Just give the alliance high elves already

That one has both hands intact, is it named as a Shattered Hand NPC?

No, but that mask is used by several Shattered Hand npcs and it would be weird if the Shattered Hand didn’t have an NPC when every other clan does.

Also apparently that was the standard uniform for Shattered Hand in the beta prior to getting the unique models.

True, but the most defining thing about the Shattered Hand is that they cut off one hand and replace it with a weapon, and that one didn’t do that.

Let me go look through Orgrimmar to see if there’s any with the cut off hand and that skin tone.

I assure you there isn’t, those are definitely the Shattered Hand guys.

Our Shattered Hand don’t cut off their hands anymore either.

I don’t think the Shattered Hand in Orgrimmar is the same as the clan, they just bear the same name. I’m probably wrong about that, I think there’s some rogue quest text that proves that wrong.

However, regarding the AU mag’har in question:

Retraced. It’s a shame we didn’t get 3D piercings or the light grey skin color.

I’m kind of hoping that when they get around to Mag’har customisations they’ll make their skins 3d. The Blackrock skin really needs 3d face rocks.

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Aaaand there goes your credibility.

Pretty much, though at least he’s honest. I find that most try to mask their spite with walls of texts trying to morally justify their spite.


Hmmm, I wouldn’t actually put it like that.

It is the same thing as communities here on the forums. It isn’t the community as a whole, just a few individuals. The same thing can be said with factions, it isn’t the faction as a whole, but a few individuals out of those factions.

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am i a high elf? hmm?

woot. though i think the belfs should get access to the red ones, also, for those who want the dark ranger theme.

You’re clearly a Pirate.

hehe. :sparkling_heart:

dont come between a woman and her beauty shop.

i am not putting any eggs in that basket, till its official. for the record, i wanted the pink/purple ones, but thats not official either, so not expecting it only hoping it. notice the purply one from the velf folder, has no eye rim, whereas for the blood elf version, it does. to me that suggests its the color for an npc, using the eye rim version blood elves have in their folder. so why’d they even bother sticking the color in the velf folder, since it doesnt have the eye rim? i dont get why we both cant have it, both belfs and velfs.

It’s not the same alliance lol. I don’t get why you guys take everything non lore people at blizz say as gospel considering even lore people screw up look at red shirt guys website sometime.

It would be like the most epic april fools announcement, that the devs had heard the communities desires for high elves and decided to give them to the horde, and that they’d be exactly the same as belves but with their eye color locked to the purest blue.

And for icing on the cake, the Alliance gets ogres!

we already got them - kultirans. in fact, many theorize the kultiran rig was made as it was, as a foundation for playable horde ogres, which is possible it may be for playable mok’nathal, since rexxar now uses that rig. hehe

/tosses bone
go fetch


We are not ogres. Come on now, no need to be rude.

Also just gonna leave my vague support right here.

puts it down

There ya go.

Prove it. Tell me how you feel about onions and parfait.



Now… I don’t see how… No, you know what? I’m leaving!