Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

During the burning of quel’thalas?

Thought u were talking about the burning of Teldrassil.

Oh, no. If that’s what they were talking about I think that happened a lot closer than 40 years ago? Maybe I misread the post I replied to.

Just a misunderstanding, I didn’t read your past posts. It’s all good :+1:

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After going through all the arguments and views I do believe Jaina was completely responsible and unjust for what she did to the Sunreavers.

She wanted innocent Sunreavers who had nothing to do with any crime to leave their homes, their shops and when they justifiably fought back she killed and imprisoned them.


That’s why I said at least once, I’m pretty sure they actually did it twice. As for every atrocity… that’s also sort of problematic, I mentioned the burning as one of the earliest possible incidents, but if we were to count EVERY action by the current Horde, in just the time since Theramore… it’s alot. and even before Theramore there were alot between SW being burned and Theramore, many of them unprovoked incidents, some even after signed peace treaties.

Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Forsaken, Blood Elves etc… ironically I think the furry races actually have it better, at least the Vulpera, Tauren, and Pandaren haven’t individually tried any world domination yet.

The funniest example? Sylvanas. This is supposed to be “morally grey”. Here’s the thing, morally grey is just a euphemistic way of saying anti-heroic… and an anti-hero is someone who does the RIGHT things, for all the WRONG reasons and motivations. They’re not in it to help anyone, make the world a better place, get in the newspaper, etc… just money, power, or whatever else they personally WANT or because they do what they want. Wolverine, Batman, Deadpool, etc… all anti-heroes and do good for society but for the wrong motivations.

Jeez not only am I seemingly one of the only Alliance players agreeing with the hordies on this objective fact, but I guess I’m one of the weird ones that believe Arthas was justified in the culling.

Perhaps I should change my forum character to my new MoP remix Horde character lol.

Reliquary…Sunreaver…tomato, tomahto. /s

But I think it goes to ask, how easy is it for a mage to break into Sunreaver portal access/Kirin Tor Portal network if its someone who has no history being in Dalaran to access it?

Just look at what Varian had to say about this, it is enough. Even the high king of the alliance didn’t support her actions nor would have her done it.


I think her descent by the end of Mists was that Jaina basically became what Varian was at the beginning of the expac. She calls him soft literally for not attempting to kill all the Horde at the end of Siege.

No, the reliquary never swore any oath to the kirin tor.


So either the Kirin Tor and/or Sunreavers are incompetent. Probably both.

I love it this is still going on. At least it calmed down a bit and enjoyable read.

It’s only Killing, Murder and Butchering if it’s Horde committing the crime. Otherwise we refer to it as Permanent Spiritual Displacement. She permanent displaced some Sin’dorei spirits from their charred husks. She simply teleported them from their bodies to the Maw. Stop accusing her of being a bad person. :smiley:


Yeah, that was Varian being influenced by Anduin already. He had a good development in Mists.

She later regret what she did and become “soft” like she called Vairan.

Right, because moving unarmed citizens that did include kids to a concentration camp while screaming racist hate speech is SOOOO much better. Thanks for the video. I feel a lot better now.


I just did it on Horde in Remix, she does in fact teleport them (and you, if you aggro her). I heard this was changed after the initial event way back when.

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When I did the event she literally didn’t kill anyone. She teleported everyone she aggroed. I’m not sure if the original scenario was bugged, or whatever, but that’s 100% how it is now.

That doesn’t absolve her of anything. The Silver Covenant took full advantage of the situation to impose martial law on the blood elves indiscriminately, including killing Sunreavers side by side with Alliance troops. The fact Jaina herself is “only” guilty of wrongfully incarcerating innocent civilians isn’t a moral justification of the Purge (I would hope), as she is still very much complicit in and responsible for all the deaths that occurred from it.

Which is, of course, a natural progression of her character after Theramore. I actually find it more reprehensible and a more realistic reflection of her declining mental state and just how unfit for leadership she was. Deeply weird that anyone would act as though that paints her in a better light at all. At best it means she turned a pack of virulently hateful, homicidal high elves loose on civilians and Sunreavers.

Also a bit annoying on a personal level. She’s my favorite character, and this horrific chapter of her life shouldn’t be misrepresented because, like you pointed out, it’s an important part of her later development.


Or the current one is affected by the level squish that happened in Shadowlands, reducing her damage and thus not killing them anymore?

That is possible, granted. Though she’s programmed to teleport the NPCs and they do go through the animation and vanish, so I’m inclined to believe she’s not actually meant to be murdering them herself.

Whatever Blizz intended, I do think it’s weird if anyone thinks she’s exonerated by being slightly less directly homicidal and just enabling the mass murder, wrongful imprisonment and displacement of civilians, y’know?

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