Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

The level of double think to say this unironically about Theramore and the “Burn it” moment.

Because that is what it was and attempting to say it wasn’t is trolling.

Before the Storm

Her actions to bring this about were while she was still warchief.

Ah the old cop-out. You mean Ner’zhul attempting to wipe out all life? The Horde Warchief?

She didn’t attempt genocide. This is utter trolling.

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Garrosh was literally planning on wiping out all night elves/forcing them to flee to the Eastern Kingdom. That is classic genocide.

Sylvanas was planning on having as many people kill each other to feed their souls to the Jailer. Your right, that isn’t genocide, it is somehow worse and I don’t think we have a word for it.


That has always been the hordes story.


Valid Military Target.

Didn’t all the books and what not make it clear Arthas dominated him once he was part of the the Lich King.

She tried. Multiple times.

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Horde definition of genocide:

“When the alliance does a thing I don’t like”

You don’t have to ACTUALLY SUCCEED in killing EVERY member of a species to classify as an act of genocide. But don’t tell Horde andies. What matters is the intent. The Horde’s entire war strategy is “Commit genocide”. “No survivors”. etc.

Attempting to displace people is still genocide.


Yes, AFTER the merger but before then Ner’zhul was subtly manipulating Arthas so he would make the terrible choices he did. Like he even sent him vision of him ressurecting his dead precious Horse in Northrend.

No, because Garrosh was the one who ordered that war to be started.

No it doesn’t make them guilty because after the Wrathgate, we went on to deal with the perpetrators.

On the other hand, we don’t see Jaina punishing Veressa or the Silver covenant for the radical draconian acts they committed.


Horde takes alliance city: “WE TAKE WHAT WE WANT”
Alliance takes horde village “ERMAHGERD GENOCIDE!”


Did Jaina ever learn about these acts?

Seems like you’re just salty we got away with it and you didn’t.

Hilarious that the elves beat the undead at being rogues.

Am I ever going to get a response to this btw?

Not that it matters. There is literally no way to twist this without further contradicting yourself.

Get dunked on.


The wikipedia doesn’t even say she didn’t kill them, in fact it specifically mentions that she did.

Jaina chose to incarcerate him and killed his mage guards. Some of those that surrendered were imprisoned in the Violet Hold, while others along with those that resisted were put to the sword.

It’s clear the wiki did not specify that she did not kill any of the sunreavers, in fact that phrasing implies that only some that surrendered were teleported away, and others along with those that resisted were put to the sword.

Meaning only some that surrendered were merely teleported away, and the others ALONG with those that resisted were put to the sword.

No, you asked for citation on whether or not the Warcraft Encyclopedia was considered canon, we cited you the source of Metzen literally stating that it was canon unless contradicted, or retconned. No one has to humor your idea that because it was removed from the site that it is no longer canon, the burden to prove that would be on you.

According to Metzen it’s canon unless stated otherwise. Not only does the overall majority of posters and those that follow the lore agree on, the wikipedia itself has taken that stance, and said as much on the page where they discuss which elements they place in the canon section of the wikipedia, and those they place in the non-canon position.

I don’t need to Metzen quite literally stated which events would decanonize the encyclopedia, and it had nothing to do with whether or not its on their website. You’re clinging to this idea because otherwise you have to admit you’re wrong.

The fact that you yourself was quoting the encyclopedia and nit-picking it’s wording until it no longer benefited your stance shows your hand and willingness to say whatever it takes to convince people of your narrative. And it’s not clever.

Except she did. We see it on live, and we see in the MoP remix.

She did. The only one coping right now is you lol

Except the Warcraft Encyclopedia wasn’t written by Wowpedia, it was written by Blizzard. It’s one thing to suggest they might interpret game events differently here and there, but we’re discussing a summary of official wow lore written by the devs themselves that they cite every step of the way. Things we can fact check our selves.


es, AFTER the merger but before then Ner’zhul was subtly manipulating Arthas so he would make the terrible choices he did. Like he even sent him vision of him ressurecting his dead precious Horse in Northrend.

Manipulation, shmipulation. As said, Arthas was never mind controlled; he willingly made every single choice he did.

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She would’ve had to have known. Given how Jaina had went full psycho during MoP, I’m sure she probably didn’t care what happened to them.

Thank you for acknowledging that the Alliance is allowed to get off scott-free with War Crimes while Horde leaders face consequences for them. lol


Like how the Jailer had been subtly manipulating Sylvanas for years sending her various visions to manipulate her?

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Ah the old cop-out. You mean Ner’zhul attempting to wipe out all life? The Horde Warchief?

-implying Ner’zhul was the Horde Warchief as the Lich King



She killed people assaulting her. Learn the difference.

Like I said. No innocent Sunreveavers were killed.

Okay thanks anyway.

I think I know what I asked for. If you can’t read that’s your problem.

Then go away.

This is correct.

Literally no.

There’s a website that’s deleted that I can’t link anymore that says Encyclopedia is not canon. The burden of proof is on you to prove my deleted website isn’t canon anymore. /s

It’s deleted. There is no harder confirmation of canon status than literally being removed. If it were canon, it’d be hosted somewhere else.

He hasn’t been working as WoW’s lore lead for a long time. You wana show me his quote from after he took back his lead writing position? You won’t.

Citation needed.

So Jaina only killed those who resisted as stated by the Wiki?

Yes you do.

Was removed from WoW’s lead writing team and his word on deleted content is null and void.

If the game wanted it to be canon- it would still be available. Or he would have the site restored. Deleted content is not canon.

No because it’s common sense that you can’t provide literally nothing to me and say “This is canon”.

Link it. Prove it existed outside a mandella effect.

Wow you just don’t get it at all. I try to bring it down to your level and you just misunderstand entirely. You’re deliberately trolling.

Prove it. What happened to “burden of proof”



Sure buddy, is the burden of proof that I’m not coping on me now because a horde player said I was?

You guys are insane tribalists for a fictional video game faction.

Citation needed. Show me where Blizzard hosts this “Warcraft Encyclopedia” proving it was written by them and endorsed by them as canon.

Then cite me to the site. Show me where the Wiki got this “official” information. Fact check me. The fact you haven’t is because you can’t.

Because your claiming something is canon when it literally doesn’t exist.

He was previously. Which is the same argument made for Arthas being a Alliance hero while he was the lich king.

But turnabout isn’t fair play to Horde Players, I know you need the handicap.

Well if we go down this road. Technically Garrosh didn’t bomb Theramore is was those damn goblins lol. Garrosh didn’t personally drop the mana bomb.

Trolling again huh.

you kinda did it to yourselves.

Sylvanas outright says this isn’t true in Shadowlands.

He was previously. Which is the same argument made for Arthas being a Alliance hero while he was the lich king. But turnabout isn’t fair play to Horde Players, I know you need the handicap.

Hey, if what I’m saying is backed up by Blizzard in the form of Anduin Wrynn claiming Arthas was a fault of the Alliance…

Are you talking controlling?

Because all the stuff from the one book was Jailer non-magically manipulating her through showing her things that would persaude her. Like the stuff Ner’zhul did to get Arthas to keep making stupid decisions