Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Right, because actions speak louder than words, usually, but not in this case. Yeah, never expected much in the way of rationality from people with the same hate-fetish for Sylvanas, but I’ll pet myself on the back for at least trying to get some.

And you know why they replaced Vol’jin? Cause he was boring and aside die-hard troll fans, not many really cared about him.

Hate fetish? Really? You didn’t really dispute any of my points. I provided examples why I think Sylvanas wasn’t really loyal to Horde. It has nothing to do with biases.

If anything you strike me as the biased one, becuase you’re the one who has became very defensive of Sylvanas, then jumping with very childish nicknames like “Bore’Jin” which really isn’t helping to have a civil discussion

and statements like

Which shows you that you know nothing about him. And the fact that playerbase constantly nagged the developers about him proves you wrong. People cared about him.
But damage that was done is so severe now that it’s hard to undo it. Horde is ruined permanently.

But I’m not blaming Sylvanas for it, I blame it on writers and their very poor judgement.
Horde needed healing, but also a leader who wouldn’t buddy up with Alliance. It’s the Alliance who needed to show their fangs.

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Vol’jin died because Varian died. And Blizzard was keen of removing every original Horde leader that wasn’t Thrall. It is obvious yes. And what they did to our mon was criminal so he totally deserves to be resurrected.

Daily reminder that Sylvanas did nothing wrong and was just the victim of bad writing by a biased dev.

Because you don’t have a point. You just wave away instances where Sylvanas does more than most did for the whole faction because well, she does not have the right attitude in your opinion, how can I dispute that?

And no, it’s got nothing to do with Sylvanas, I never like Bore’jin. He was written as this super-shadow-hunter, but acted like an idiot, legit telling Garrosh he was coming for him, gets his whole species in trouble cause he was too infatuated with Thrall to accept another leader, then walks into a trap and gets his throat cut. How you expect me to say that’s a good leader to be looked up to, I don’t know. But I gave his book a chance and honestly it was so boring, I am sorry I wasted time on it. Bore’jin.

The fact that OP opened an identical thread in the General Discussion like you’re Jaina’s PR team trying to damage control… :clown_face:


The reason I opened it up is because Horde fans keep repeating a lie about what happened in the purge. Besides, I was bored. Personally I wish it was July already. Let the dice fall where it might and we can all grab some popcorn.



Just flag the topic as spam.

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Going through a lot of wow forums on different websites it feels like alliance fans like the horde villain bat way more then they think horde fans like it. Almost like the hits the alliance takes gives diehards of the faction a sense of moral superiority they can lord over people that like the horde while also being downtrodden victims of those stinky repugnet horde players and the evil blizzard that pushes them into the mud.


I’m getting a vision from the future!

The coverage in the Chronicles book won’t shed specific light on Jaina’s actions during the purge, just giving a brief summary that leaves it at a group level like “Silver covenant forces purged Sunreavers from Dalaran” and Zerde will declare that that confirms Jaina didn’t do anything.


The coverage in the Chronicles book won’t shed specific light on Jaina’s actions during the purge, just giving a brief summary that leaves it at a group level like “Silver covenant forces purged Sunreavers from Dalaran” and Zerde will declare that that confirms Jaina didn’t do anything.

Unironically, this will likely be the case even if it would be beyond hilarious to see something like ‘Jaina pyroblasted every single blood elf she -ever- came across’

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It’d be funny if that was the case but with my current fate in Blizzard I’m honestly expecting them to go “Oh and during both the wars the horde actually commented new war crimes but non of the current council members where apart of them” in a effort to gas up the horde council seeing as how 5 years have passed and the council has done about as much as voljin did on screen when he was warchief.

Really they love to play the victim and talk arrogant from the highest horse possible.

