Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

I suspect it’ll finally elevate the bugged “Ishi bullies Aethas” subplot from soft canon to hard canon, but portray the purge and its excesses as (respectively) disproportionate and unjust responses. At least, I’d like to believe an omniscient narrator wouldn’t whitewash the Alliance’s one morally impure act and demonize its murdered and displaced victims. I’d really like to believe that…


Just a small correction, it’s not just a “sense of moral superiority”, the moral superiority is real. :slight_smile:

Now go do quests for Lady Alleria and King Anduin.

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Those are really wise words. Over the years I made lots of friends in the game, many of them play Alliance, and ofc each person has different taste.
So I always try to be mindful of that and at least attempt to understand what other people like even if I am not a fan of these things myself. Understanding each other is the key.

Speaking of which - I really don’t get the pursuit of total moral superiority, this is the reason why Alliance was deemed boring and stagnant. Nothing interesting was happening there. And while I don’t think that they should go totally evil just for the sake of it, I do believe Alliance should have many layers, and have wide renge of characters where they differ when it comes to mindset and morality.

And since Alliance was originally meant to be a coalition of independant kingdoms it would be better to actually clash of interests. What is beneficial to gnomes might not be beneficial to nelves. And it would be nice to see actual disagreements based on proper worldbuilding.


Omg this crack me up, Jeez man you know how to put salt in the wound with that text teasing and smiley emoji…
I have to admit your more nicer and tame compare to my irl friends. My friends always go for the jugular with their teasing with me! :joy:

You really got me lmao really hard… did not expect that. :smile:

Just a small correction, it’s not just a “sense of moral superiority”, the moral superiority is real. :slight_smile:

Obvious bait with nothing of value or substance beyond that is obvious bait with nothing of value or substance beyond that.

Now go do quests for Lady Alleria and King Anduin.

You go do quests for Thrall and work with other Horde NPCS.


Okay Chat GPT, you already used that line once. These AI are still defective, I see.

Gladly. I enjoy Thrall’s company, it’s self-evident that he was raised by a Human.


Here, proof that anyone who says Jaina was killing civilians(even on Remix) is lying. She may throw a fireball or two at civilians but she doesn’t kill them/only weakens them so they could be teleported. Bonus it proves that Horde players who attack her get teleported to the Violet Hold as well.

Classic Zerde.


I never claimed she didn’t hurt civilians. Merely not kill them and that she was imprisoning them in the Violet Hold as oppose to causing some sort of mass slaughter.

I’m gonna laugh so hard if the new chronicle book does indeed say she killed civilians

Either way, we know the silver convent definitely did


Then that would be a retcon from what it is on live. But hey I thought chronicles was just a “view point of the titans” or whatever and can be wrong? Regardless this is what happened ingame.

more canonical than Jaina tossing around friendly fireballs of kindness or whatever you’re claiming


A Fireball to weaken/incapacitate. Still not killing.

At the time it was announced, the more optimistic view was that it might be positive development for her because it would force her to expand her focus beyond just the Forsaken and maybe the Blood Elves and make her see the entire Horde as “her people.” Not that she’d develop actual warm and fuzzy feelings for them, because a Sylvanas with warm and fuzzy feelings would be unrecognizable; but that she’d at least come to see them as her “team” who were to be protected, even if the reasons were not completely unselfish.

Under that theory, her “For the Horde!” in the BfA cinematic was a hint of where she could actually go—not cynically manipulating the orcs/trolls/tauren to be fodder, but allying with them as part of the in-group.

Depends on your definition of “warm feelings.” In my opinion, accepting someone as part of “her team” is warm feelings, for Sylvanas.

Which would have been enough for me, personally. She doesn’t have to love me to deserve my loyalty; she just has to show that she knows what she’s doing and won’t waste my life out of malice or stupidity.


If they did it right. If they make it a dumpster fire it still doesn’t work. I unsubscribed for a year over BFA.

Just villain batting one side is not how you do it.


I like how this discussion has all of the nuance just sucked out of it.

People want to believe what Jaina did was wholly evil on Horde and believe any contextualization is whitewashing, and then there are people who believe Jaina did absolutely nothing wrong. She did do something wrong, the Alliance players did do something wrong, and that’s a good thing.

Honestly, there should have been like, 5 more purge-like events to make it even with the Horde at the time.


Gasp. Book written from Alliance perspective minimizes Alliance misdeeds? Whodathunkit.


Or more likely a sign of what they plan on writing for Chronicles. Again we will see.

And I showed you instances where she did and you dismissed them. And I never pretended something didn’t happen. I never claimed she’s good or selfless, or some kind of misunderstood princess, the first few words I said to you were that she’s an undead banshee, even so, there were clear examples of her putting the Horde before herself, you said never, I showed you, you were wrong, you waved it off and said it should have been Vol’jin doing it, well it wasn’t. You don’t want to admit it, I’m not gonna bother trying to convince you. You want to pretend that stuff that happen didn’t happen, that’s on you, but I don’t have to go along with your pretense.

And you brought Vol’jin up, not me, you said he should have been the one to do this and that. I gave you a reason why he didn’t, why he didn’t stick around. Cause people found him very boring. He was not interesting. Personally, I found that character ridiculous, based on the development of his story, his leadership skills were zero. Seeing him act like a boss after he nearly lost the whole Horde at the gates of Orgrimmar, was laughable and sad at the same time. He is not a good character. If me saying that bothers you that much, well, I honestly don’t care.

Have I gone back to the Story Forums Circa 2013? This topic was very heated back then and it looks like it is once again…