Just give the alliance high elves already

You mean everyone, because Highmountain and mag’har are still a thing even if you’d like to ignore them. :clown_face:

And that still doesn’t change the fact that those that more closely resemble their parent race or more biologically the same, are all in their respective side.


Finally someone who’s at least honest about it being gatekeeping :roll_eyes:

And no, I don’t. Because I already have several blood elves and I want a high elf too. There is no rationing of elves going on. Playing a high elf doesn’t suddenly delete all of my blood elves.

Except it’s not at all but wouldn’t expect an anti to actually tell the truth since your entire argument against high elves is founded on falsehoods.

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Untold millions also fervently believe the world is flat. Do they also have merit?

I don’t I ignore things that didn’t occur in game in terms of forming emotional attachment because most players will have no knowledge of them. You cannot use lore created after a decision has been made to justify the decision is the only other thing I can think of you might take issue with.

It’s ok, I wouldn’t expect you to admit it, but do go on with the “you’re anti so such and such”, that makes but a very strong argument.

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Oh, I think I’ve finally figured it out


sticking fingers in ears:lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala I can’t hear all the lore I don’t like


Typical post of yours; making demands on others that you are so unwilling to fulfill yourself.

Name 'em.

There is no other race that has the innate emotional attachment that many other players have for high elves. So yeah that’s complete bs. No other new race could do that.


Except things that happened in the extended universe (novels, comics, preceding stratgey game) still happened and are canon.

Maghar the race of uncorrupted orcs that horde been requesting for years and that you were allowed to cross timelines to get?


Murlocs say hello.

Them being canon has no effect on whether or not they create emotional attachments for the majority of the playerbase.

Real-world scientific facts =/= gauging the desire to play a race in a fantasy video game…I- what even?

The circus really is in town honk honk LOL

I can appreciate that. On the same note, my alliance humans aren’t working for me anymore. Horde humans would fit my aesthetic better.

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Murlocs much like gnomes would be a joke race they also aren’t cute unlike Vulp.

Man, you’re not even hiding the fact that you want to get him in trouble, hm? Or are you pretending to not know that call outs are a big no-no in the forums?

Considering that it doesn’t even make sense that regular orcs nowadays still have a green skin?

I would 100% support Horde humans.

Drinking demon blood changed them on a genetic level it’s why even kids are born green.

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