Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Sounds fair as long as the Horde leaders, all of them, are held directly responsible for the acts of all their underlings that have caused death to Alliance members.

And maybe more importantly, Aethas also gets blamed for the actions of the Sunreavers who acted even without his direct order/control. Like the one who, oh I don’t know, stole a weapon of mass destruction and gave it to Garrosh?

Because Jaina order them to arrest civilians. Only those who resisted were killed. So those who did take it to the extreme(ie the SC guy who fed someone to a shark) are quite literally not following her orders.

Regardless, this is still one less thing you can blame on Jaina and puts a nail on the coffin of anyone who considers Jaina a murderer who directly killed civilians.