June 11 Maintenance

Back in my day, we used to have 8 hour maintenance every single Tuesday


Those were the GOOD days, remember when there were half to full days of those?


Yep. I had to get groceries. :frowning: The upside…my horse got an unscheduled bath. :slight_smile:

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Many of you are OK with the scraps that Blizz throws your way and that’s fine, but some of us demand more from the companies we give our money too.

If you don’t work for Blizzard, you don’t need to respond. I am not insulting you by demanding more from Blizzard. To use a quote from Stripes, “Lighten up Francis!”

I am not asking for much. Just better communication.

Customer service for a product or service is not unreasonable.

I remember when i would specifically schedule myself to work on Tuesdays because 8 hours was on the early side of maintenance being done.


Anyone that can tell me, is the new WoW classic going to be a whole different account from the one I have now? I guess what I’m asking is will we need to buy it as a new game?

is this for the patch or nah someone help a bro out

Same account different game and servers

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8.2 isnt coming out today probably some back door maintence in prep for 8.2.

More like I realize there’s game stuff they have to do. Most Tuesdays are just a quick restart (hour tops?) so if they take 8 hours one Tuesday in a blue moon, well it happens.

Demand all you want. Honestly, it’s been 15 years and we are still paying the same monthly sub fee (free if you use tokens!) when all other services have increased their monthly premiums.


thanks mr moo cow

The launcher said there was maintenance. The Website said the servers are up. Do you see there may be some confusion there? I don’t use Twitter, it’s not owned by Blizzard, so it’s moot. I only use Blizzard owned entities for communication.

To your other point, Yes. I do pay for the game and support. Why do you think they have paid Cust Svc Reps and Forums?

I welcome the change and challenge of the old WoW. Brings back memories.

The Server Status part of the forum literally says check for updates on Blizzard CS twitter… your fault for not following that when it says it very clearly.


in case you needed to see it.


That about nails it.

Nobody is asking you to start a twitter account and try to build a following. But it’s easy to set a website favorite to their twitter page and just read their notices.

But since it’s not owned by Blizz, here’s a handy-dandy Blizz webpage that also has their most recent tweets:

Lastly, another place that they posted about maintenance was in the Support section of the website here:

There’s a link to it at the top of the page.


Waahhhhh!!! Someone is not singing praises of my favorite game! Let’s get 'em boys!! Let’s string them up and make fun of them because nobody should expect anything from any company that sells goods/services!!!

Honestly, what did you expect? This community has become so toxic. You’re not allowed to be upset with Blizzard.

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Nothing about this thread is toxic, but okay.