with VERY good reasons-.

It only look inconsistent when people doesn´t know how to read OR deliberately ignores entire portions of the lore and put in place headcanons and fabricated lore (A.K.A. like you and some likeminded helfers loove to do).

I´ll reccomend going back to re-read again about Belf lore before jumping to make wild conclussions and false criticism.


They are shown to be bitter towards the Alliance as in the faction rather than necessarily the individual races that make it up.

Exactly. They dislike the perceived “double standards” and control freakishness and the devs have used mostly Dalaran (with it´s REAL CANON use of double standards) to justify this. But frankly, most Belves never manifest actual hate towards entire races (Rommath hates the Kirin Tor and the Council of the Six especifically; heck even more especifically he hates Modera and Ansirem. And Lorash hated Malfurion, but not particularly the Night Elves as a collective -they were more of a job for him… heck he even feels offended on their behalf towards that famous disfigured captain, remember?).

The "buut, buut!! Belves HATE the humans is just BS propaganda exploted by some helfers to justify the more controversial arguments like neutral Silvermoon or similar stuff.

huh, i am not interested in a neutral silvermoon. i think its ugly but love the forest. a couple years ago, i suggested all elves become their own faction and we’d share suramar city, divided into faction quarters and we could visit each other’s sectors via swan boats, and crash into each other and whatnot. haha

you are way too serious and aggressive.

And this is trolling.


I didn’t ask.

This is the second time you’ve attempted to shame someone for talking about the lore, knock it off.


why are you so bossy?

I dunno, why are you constantly trying to make people feel bad for posting about the lore?


constantly? examples?

What is this, ground hog day?

is that constantly?

No, that was just the most recent one.

Do you want me to dig out the multiple instances of you suggesting other people have lost their grip on reality and think wow is real life?


Okay, i will stop having an opinion on anything. :rofl:

I’ve never seen this. I usually see the sentiment as a justification for why Belves are Horde, though. Just sayin’. So, thank you for your post :slight_smile:

With the new customizations coming in shadowlands i hope we get high elves as customization for void elves, i would love to make this priest a high elf. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh Tarrok, I wanna have a BBQ of Tauren Meat.

Would you kindly volunteer to be the cooked beef?

yea i just dont understand how people can just ignore the lore entirely lol