I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

OP, if you like this kind of strategy/tactics but not multiplayer, I strongly advise trying out Baldur’s Gate or Dragon Age.

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Fun is subjective. Do what makes you happy. If you like follower dungeons, enjoy them. Wow is an impressive game for it’s ability to reach a wide audience and provide memorable experiences for all of them.

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I must have run maybe 10-12 heroic dungeons since they came out, every single time i zoned in without fail i said “Hello everyone”, i got one hello back out of all of those times, people just run off and start pulling, nobody wants to talk about anything, let along quests or how they’re enjoying the new expansion etc. People like to blame the WoW community for this behavior, but Blizzard created this environment.

I have to agree with the OP here, if they added low level M+ i’d probably never set foot in a dungeon with people ever again lol


No I do, I used to love doing dungeons with friends. They’ve all since left. I still love the world but really dislike the community at large. Hell I have not made a friend in this game in years, because either no one stays or people are horrible lol

I love the persistent world, I love the lore, I love the game, I just want to do it purely on my terms now.

Hell I play tons of single player RPGs I have about 700 hours into BG3.

I’ve beaten every DA game with every race class combo and have done every romance lol

But WoW scratches a special itch, solo or not.


Blizzard: “Write 12 fake positive posts and receive a coupon for 15% off at the Gift shop.”

OP: “Say no more…”

Dude, I hear that every day, still. Game is too easy, game is too easy, game is too easy. I agree that mythic timers played a role, but this has been a thing for longer. They put lots of trash everywhere, to milk time from the players, players respond by having to rush.

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As much as I hope you are right about this, I am pretty sure you are wrong. I am sure lots of newer MMOs have not had any sort of raiding mechanics, but none of those have had anywhere NEAR the popularity and longevity of WOW.

Again, as much as I wish you were right here. You are not right. sigh

Playing, and more specifically chatting, with other players is what made it fun for me, until it became an exercise in eggshell walking and landmine avoidance, else the dreaded Behaviour Warning rear its ugly head. Without the chat, there isn’t much point to playing this game.

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Yes but that doens’t mean you NEED to do content with those players. The players make up the world, the economy, trading, professions etc… You can do what you want in that MMO world. If it’s World quest, solo farming to sell on AH, transmog, mount farming whatever it may be. The MMO part of it doesn’t equate to NEED a group.

Instanced content is a very small part of an MMO. So finally adding options for Solo instances is welcomed in large by the community.

I’d say that 85-95% of my in-game play time is solo and I have over a year in-game time on once character.

I’ve been playing since '05, for the most part. Had a tight-knit guild, familiar faces, regular fun stuff we’d all do. Friends I’ve never met in person. I’m the last man standing, for about 8ish years. Solo’s about all I do now. Between work, hanging with the wife, and just being more exhausted in my 40’s than in my 20’s, finding new folks just seems daunting and unlikely. Anyway. I still find fun, even if everyone’s become an old memory.


“Small part of an mmo” — It really isn’t though.

Players don’t farm just because they want to have digital currency on their account.

They do so , so they can provide for a community (guild usually) and themselves equipment and necessities for end game content which usually involves some kind of dungeon, raid, or GROUP content.

Even the World Quests incorporate Group content, as well as the dailies. Can you do them solo? Yep.

If you want pet battles? If its not an NPC, its other players.

If you want to ONLY quest, then yeah maybe. But that only goes so far and it is extremely limited.

I feel your pain. I was thinking of making a new guild called the AARPG, for old farts still playing these things. A guild with more complaining about the economy than teen drama.


The real reason he likes them is because the NPCs don’t have the choice to not play with Abomb like the rest of us do.

I like the idea of follower dungeons and delves but I think they can improve on them. Delves go up in level and I think Dungeons should also. I also think they should create a scoring system for both where on could save up points for real gear. The problem is Blizzard is still stuck in the mode that formed friendships will create long term subscriptions. Maybe they’re right, but I don’t play to make friends. I play as a pass time or to unwind. I don’t think improving the solo play would hurt anyone who play for meeting friends or feeling they’re in a group.

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I’ve just made a post with a bunch of positive feedback on how to improve and help Delves grow. The thread is titled Expanding Delves: Feedback for Solo and Small Group Play. I’d really appreciate everyone’s support—please drop a like and share your own feedback as well. Remember to keep it respectful and focused.

I formed an utter dislike for PUGs after meeting that type of attitude. But, whatever makes you feel superior.

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Making solo content difficult is a herculean task compared to making group content difficult, even moreso if said content was designed as group content that you’re removing the other players from except yourself.

I get nothing from follower dungeons, I typically just end up running ahead and tanking them myself on whatever spec I am and waiting for the NPC’s to catch up.

I disagree. Its pretty much just scaling up the mobs.

It’s actually way easier to make difficult solo content.

Except it’s not. Case in point follower dungeons.

A dungeon is designed around having 5 people’s worth of stuff to do, kicks, dispels, mechanics, cc, etc. You remove the other 4 people and you’re at best slotting your skills into an otherwise scripted setup.