Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

It would be more like Jaina ordering the SC to arrest people/only kill those that resist and some of them disobeying the order. Which again if we are willing to exonerate Aethas/the Sunreavers because elements of their organization were not following his orders then the same curtesy should be given to Jaina.

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They did actually confirm at some point Jaina killing anyone besides Aethas’ personal guard was a bug. There was a problem with scaling which caused Jaina to do uber damage when she was only supposed to iceblock and teleport.

By that reasoning, Aethas stood there and let the divine bell be stolen, is he no less at fault for looking the other way rather than acting as the head of the Sunreavers?

Not only is he mostly at fault for the purge, but as he sort of admits himself later on he was sort of a coward who let dozens if not hundreds die by his own self preservation. It’s not like Lor’themar and Rommath were ignorant to what a screwup Aethas was either, they sort of just let it happen to rub his face in it.

By your own reasoning any one of or all three bear most of the responsibility for knowing it would happen, and allowing it to transpire as it did.

Have a link? Because I remember them saying the opposite, but can’t find proof of either. Other than how it worked in game before scaling, AND the lore that has come out after confirming it.

Wait, not quite a bug with the scaling, more phasing issues. Which also explains why Jaina is a buggy mess during the original, going as far as to mess with the entirety of the zone’s physics.

Or apparently both.

Not even the first time this happens either, if you do the Horde side of the “enslavement” quest in Jade Forest, you’ll note many of the children, women, and men of the Pandaren indentured servants have their voices scrambled so that they use each other’s voicelines. Some of the things the CHILDREN especially say with someone else’s voiceline are especially funny.

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reddit is clearly a legit source of accurate information “everyone knows that”


Quick little PSA to all Horde players in this thread:

If you’ve completed the Purge Of Dalaran questline on live already, you can actually re-visit that version of Dalaran by talking to the flight master in Domination Point.

Anyways, I followed Jaina around and saw this happen:


Guess this “bug” of her killing Sunreavers never got fixed.

Something happened to her elementals. Again, without player interference she just teleports them.

I think you meant to say they had to change the quest because alliance players were whining and the Dev claimed it was a big/glitch that was “fixed” to look better?

Kinda like how the alliance players whined about killing vulpera in Vol’dun so it would tear their hopes of vulpera joining the alliance, and thus they changed the quest as well?

Its the same how they made Thrall cheat in the mak’gora against Garrosh, but saw the mistake and tried to save face by gaslighting everyone that it was not cheating, changing rules and lore to fit, like saying the movie mak’gora was not canon

Jaina’s elementals being dead changes nothing as they don’t do anything besides follow her around.

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Silvermoon is just Quel’thalas in “common” or “orcish” depending on how you see it. The way the guy said it, it was like Orcs were inside the city murdering elves. When in truth they came, they fought some, then they were forced to a siege because they couldn’t break the arcane barrier and then left because it was a waste of time to continue sieging a city they never intended to attack in the first place.

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not only that jaina ignored my prince who loved her
she goes ahead and kills his ppl too. kill her, she must die
she is a plague to us blood elves n all involved

She’s saving them for me to kill.

Thank Jaina for allowing us Alliance this Boon.

In all fairness, the quest doesn’t make much sense, Vulpera are fire proof
 who sends a burn squad to kill a race that are fire resistant?

Which is odd because you’d think fur would catch fire easily.

When I say source I mean contemporary dev statements, not randos on Reddit years after the fact speculating on what they remember.

and repeatedly fireballs them.


That sounds a lot like saying “When I attacked you I was unable to kill you, so I gave up and therefore I never attacked you.”

Funny enough that remind me of someone. https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Back_from_the_Dead

She is an excitable elf who tends to fire off spells like gestures, often hitting her brother in the process. It’s a habit inherited from her mother.

Estynna Starlance says: I
 I thought we’d lost them forever.
Accidentally shoots Than with a fireball.
Estynna Starlance yells: Hurry up, Than! Let’s find them!

So yeah, this mother-daughter duo literal hits their spouse/brother with fireballs and aside from abit of crying both are not worse for wear. So yeahm apperently fireballs can be low grade/not deadly.

Ok, this is just sad.


You wanted lore as to why Jaina would throw fireballs and I showed you it is not as deadly in WoW as it seems. So yeah, simply as that.

Well yes, of course Aethas has some measure of guilt. I dunno why you thought you got a gotcha here. But also he didn’t know until after it was already stolen that it even happened and he was threatened into silence when he said he was against the theft. Very different level of responsibility. He isn’t “mostly at fault” for the purge though. That’s silly. If you think Jaina and the people helping her have less responsibility for the purge than Aethas, you are just objectively wrong and disconnected from reality.

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