June 11 Maintenance

  • The @BlizzardCS twitter feed says Warcraft maintenance is 1 hour tomorrow 05:00 PDT to 06:00 PDT.
  • However, the launcher app breaking news on the WoW section says maintenance will occur between 05:00 PDT and 1:00 PM PDT.

Which one is correct?

This is aside from the scheduled Battle Net maintenance tomorrow, which is supposedly between 05:00 PDT and 10:00 PDT.

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Try logging out and back in again to the launcher. Mine shows 0500-0600 PDT for WoW.

And then from 0500 to 10:00 PDT for battle.net maintenance.

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The 5 to 1 time should be correct. It was updated but a new reminder tweet hasn’t gone out yet. I’ll see about removing that to avoid confusion and we should have a new corrected tweet out soon.

Edit: You may disregard the post below. The launcher updated to say the game will be unavailable for play until 1pm PDT.

----------Original Message----------

@Vrakthris: Since maintenance is from 5am PDT till 1pm PDT, Does this mean the realms will be offline during that time?

I’m asking because on the launcher, It states, That players may have “Slow or Failed login attempts”.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Aye, I checked and we updated the Breaking News to better reflect maintenance. Sorry for the confusion.


So it went from 1 hour maintenance to 8 hour maintenance and no one from Blizz feels the need to let the customers know why it made a 7 hour jump???


Not really, its not like they need to justify this to anyone. That, along with folks will still come to the cs forum about it, with or without reason.


No wow for me today with this 8 hour maintenance. Is there even a patch coming out? :frowning:

Given the unfortunate events from last Friday. This should have been expected. Hopefully to prevent a potential repeat.
Godspeed to you devs!


Well, people have been getting nostalgic about the Classic WoW, and this is the way I remember things from years ago.


Need to update your Realm Status page too. It says there are MANY servers that are still up, but when I try to log in I get error BLZ51914503. So, are the servers up or down? What’s the use of having a Realm Status page if it’s not correct?

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That’s because the servers are likely up, but simply not able to accept logins at this time.

It’s looking like many realms are going down now though, that may fluctuate as they run diagnostics on the servers, and remember now that due to the connected nature of sub servers, a realm can be up but many of the sub servers and instances can be down in the entire region.


Do you see where this could cause confusion? Might we, as customers, suggest more transparency. Update Realm Status verbiage to state above all the Realm status whether the Login Servers are up or down too? Shouldn’t be too hard, right?

That suggestion has been made many times. Customer Support does not take feedback or suggestions for the website.

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yep… updating this verbiage even to account for all options…
Realm Status

This page lists all available World of Warcraft realms and has information on whether or not a realm is up or down. You can find more information about realm status and scheduled maintenances in the Service Status Forum. If your realm is listed as down, rest assured that we’re aware of it and working diligently to bring it back online as quickly as possible.

How about this: if it’s still during an announced scheduled maintenance period, you should assume things likely won’t work even if a realm happens to show as up on the realm status page. I mean, some maintenance affects the website too, so I wouldn’t assume the realm status page is necessarily correct.

If you’re able to log in during scheduled maintenance hours, that’s a bonus, and if you can’t, that’s expected, regardless of what the status page says.


Oh, and this isn’t a bad idea (for the appropriate forum):

…but I still wouldn’t trust it to mean anything during scheduled maintenance.

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This page lists all available World of Warcraft realms and has information of whether or not a realm is up or down. In the event of scheduled maintenance, these statuses do not reflect server connectivity. You can find more information about realm status and scheduled maintenance in the Service Status Forum. If your realm is listed as down, rest assured that we’re aware of it and working diligently to bring it back online as quickly as possible.

On a side note, maintenances isn’t a word and is poor grammar. You cannot make maintenance plural by adding the letter s.

14 years. And every single Tuesday people complain about maintenance . Without fail.

  • As a side note is proper grammar.

And what do you call multiple instances of maintenance?