Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

“Look, people in our forest, how do we greet them? I know, arrows from out of nowhere!”

fast on the draw there before I corrected that.

This line doesn’t even make sense. And you trying to divert away from what you did by bringing up my conversation with Zerde isn’t helping. You asked for evidence of whether or not the Warcraft Encyclopedia was canon, we quoted you the wowpedia page that had the whole interview listed, and you were like “nah that’s not real” as if it were more reasonable to believe that the wiki would fabricate a whole page and interview than for you to simply acknowledge you were wrong.

Clearly you cannot argue in good faith, and your agenda in a conversation is to appear correct to suit whichever narrative you’re trying to pitch, even if you’re aware that it isn’t correct. So it’s rich that you would hop into a thread with that as your leading comment.

The point of the convo was never to prove whether or not she killed the civilians, he himself had already admitted it. The conversation revolved around whether or not it was purposeful. Yes I’m not leveling another character to record, especially when it’s not pertinent to what we’re discussing. The fact is she did kill them, in both the remix and the live retail version.

The only difference is that damage and health scales differently in MoP-Remix, but guess what? When 94 days are over the live, and intended version will still exist and this event will not.


Why are you blaming me for you claiming something incorrect?

so op what number thread is this now? 2 or more?

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“People” is a STRONG word for LITERALLY alien invaders stealing their lumber who had been just previously been trying to outright genocide all life on the planet.

You bring a genocidal army onto my property and start chopping down my ancestral home you’re not going to get a warm welcome.

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I wrote the wrong thing and then fixed my wording with a minute or two.

We’re talking about Dwarves now?

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It’s honestly really hard to extend any kind of sympathetic view towards the Orcs and the Horde as a whole given that their existence on Azeroth started with them being literal space monsters come to kill and corrupt all life on the planet.

And the fact that they keep using the same name for their army as the above. And many of the above soldiers attempting to commit genocide are still alive and enlisted. And they keep glorifying these soldiers as “heroes” and encouraging the next generation to follow in their foot steps.

Like Thrall was taught the “Good” of the Horde except that… Never existed. The Horde was never honorable or “traditional”. It was a break from their honorable, traditional roots on Draenor to form a massive warband of their entire species to invade another planet to steal it’s resources and corrupt the land before moving to the next.

I don’t think the writers have realized that just because you say your different now doesn’t mean what happened in the past isn’t still there, even more so when you GO BY THE SAME NAME. HAVE THE SAME PEOPLE IN YOUR “FACTION”. AND KEEP DOING THE SAME GENOCIDAL ACTS YOU DID BEFORE. AND IT HASN’T EVEN BEEN A GENERATION SINCE.

But I expect the Forsaken to be forgiven by the community in due time and anyone bringing up anything they did under Sylvanas being labeled as the wrongs of “THE OLD FORSAKEN” with the retaking of Gilneas garbage writing :roll_eyes:

Please don’t play dumb.

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I mean, weren’t they a peaceful shamanistic people before the Dreanei left their cosmic bread crumbs for their corrupted kin to show up and manipulate and corrupt them to their will? It does feel a bit disingenuous to blame the Orcs if had the Dreanei not brought the burning legion to Dreanor they would still be living peacefully among themselves.

Where as the Dreanei willingly joined the legion, the Orcs needed to be manipulated and corrupted first.


of the modern factions, only group that’s actually committed a genocide.

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I mean can you imagine what would happen if that happened in the real world? Well, it isn’t exactly hard to imagine.

As of Chronicles 3, no they were not:

Word of the swift resolution to the Highmaul aggression spread quickly…the Gathering of orc clans at one of that year’s Kosh’harg festival was quite tense. Some clans resolved to avoid the draenei. Others decided to treat them as enemies. The fact the draenei had taken care to minimize ogre casualties was seen as a weakness. A few orc cheiftains speculated that the draenei hated fighting and would shirk away from a worth opponent.

So the orcs were attacking the draenei even pre Burning Legion arrival on Draenor! And all because the draenei were trying to avoid enemy casualties at that.

Actually several. Its called the Horde.

Maybe if you don’t think.

You’re claiming Jaina killed Sunreavers. She does not. Even the wiki has this right. And I barely trust the wiki because:

It’s not an official source.

I ASKED for a link to the encyclopedia on a Blizzard official site. You could not and can not do this.

Never happened because I don’t lie.

The Encyclopedia isn’t canon and until you link it to me for me to read on Blizzard’s website you can’t claim it is.

Because she didn’t.

Then your assertion without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Prove it.

No she didn’t.

I’ll wait for the next chronicles to prove me right and hear you all coping later.

Accuse me of what you’re doing all you like I ain’t stupid.

What’s unreasonable is saying this fansite is 100% canon while at the same time saying it’s not canon.

If this is canon:

Then by your logic you must admit THIS is also canon.

“Though compliant Sunreavers were imprisoned, many proved defiant in the face of exile from Dalaran and took up arms against Jaina, the Alliance forces, and the Silver Covenant”

They get over it and ally with them in less than 10 years?

What are these genocides you claim?

ETA: Modern wow horde, not the old horde.

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… So we’re just going to pretend the multiple genocide the Horde has attempted are somehow less abhorrent.


Note I said committed. As in actually did it.

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World ending threats take precedence over old grudge, and especially considering the Horde at least claims to be truly be changing. We will see.

Warcraft has thus far only accused both Sylvanas and Garrosh of Genocide. This particular bar is always higher then the simply skimishes that have happened contantly in WoW.

Yeah, some being aggressive isn’t the same as them becoming blood-thirsty fel-corrupted warmongers willing to take over other worlds. And there were still friendly orcs that had actually established friendly relations with the Dreanei. Who knows how it might have played it had the legion not gotten involved.

The point stands that thie tonal shift of their entire race invading azeroth was incited by the legion, not themselves.

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Garrosh attempting to kill every Theramore civilian, going on to claim his desire to eliminate all alliance races. “Paint this new continent red”. Iron Horde coming back to try and pull a “Old Horde”.

Forsaken: “Death to the living” is somehow a step above genocide.

Sylvanas attempting to genocide Gilneans. Then again with the Night Elves. Again with the Humans in BFA to take Stormwind. Again in Kul’tirans. with EVERYONE by using N’zoth. With all living things ever in Shadowlands.

And “old horde” it’s the same. The same name. Same people. Same culture. Same crap. The only distinction is who’s leading the “War” now. All the Orcs that didn’t join Blackrock became the “”“new”“” Horde. Same genocidal aliens with their old name.

Okay that somehow excuses the attempts? Like. Sheer whatabousim here.

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You claimed they were a race of peaceful shamanistic orcs. This is proof they were not and some of the clans were always violent. So no, they were not a “race of peaceful shamanistic orcs”.

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That excuses literally none of their behavior and I don’t care how many times you point to the orcs “Strange lethargy” when they were defeated.

They killed people. They chose to drink demon blood. TWICE even.

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And yet they actually haven’t shown a deliberate attempt to wipe out an ethnic group. We have a firebombing of a city, and the mess of a story of Garrosh’s conquests.

Dwarves wiped out a tribe to steal their land.

I’m just saying in the real world it did not take us long to ally with the people we fought in WWII

Theramore had 1 civilian left after he let them get warning so they could evacuate and bring in big guns to fight.

you keep using that word…

The stealth mission to rescue the hostage from SW? What are you even talking about?

Post horde or you’re bringing in all of Arthas’s acts of wiping out cities on the alliance.

Works for Jaina.