Just give the alliance high elves already

You’ve got yourself a deal, my friend.

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If Blizzard is willing to give Horde access to humans sure. Otherwise nah.

Alterac Humans for High Elves would be fair. Although I’m guessing many of the original horde players might rather have ogres.

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You realize Thrall didn’t drink demon blood and he’s somwhow green, right?

You realize that it’s also canon that many orcs have been born in Azeorth, meaning they had no contact with the demon blood, right?

Ah, but these might be one of those lore facts you ignore because it’s convenient.

Oh the things that could have been if the horde got ogres instead of elves in BC. I’m still holding onto hope.

IF those books are made available as a matter of course, for the actual GAME, then they can be taken seriously.
I have already paid my subs and expac fees; the rest is simply extra. cute little drabbles that add some spice, here and there, but are totally irrelevant.
I’ve never read them and never will.

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You missed my point; just because a lot of people want/believe something does not mean it has merit.

Adding a clone of the belves to the alliance (and make no mistake that’s what queldorei would be) would at best please a negligable portion of the extent player base. It wouldn’t rebalance the factions because it would require people to switch to the side that is considered weaker overall for high end PVE content. It wouldn’t draw in new players because hey check it out: high elves are like the most boring and generic fantasy race there is. It wouldn’t expand the lore since the main take away I have about the alliance’s queldorei is that they are unto humans what weeaboo’s are unto the japanese.

So again, stripped of lore there is zero merit to this.



Would you like to explain about how your rant on books has anything to do with the fact that there are indeed a few people who seem to want the blood elves kicked out of Silvermoon so alliance elves can have it, or at least that they should have it?

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…says the vulpera.


There are people who have legit demanded murlocs since vanilla.

Oh hey, the vrykul roleplaying elf is trying to lecture others about their lore background again. What fun.


When you and yours decide to act civil.


Care to share with the rest of the class where you’re going with this?

Right, so you got nothing


Here’s what I have…

The Vikingr Elf attacks!


Leaping back about her waiting långskip, she sets sail, happily chanting sagas in between quaffing great draughts of ale from her drinking horn!



you missed a step


oh hey, the lady who’s gonna look snazzy…err, snazzier, come shadowlands, worried that other peeps wanna look snazzy too. :sunglasses:


and you just hush up mr. awesome tattoo tauren. :rofl:

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talk to the hand, you insanely cute ball of fur with ears. meanwhile i look like someone dragged me out of the nearby watering hole where i drowned 100 years ago. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Morning everyone, and here is my daily support for playable Alliance High Elves.