High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

And the reason is because Lor’themar’s insurgents are traitors to the rightful heir to the throne, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider. And Chronicles confirms that it was the Horde who assassinated the Prince, and that the Alliance had nothing to do with it.

The Alliance didn’t betray Kael’thas, and cause him to turn to the Burning Legion for help, Lor’themar did.


The only reason why High Elves/Voidel Elves would have more right to the throne would be Alleria…as a member of the synod and heiress of the House of Windrunner.

fortunately there is no longer a throne

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Are you seriously trying to say that the Blood Elves rebelling against the Prince who allied himself with the army of demons whose main goal was the total annihilation of their universe, especially the Blood Elves’ own planet, makes them the bad guys?

This is… this is a genuinely truly terrible post. Even for you.


I know – well, I hope – you’re trolling, but the Alliance screwed Kael over so hard he literally had to flee the planet.


No. I’m saying that Kael’thas turned to the Burning Legion to find salvation for his people, because the man he left in charge of their homeland, whom he trusted as Regent-Lord in his absence, got greedy with his newly aquired power, and sent his agents to assassinate him. Kael’thas did nothing wrong.

Remember, Lor’themar joined forces with the Blood Elves’ mortal enemies before the Dark Portal reopened.

Void Elves were Blood Elves during the Burning Crusade, so would have been part of Lor’themar’s group that fought against Kael’thas, so by your logic they don’t have any rights to Silvermoon, either.

The High Elves were exiled by Kael’thas’ appointee well before Kael’thas returned Quel’Thalas to retrieve M’uru, and Kael’thas didn’t take the time to repeal the High Elves’ exile while he was there.


Continually you show that you don’t know what the hell you’re actually talking about.

Kael’thas allied up with the Burning Legion BEFORE Lor’themar turned against him. In Tempest Keep. While he was still under the allegiance of the Illidari. Even Illidan sent people to go kill him when he learned about him allying with the Legion. Lor’themar turned against him BECAUSE Kael’thas allied with the Legion - not the other way around. And given that the Legion were the ones responsible for the Scourge’s creation, and by effect the genocide of 90% of their people, I can’t blame him in the slightest for wanting Kael’thas dead.

Also pretending for a second that what you’re saying has any kind of basis - which it does not - the Void Elves wouldn’t have any more right to Quel’thelas than the Blood Elves, because the Void Elves were part of Quel’thelas during Kael’thas’s downfall. The only difference between them is that the Void Elves are Alliance now.

That’s really it, isn’t it? You don’t care what garbage you fart out. As long as it’s pro-Alliance, it doesn’t have to be correct.


Fair point. Alright, so the only people who have rights to Silvermoon are the High Elves, and those they deem fit. As Alleria is the highest ranking member of Silvermoon society that didn’t assassinate their Prince, I guess that makes Alleria the next in line.

Oh that explains why Lor’themar made up that nonsensical excuse as to why the greatest hero of their people’s history should be banished. He was afraid that she would sway public opinion to her, and take his stolen power from him. Best to force her out of the picture.

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She was banished because she was aligned with the Horde’s enemy at the time of total war, and she nearly corrupted their treasured Sunwell after Lor’themar was gracious enough to let her see it. Politics had absolutely nothing to do with it. Alleria even agreed to the banishment after seeing what she did to the Sunwell.

Lor’themar did nothing to steal power. Lor’themar earned that power by leading his people when their Prince went mad.


Lor’themar seized the opportunity to take the throne from Prince Kael’thas, and still managed to make himself seem like the victim, and that the “burned of ruling” was forced upon him, due to necessity. Truly his skills with the pen are great.

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Kael’thas had joined the Burning Legion well before remaining Blood Elves made it through the Dark Portal. It was just the Alliance that found out about Kael’thas joining the Burning Legion before the Horde did:


    Several years worth of planning has been lost. The draenei and their pitiful leader have escaped the Master’s grasp once again! What’s more, they have stolen MY vessel and crashed it upon Azeroth!

    While it is true that the Master’s eredar agent has failed, she was able to transmit the Exodar’s location to us. Fortuitously, her identity is still a mystery to the draenei. We may still be able to use her for our purposes.

    Contact our spy and prepare for a full scale assault upon the draenei. Kill them all and recover my vessel. You are the only link I have on Azeroth that is able to repair the damage the brutes inflicted upon the Exodar.

    Do not fail me, gnome. Should your lust for riches interfere with my orders, you will spend eternity in prayer. You’ll pray for death to come and release you from the tortures I’ll unleash should you falter.

    -King Sunstrider


You’re literally factually incorrect. Kael’thas left Lor’themar in charge when he went to Outland. Lor’themar found out that Kael’thas had allied with the Burning Legion while in Outland, and as such, became their enemy. Lor’themar made a difficult choice, and I’m honestly pretty sure he didn’t WANT the crown of leadership.

What would you have had Lor’themar do then in your ideal scenario? Fall quietly in line with Kael’thas and join up all of Quel’thelas with the Burning Legion? Turn the whole world against them in a time when they were suffering? Have his people help in the decimation of their planet?

Do you notice how literally nobody agrees with your utterly godawful takes?


There will always be more negative reactions to any comment than positive.

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High Elves also turned traitor against Kael’thas, as Alliance members of Allerian Stronghold went to attack Kael’thas’ forces at Firewing Point and setting back Kael’thas’ mana bomb development by detonating it to kill Kael’thas’ followers.


No, you’re just wrong. Own it for once in your life.

Also Amadis is correct on both accounts of the High Elves and Void Elves. Pretty much any elf that wasn’t insane knew that Kael’thas was the enemy. The only difference between the Sin’dorei and the Quel’dorei/Ren’dorei in this instance is that the latter is Alliance, and as such, magically have more of a right to something than their Horde counterpart.


If loyalty to the Sunstriders is what determines legitimate ownership of Silvermoon, the high elves have less right than anyone. They’re only in the Alliance today because they defied their king, Kael’thas’ father, when he (admittedly, unfairly) declared the Alliance had abandoned Silvermoon in the Second War and ordered his people to leave it and return home; they did the opposite.


I think people have already done a good enough job on listing reasons why that view is complete nonsense.

Even so, in the end, peoples can gripe about “rights” to nations all they like but in the end it’s all just words. If you want a nation for yourself, try and claim it. Unfortunately for you there’s a peace agreement on currently and no one except maybe a few high elves and void elves are really interested in going to war just to reclaim Silvermoon for the Alliance and the high/void elves.


Here Jawah, I made you a thing:


You just keep rockin’ that human paladin in a scarlet transmog style.


Every great debate stems from one controversal comment. I am merely doing my part.

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A king and his throne are not a nation, merely a leader and an institution, both things which can and do change over the course of history for any nation. Fealty to a ruler does not grant someone a rightful claim to anything.

The nation is the people who live there, and they will always have the strongest claim to the land. The people are the Blood Elves. The High Elves and Void Elves would historically have a claim, but they chose (and it was a choice I emphasize) exile and by doing so forfeit any claim.

Edit: It should be noted that the High Elves do not contest the Blood Elves right to the kingdom, or Lor’themar’s right to rule. Instead they contend that Slvermoon should be rejoining the Alliance. Essentially they are nothing more than political dissidents.