Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Oh for the infinite time JAINA WAS ALWAYS ALLIANCE. Theramore WAS ALWAYS ALLIANCE. From WoW’s Classic manual:

Chapter 11
Horde Versus Alliance
The war between the Horde and Alliance has been at the core of
the Warcraft mythos for years. Recently, a ceasefire was agreed
upon by the Horde chief Thrall and the Alliance leader Jaina
Proudmoore, but the fact remains that animosity is still high
between the two factions. In some places, this undercurrent of
hostility has erupted into open warfare.

Hellscream knew nothing.

He wanted to destroy Theramore long before. But you’re obviously baiting for a reaction.

And he is just wrong. Theramore was always Alliance. So was Jaina.

Don’t bother with the trolls honestly.

They’re here to argue in bad faith, get a rise out of you, and spam report your posts.

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wrong if he attack it when they was not part of the alliance then there would been war from the hord also it was its own faction at the time

Sending forces to Theramore to fight the Horde and helping the Alliance secure the Divine Bell in Darnassus help the horde how?

I mean when you ignore that Jaina let the Alliance use Theramore as a staging ground for their attack on the Barrens so you can pretend it’s not a military target, I’ll say something.


I’ll start listening when you stop ignoring what Garrosh did to provoke everyone.

He was a awful leader and constantly started fights and broke the peace treaty they had signed.

What did you expect to happen? The Alliance to ignore it?

Dude murdered people in his own faction to salve his ego and attacked his allies, and even before that never once tried to seriously debunk the accusations of him ordering the deaths of druids at a peace summit because of his pride.

Which enabled the Twilight hammer to get SO much done while everything kicked off.

Even before that, he attacked innocent Alliance ships that were blown off course because he was itching to kill something now that Arthas was dead.

This is just word salad.

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This was a decision by Dalaran, who Jaina had no control over. It was even a decision agreed to by AETHAS. It was suppose to “help” the Horde by trying to make sure the Horde doesn’t turn an attack in Theramore into a global war that would cost them countless live for no gain(see how MoP ends)

As for the divine bell, NO ONE was suppose to use it. Jaina making sure no one does was the point. The Alliance was already trying to destroy it.

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I can, but I’m not leveling another character to prove it to you. The point is that she still one-shots them in the non-event instance, and it’s still nonsensical to suggest she would throw a fireball at them before teleporting lol

Calling someone directly a murderer is about as clear cut as it gets. Again, asking people to look for alternative meanings of what that could mean just shows your hand that you’re looking for a way to excuse her, when it’s obvious what was being said.

The Magister refers to her as a murderer, and then she says we have blood on our hands, implying that she herself participated in the killing. Thrall didn’t use that phrasing, Jaina did, and she wasn’t even addressing or even looking at Thrall when she said it.

Again, you’re just searching for some way to interpret what is a very obvious point, differently, And it’s not convincing at all.


Ah the great 5 minute treaty written solely to shift the blame of the war away from Varian declaring one in the end of Wrath, that started and ending within a book. Great writing there.

She has a whole Dalaran and a Violet Hold that’s designed for that task she should have used.

So we just ignore bad writing?

Do we ignore all of MoP to BFA Jaina then?

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So you are making claims that you can’t back up? Very convincing.


Following this there are those in the Horde that refers to Hawthorne as the “The Butcher of Taurajo” due to his actions being perceived as the intentional killing of civilians.

Clearly the Horde has trouble with words when they call people “butcher” when they didn’t even kill civilians.

Jaina wasn’t the one who got the Bell, it is not her decision on what to do with it. The night elves did. And I doubt they were willing to simply let the bell be in a city full of Horde.

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Then that’s their thing to secure, not the Kirin Tor’s problem. If they wanted their help, they should have to play by their rules.


Except the Kirin Tor was suppose to prevent magical items from being used. If anyone needed help in this instance its the Kirin Tor in doing their job to prevent magical abuse.

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What? You, yourself already admitted that she will kill them, and tried to downplay it by suggesting it was once in a blue moon. I’m pointing out that her abilities are clearly randomized which explains why some don’t die and are teleported away.

And again, you’re ignoring the fact that the live, retail version still has the Sunreavers die in one shot. The only difference? The scaling of damage and their health. It almost seems like you’re intentionally avoiding acknowledging this point.

Murderer is not the same as butcher, which was used to refer to Sylvanas as well for burning down the tree, even though she herself didn’t do it, she only gave the order. But calling someone a murderer directly and then pointing out that he had to watch his friends die is certainly clear cut as to who he’s referring to. He mentioned nothing about her giving any orders, or the Silver Covenant, he referred to her individually as the murderer.

In fact, Greymane refers to Sylvanas as a murderer for killing his son, an example of using different phrasing for killing directly as apposed to being a commander giving out an order. The term “murder” and “murderer” is used to refer directly to the event and perpetrator of the murder.

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Coming from the Horde player trying to somehow argue that a fact even the Wiki’s get right is somehow “not real” and then say “Well I can’t prove it because I’m not leveling another character to do it!” like bro burden of proof is on you, we have the evidence in every current iteration of the event. The patch was years ago at this point. Using a outdated video isn’t helping your case.

I’m guessing you also like to cite deleted websites for absurd percentages and numbers to somehow deny that the high elves in Stormwind are “Real high elves” or something.

Cool, we don’t need to convince anyone. Blizzard said Jaina didn’t kill anyone. The game plays out with Jaina not killing anyone. The only people trying to convince anyone is you guys trying to convince yourselves.

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so they should have demanded to stick it in the Violet citadel where they could make sure instead of letting one of the alliance’s hotter headed groups keep it

Where did you get this idea from?

Let me guess. The terrible Wolfheart exerpt that makes the Night Elves to be stupid and unable to critically think while the human warrior fueled by the rage of a god strategized for them?

They did not “give it to her” The night elves got it. The Kirin Tor are the Nuke inspectors of the proverbial Warcraft world. They can’t just demand to have nukes moved to their city for safe keeping.

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We had ONE all powerful mage pull this a bit too much and SUDDENLY everyone gets so uppity about mages overstepping their boundaries for magical artifacts /s