I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

Best most fun dungeons of my life right now are follower Dungeons. I really hope they expand on them so we can do Heroic, Mythic. You know what is nice? Sipping my coffee between pulls. Walking over picking up the quest items without someone yelling pull faster. No one yelling that’s the wrong way it’s not efficient.

Dungeons are meant to be enjoyed and now I finally realized what was wrong with them. The players!!! I load into a follower dungeon, food is laid out people are buffing everyone is in a good mood. Time to relax and enjoy what lies ahead.

Oh I want to get another cup of coffee or my phone rings. No one is mad cause you aren’t zoom zooming.

Which brings me to the point. Please expand on Delves, Follower Dungeons and Solo content. Increase the rewards to be competitive. Sure some would argue that makes it ARPG like. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so.

Don’t get me wrong there are some chill players out there looking to have fun too but it’s often ruined by an abundance that isn’t. Also fun can be subjective. So why not let players find their type of fun more easier.

I hope we get more open world quest and content as well for players wanting to enjoy an MMO without players getting in the way of it.


Nah. Mythic+ with the boys is bliss. NPCs can’t ever hope to replicate this.


I main Prot and as of right now never want to do another M+ again. They aren’t fun. If you introduce follower versions that would be awesome. Maybe I can get into them.

Then maybe I might decide to tank with other players and find this fun you seem to have.



What makes playing MMO’s fun is playing it with people who aren’t just out to be competitive.


Pugging can be a major pain, try running M+ with a static group or folks you play with regularly.


Yeah there is nothing about this genre that can’t be remedied with AI. Oh, yes, tabletop RPGs were a “collective” experience and this tries to bounce off that, but the worst memories of TTRPGs are always the other people. The people who didn’t have the same ideas in mind as you had. I’d have played D&D solo if I was able because other players never did any more than corrupt my vision of what I was trying to accomplish as dungeon master.

But like someone told me who was way more into it than me, “you aren’t a roleplayer you’re a writer.” Yes. I wanted to write my own narratives. If this game lets me do that I’ll stay, if it insists I comform to other players’ concerns I will leave.

In no way is playing this game the same as writing your own world. But it’s enough to do things on my own terms independently of how any other person feels they should be done. Now is our time, we soloists who have never wanted gogogo, have never wanted addons, have never wanted seeing the game as a mathematical equation to be solved.

I have no idea whether this new iteration of the game will satisfy me longterm or not, but at least they are realizing that some people can be really into RPGs while still seeing (most) other players as nothing but a hindrance.


This, but the only alternative to the OP’s truth. I haven’t - willingly - run a dungeon or raid in years and am still here, for the most part. As with so much of the game, Blizz broke the social aspects and then tried to tape them back together. It works for some but not everyone.


The best part about MMOs is having a bunch of awesome, cool exclusive stuff earned from the past that is no longer available. And before people try to tell me it’s not important, just look at how many people wish they had stuff like the mage tower skins etc…we can pretend all we want, but deep down everyone knows it’s awesome to have this stuff.


just sounds like MMO’s are not your cup of tea anymore

we’ve always been able to do what you describe, it’s called single-player games

just because you want the advantages of a single-player game doesn’t mean you have to try and turn an MMO into one so you can “sip some coffee”


There are better solo player rpgs you can play if you’re just going to play solo


Retail dungeons with other players mostly suck now. The zoom zoom heavy handed design at end game has infected every single corner of this game.

We can’t even have interesting leveling anymore because people need to zoom zoom. They have 7 jobs 23 kids and 15 alts to level.


Playing with your peeps is way more fun. Laughing and joking. Everyone separately talking about how bad they are doing because they are too focused on the fun in discord.


I’ve been solo in most if not all games I played.

It has gotten worse and more sad/lonely.

If I had a group of friends I played the game with and actually was used to being on discord / voice while doing end game content, I’d probably enjoy this game more in a way.

But it is what it is.


i wish i had friends to play with. there are a few people on a discord i’m on, from the GD lounge, but I don’t pvp at max level or do anything interesting really so I never play with them anymore. I’m just a stupid, evil loser.

I feel this real hard. I’ve played since '04 on and off and have done all kinds of content, but these days I just want to relax and putter around and not be stressed. I love tanking but I hate tanking for pugs, and follower dungeons and delves lets me do it without the stress of randoms. I really hope they add them for at least heroics!!

Delves are supposed to be able to push pretty decent gear if I remember right, and I think that’s a really cool compromise for people who play more casually.


I think there can be a place for both worlds: the casual and the competitive.

Let follower dungeons have a heroic and even mythic 0 version, but stop there. Then Mythic+ is group content for people who want the further challenge and competitiveness. Something similar could even be done with raids, but again, I would stop it at mythic.

Basically, keep the higher levels competitive for people who want that type of gameplay, while casual players can do their own solo content, but let it be more challenging than the current state.

Oh, and the higher competitive levels should have special transmog so those people can show off their acomplishments.


I agree!!!


You aren’t wrong, but I’m honestly also just looking for a fun casual experience that lets me enjoy the story due to my nostalgia craving.


I’m confident in my strive for excellence that I wouldn’t invite you to my group.


I’m sure that’s true for many folks, but it does require set times and research, etc and a band of good buddies. For me, and this started around CATA, I’ve not had the ability to manage times like that (on call, unpredictable schedules) and as we all know, lfg leads to social nightmare.