June 11 Maintenance

Maintenance periods.

They communicate fine. I’ve never had an issue in 14.5 years. Also, nothing is perfect in life, including issues with games.


What sort of transparency are you looking for? What specific information do you feel you need that is not already provided? You don’ t need to know specifically where the maintenance is happening. They have told you that maintenance is happening and you can’t log on. Whether it’s because they are working on the game realms or the login server doesn’t really matter because the result is the same, you can’t log on.


They have maintenance for those??


All you really need is the launcher.

Individual games have a brown box when you click on them. Battle.net itself is represented by the computer icon at the top.

It is entirely possible for games to be up - but not accessible if you aren’t already logged in due to Battlenet maintenance. That is why you may see them marked live - and they are, but not able to log in.

Our goal is to have as little down-time as possible, many things are done behind the scenes. Other things cannot be and require down time, and even extended down time. Times quoted are always in Pacific time, and are estimates. Estimates may be spot on, they may be short - they are often long. We don’t keep things down any longer than is absolutely necessary for the task at hand.


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Just to clarify here. It is the subscription model that allows us to provide the level of support we do for World of Warcraft, however, that support is not included as part of your subscription nor does it otherwise guarantee the type of support, in form or response time, that we provide.

It could also be argued that our support applies to all of our games, which do not generally have a subscription.