Just give the alliance high elves already

curently thats the only way it could happen, so it wont because that would piss not only alliance mains off, but also horde mains


Makes you wonder how he made it past 2006, yeah.

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When you make up an entirely new race out of nowhere - because you wanted to do a half measure to try and please everyone… lore doesn’t matter anymore.

But if you want to do a lore friendly version - High Elven Armies have assisted the Alliance and been recognized as a separate faction within the lore as recently as Legion - during the Nighthold events.

As such an army of High Elves exist within the alliance. And until you can produce a piece of lore that says that Army has been completely wiped out of existence… they can still come back.


the lore reason blizzard has given us is thier deminished numbers. technically they threw this reason out the window when they added void elves to be playable, but thats still the reason they are going off of. so even if theres “an army” according to blizzard its not enough, wehich is why ive mentioned the time skip after shadowlands and the possibilities it brings like there all of a sudden not being so few high elves

they said they would open the possibility of more allied races down the lign which makes me think even if they are closing for shadowlands, there could be new allied races coming after the time skip although this is ofc just an assumption
the time skip was confirmed to happen, however we dont know how long the time skip will be only that it will happen, it could just be 1 year for all we know
if its any good length of time the amount of possibilities are endless for what they can do with the new azeroth
but curently until the dying number of high elves is no longer a reason blizz is just going to keep making that excuse

I want you to do something for me. Google “high elf NPC world of warcraft”. Count them.
Now do the same for void elves.


oh im aware, im just sayign the excuse blizzard keeps giving us, i literally said they threw this reason out the window with void elves
but if they are just going to keep using that excuse the excuse has to be removed because blizzard hates admitting they were wrong

I mean Alliance will just find something new to complain about lets be real.


Pretty much. Which is why I’m saying “google it” at every given opportunity :smiley:

well then tell blizzard to googleit not me, ik they are wrong lol

They’re watching us. :alien:

I agree a time skip is absolutely required at this point. One or Two Thousand Years ought to do the trick. Complete do over.

Also, no Player Character, of any faction, is responsible for the actions of that faction unless provided ‘in game’ with an opportunity to explicitly support or oppose the action.

Well dear, unless you buy thecompany and have enough money to sustain the financial backslash, me thinks your “petitions” belong in the realm of fantasy / trolling.

Your idea is a “feasible” as the idea of the elf hater´s regarding erasing ALL elf races.

it wont be a thousand years, theres a theory based on the length of time being around 30 years or less because a comic recently released depicting anduin as an old man, and he wont be joining us in shadowlands so hed have aged if theres a time skip

Yes, sadly Blizzard tends to go with ‘half measures’ when radical action is required.

well even just 15 years can be huge because the game has taken place over a very short amount of time. i think its only been what 8 years? since classic

what the…

Yup, to take entire races from players that enjoy their factions and forcibly put them somewhere else is as surreal as players dreaming about never seeing those elf avatars again.

Same mental level, dear.

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are you ok

you didnt read the whole thing. the word optional musta flew right over ye olde cranium