Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Well she would teleport those that she didn’t kill, that is how the script was working before the level squish. This video shows the event back during BFA. That is, before the level squish.

You can see she eventually teleport others. She also does cast spells on you (horde) and teleports you if she can’t kill you today.

You can see Zerde’s post here is December of 2022… Shadowlands release was November 2020.

That settles and explain to me.


Oh Zerde’s post in 2022, 2 years after Shadowlands release (and thus with level squish):


Arguably not a bug but a retcon because of how it looked.

It changes nothing though. Not to go nuclear but Putin/Bibi aren’t personally killing anyone either.
The deaths are still on their/her orders.
The Alliance quest text literally tells us to slay the the shopkeepers for refusing to side with the Silver Covenant, just like we kill anyone trying to escape.
It was also her intention to use Dalaran as a floating deathfortress to attack Orgrimmer but couldn’t because of technical constraints.


The level squish theory is the most accurate to answer as the event was running perfectly as you can see the video form BFA there, and after in Shadowlands she doesn’t kill anymore.

What did change?

The level squish.

That is the most disgusting part. Veressa orders players to kill shopkeepers, which had absolutely nothing to do with anything.

Just because they didn’t want to abandon their work. One of them was trying to recover its assets from Dalaran bank before leaving, and was murdered by order of the Silver covenant.

One thing that NO one talks is that the Kirin Tor got involved with protecting Theramore, so the did indeed get involved protecting the alliance. They even sent Blood Elves to defend it.

This video, at its very beginning approaches the Purge of Dalaran as well and points out the hypocrisy of accusing the Horde of using Dalaran but when the alliance does it is ok.


Or its because no one does the damn thing. I certain wasnt planning on doing it until I realized I still I still had an MoP with rep that could do it but never completed the questline. For all we know it was fixed year ago but there wasnt exactly an incentive to check.

Even with Remix’s substantially faster rep gains the questline was a slog.

But then we should blame every Horde leader as well. Vol’jin/Baine/Lother’mar all had hands in these wars and are as equally to blame for the entire mess.

Hell, Thrall should be blamed and tried for putting Garrosh in charge when even Cairne told him not to.

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For all we know nothing changed until Shadowlands pre-patch which introduced the level squish.
Your thread is post Shadowlands squish.

All videos showing she killing elves are pre-level squish.

I think if you had the least amount of logic you would agree this is due to the level squish and not a headcanon retcon or bugfix since it was never a bug at all.


And for all we know Blizzard just didn’t want to fixed a broken mechanic that ultimately had little impact on its players and lucked out on it working correctly as oppose to actively doing anything about it.

The mechanic wasn’t broken until the level squish.
The quest itself is still functioning, it is not preventing players to complete the quest.

You’re arguing that the result of the level squish which resulted in Jaina no longer mass murdering elves in Dalaran, like she had for 12 years is a “fix”, while it is not.

You haven’t been able to argue in favor of your theory other than “alliance good horde bad”. You haven’t provided a single source that supports your theory.

Everything that I have said is logical, follows a chronology to what happened in the game and perfectly explains why it looks like that now.

Stop trying to rewrite the story. It looks bad on that rogue that I have already ignored, but please, come to the light and abandon this foolish argument. You can still be saved.


There, at 2:17 you can an Alliance from a video from 11 YEARS AGO attacking a Sunreaver and Jaina teleport her(actually stop the Alliance from killing them)

Did you look at Zerde’s videos in this thread? In the horde one there’s civilians she tosses 2-3 fireballs at, so she’s trying to kill them, but it seems like the teleport is on its own timer


We literally just do a quest where we attack guards in our respective cities before that and free them from the Sha with my shaman throwing out lava bursts. So no, attacking someone=/=intention to kill them.

Other than prior to the squish it killed them, she admits to it multiple times later, others call her out for doing it. But since they didn’t rebalance old content when numbers changed that means something.


Yeah, Henceforth provided quite a few links. I looked into it a bit earlier and I found a lot of people claiming Blizzard said that her killing NPCs was a bug, but no one provided a link or a direct quote. Granted I didn’t have time to dig much deeper than that, but it’s starting to feel like a rumor that gained a lot of traction and keeps getting repeated without a source.


Yeah, google has gone to hell and is useless for complicated searches anymore, so I can’t find old interviews as easily anymore. I’ve heard the bug story, I also think I remember a BTS interview saying it was a PTR bug that they liked and made into the live story. But can’t find confirmation of either, so all we have is how it’s being treated in newer lore.


Jaina 100% killed some Sunreavers as revenge for the Theramore mana-bomb thing.

The Sunreavers were complicit in the making of the mana-bomb.

Did everyone forget the quests in Terrokar where some Blood Elves under Kael’thas made a prototype?

Or did you somehow think Garrosh is some kind of arcane-engineer mastermind?


Point is, he didn’t do it alone.

Not really how responsibility works. The more removed you are from the action, the more removed from responsibility you are on a micro level. If a captain’s orders are irresponsible and they give an order that is in conflict of law it isn’t the leader of the nation’s fault. It can get complicated of course but it does help illustrate the point that there levels to it.

With the Jaina thing, she might not be personal responsible for the actions of another but she could have acted towards those that participated and put them in prison too. She IS at fault for not bringing justice for people under her murdering people in her city.

They didn’t. At least not as a whole official thing. It was orchestrated by a mage spy that was loyal to Garrosh. So while technically there was a Sunreaver involved, it wasn’t a sanctioned thing.


Oh, if that’s the case then that’d be some really shaky evidence to support the theory that it’s a retcon they sneaked in.

I stand by what I said WRT it being a weird point to try to defend the character on regardless from those who do, though. It’s not like she would be any less complicit in the mass displacement and false imprisonment of civilians. And she is genuinely my favorite character, so seeing people defend the Purge under some frankly weird and morally twisted leaps in logic is a bit disappointing.


Some, who were operating outside of the wishes of the Sunreavers. Good chance of them being plants by Garrosh in the org. The sunreaver organization had no part in the plan at all, and good chance it was done this way to drive a wedge between them and the KT

I’ll definitely take this kind of “grey” over the BFA version. It at least keeps the bad deeds within a more manageable level than BFA did. It has dual viewpoints so each side can argue their justifications without the game just denying it. And they’re things that can be atoned for, not comically evil unforgivable sins.


Yeah, it felt more earnest and less like a post-GOT attempt at a shock value Red Wedding. It was supported by the narrative and the character of Jaina up to that point, and it served her future development. It’s just such a weird argument. Like, best case scenario she was “only” responsible for siccing the Silver Covenant and Alliance on civilians?

After Theramore, letting her take on the mantle of leadership was like setting a ticking time bomb loose on the city. Her actions made perfect sense to me in-universe, which is all I could ask for. Heck, MoP has a whole was pretty great about facilitating interesting conflict without relying on character assassinations (with a few exceptions…)


I’m convinced that if they want to do faction conflict, it needs to be kept at lower levels. (like stuff that actual real world conflicts tend to be over) resource squabbles, border disputes and the like. Leave the cosmic forces for the team up expansions.