Alliance faction die hards are the worst


LOL I don’t know about Horde or Alliance fans… BUT… One of my friends one’s told me that it felt good to be on the winning side of a Faction game and to just rub it in:

“Took out your leaders, did our little dirties consequence free, plus your faction is just a bunch of ugly monster with pretty vampires posing as elves, your cities look like crap, you deserve to be put down and we did, all we needed was an excuse, it felt good and then Blizz decides to go neutral story, while you guys almost leaderless licking your wounds?! I say we won for good, it’s done Horde loses, put you in your place were you belong, in the dirt, then again the Horde lives in it ha! Blizz obviously favors the normie races, not a bunch of rejects! Like Goku said to Frizza before blowing him up: Live with that defeated!”

As he laugh in between breaks and sentences in the raids clears or dungeons trash mobs… obviously I sended a smiling **** yourself right back at him and promise him if I’m alive and we the Horde got a crushing victory like Alliance apparently has, I make SURE I’ll remind him until I DIE! :rofl:

I just put it together but it was while we were playing and talking (it was not like a Sylvanas monolog to Arthas it was on and off conversation), but I will never forget, cuz I WILL RUB it in soooooo bad, Ill text, call him, leave a voice message, I’ll be soooo obnoxious about it if Horde ever gets its moment! :rofl:
We tend to tease each other like that but I’ll admit it did sting a little to have to admit defeated on a faction game lol :sweat_smile:

Anyway point is your right… at least my Alliance friends do lord it over me any time in game they are reminded! Can’t talk about others ingame but yeah… it happens lol
They have complain lately about Alliance growing stale, so I grab that that opportunity say that Alliance is nothing if the Horde is not the Villain of the story!

Hey don’t blame me I got to use whatever left to at least hit them back at their teasing! :joy:

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I always like the ones who whine about horde players being bloodthirsty and terrible while writing fanfic about the Alliance going Garroshmode times 10

Nethertheless, I would not associate your Zerdes with the average Alliance fan more than I’d associate Erevien with the average Horde fan


I was showing instances where she was using Horde to achieve her own personal goals. That was the point. That she never acted FOR the Horde, she was USING the Horde. Or you’re gonna forget how she blackmailed blood elves to get involved in Northrend? You’re gonna pretend that the situations I described didn’t happen, or she didn’t utter the words she did? If anything I really don’t get the point YOU are trying to make.

What Vol’Jin has to do with Sylvanas and her “Horde is Nothing”?. We’re not discussing your biases and what you find interesting and what boring. So don’t derail this already derailed thread even more.
Not to mention you got his characterisation super wrong, and this is very shallow take on Vol’Jin.
I can also play this game. It’s very easy to act obnoxious.

"It has nothing to do with Vol’Jin. I never liked Cringerunner. She was written as this super tactician mastermind, but acted like an idiot- she - A ranger general - powerslided right into Arthas Frosmoumorne for crying out loud! In her overconfidence she got a headshot because she was too sure that Godfrey - a known Gilnean Traitor wouldn’t turn back on her.
She got entire Undercity under Kor’kron becuase she trusted a Dreadlord, and lost her city where entire Horde had to clear her mess, We had declaration of War, and Sylvanas had to be put into doghouse.
In WoT just when the Horde gets to achieve their goal, she burns entire tree down becuase crying nelf dared her to do that. Kickstarting Total War and for total destruction, and what was gained? Abso-ookin-lootly- nothing.
But hey, she’s a mastermind! She outwitted even herself according to her books. At one side she is acting surprised with her promotion, at the other it was according to her plan all along! "

So as you see I can play this game too. But it’s not going to lead anywhere.

And you say that I have hate fetish. It’s no use talking to you anymore.

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You reminded me of something interesting. Exploring Northrend does talk about the Purge. Or rather paints alot differently:

“They(Silver Covenant) helped expel the Sunreavers when Jaina Proudmore became head of the Kirin tor. and I imagine were less then happy to see them come back, but that is mage politics and not my concern. They did support the Alliance during the Fourth War, when we took the battle to Ogrimmar itself.”

So 1) It might not longer even be a purge anymore. 2) The Silver Covenant can work independently of the Kirin Tor and can choose to ally themselves with whoever they want.

You think I am radical? You know nothing.