June 11 Maintenance

no one here is singing Blizzards praises, and im sure most of us would like the servers to be up, However we are also able to look and see the communication that is out there on the subject. Just because YOU dont use twitter doesnt meean there is no communication on it.


So pointing out that there are a lot of places that this information is readily available (all but one of which is directly on Blizzard’s site) means that we’re making fun of you?


Don’t even need Twitter to go right to their service status forum section (which was linked) and the correct info was written right there.


No one is upset and by all means people are allowed to complain and whatnot but I mean maybe it’s just me but out of all the things that could be complained about, the complaint is no communication when there really was, just on a platform that you don’t want to check?

Don’t get me wrong…I don’t use twitter either. I’m over the whole social media stuff. I don’t use facebook, twitter, etc. But I also don’t find their reason to use twitter the meaning that they don’t communicate at all with us. I don’t think it’s reasonable for us to ask them to update every source. They update their biggest, which I guess is twitter, and tell us to check that…and we have a choice whether or not we want to check it.


Tbh whining about something without any form of a viable solution, but just to be a whiny little brat is in and of itself toxic.


They update forums and twitter


nevermind… there’s no reasoning with you apologists.

Blizzard, if you’re reading this, please be more transparent on your web page. I have suggested a minor edit to your verbiage.

I’ve made the suggestion. Do with it what you will.


Can’t be more transparent than this


BTW, Blizz doesn’t take suggestions from the CS forum and the blues here don’t push such to the devs.


Cmon, whine with me, people. It’s not like I have no excuse in 2019 to be completely oblivious and incompetent to technology or anything.

What’s maintenance, precious?


maybe we should grab torches and pitchforks and riot outside Blizzards HQ? Maybe if they sent out mail a few days before? because i mean there needs to be MORE communication. Anybody have the CS direct phone number, maybe we could conference call, or skype? smh


Many of you are the reason we get crappy expansions… you don’t demand better from Blizzard and they get lazy and complacent.

lets not continue arguing with each other…everyone is allowed for their own opinion. If someone thinks they should be clearer then I’m sure there are more out there that believe the same.
It can be confusing when we check realm status and see them up and frustrating too…gets our hopes up.

Either way lets all get along and cheer Blizz on in hopes they can get things done faster!


yeah YOU are making such a difference.


Blizz needs to get one of those auto-caller machines scammers and telemarketers use, add every number associated with a subscription and just let loose around the world simultaneously.

If that doesn’t work they can always employ crack commando teams to bust down your door and politely inform you that it’s Tuesday and maintenance is a thing.

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haha yeah that probably wouldn’t go too well…especially for those that are at work or work nights and sleeping during this time haha


Or you were too lazy to go right to their service status forum where it was posted 2 days ago. Btw, it’s right next to this one.


Tuesday is always maintenance day. Even on a different game I play. I expect it will be down. If it’s back in an hour great! If not, it’s Tuesday and it’s always maintenance day. It’s been that way for years. Also know as cleaning day.:grin:


Like I said back in post 14

The SFAs here are not liaisons with the Web team. They will not be forwarding your suggestion. it is not their job.


Inb4: “Blizz, why you call when I’m on the toilet!”