I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

How so? You make something hard for a DPS dk it’s going to be impossible for a rogue.

I’ve seen healers struggling to keep up on some bosses. Scale up the bosses and not the followers, and they would not be able to keep up. Now wiping every time wouldn’t be fun either. So add some randomness to it. I don’t believe it would be difficult.

It’s literally been done with Mage tower. Not only that in other games. It’s just way easier to design difficult Solo content and balance it as well.

It’s way way harder to design Raid encounters and that content.

You mean that thing that needed 6? Different versions, individual tuning per spec in each of those versions, was a single encounter, and wasn’t even that hard (Barring 1-2 extreme outliers).

There has never been hard solo content because it has to be bespoke. It’s way more work to make something a challenge for every spec in the game than to just leave it open and let players tackle things in groups.

so true bro

It’s not though because difficult single player online games exist. ARPGs exist (which are solo content). You aren’t making a solid point. Just gonna disagree.

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Yes and they’re entire games unto themselves that aren’t sub sections of an MMORPG.

Haven’t really enjoyed grouped content since my in real life friends stopped playing this game at the end of wolk. Don’t mind doing some dungeons using the dungeon finder tool, and some LFR occasionally, but other than that I prefer open world content. Which is why I enjoyed Legion, and BFA more than most expansions. There was plenty of stuff to do for everyone in those xpacs. Dragonland wasn’t that good imo until they added Rifts, Dreamsurges, and Fryakks disciple events. Shadowfail not worth mentioning. Hoping they add things like that to TWW, but still have a feeling this going to end up being another WOD filler xpac with nothing to do outside of instanced content. I do like seeing folks out in the game world having fun, which is why its kind of sad seeing the open world made pretty much useless after leveling up. Follower dungeons is a cool concept, and a nice quicker way to get dungeon related quests done without the go go go bs.

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If we’re talking about Delves, then the absence of a Death Knight (DK) as you mentioned would be filled by AI, correct? The idea is to address any gaps in party composition with AI party members. This approach is becoming increasingly viable with the rapid advancements in AI technology. The goal is to make sure that missing roles are effectively covered by AI, which is becoming more capable and sophisticated.

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Except the responsibilities across group members are not equal and the act of coordinating is part of the difficulty of the content. You take away the need to coordinate and you shirk responsibility onto bots that are going to do the job they’ve been programmed to do.

Same with mechanics, raid mechanics are not individually difficult almost ever, they’re a collective challenge because your group has to build consistency. That falls apart when the other people in the group are AI who’re just going to do the mechanic as they’ve been programmed to.

All the boys quit WoW though I don’t have any boys to do M+ with anymore. Only pugs and for every 1 cool person you meet in a pug there’s 9 people that are just not fun to be around.


It can be loads of fun to play this game with the right people, but finding the right people is really hard. Just like in real life.

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I agree 100%. More options like this, the better.

Your argument makes sense if we’re discussing using Delves as a way to learn to raid or participate in group content. It’s true that Delves won’t teach players to adjust on the fly or handle unpredictable situations since AI-controlled party members will follow their programming. I understand this perspective, especially as someone who supports guild content for all levels.

However, the people who are requesting this feature are often those who are not interested in joining a guild or engaging in numerous dungeons until the content becomes easier and can be soloed. For these players, the presence of AI in Delves won’t affect their experience with traditional group content or guild activities. They may eventually join guilds for specific goals like transmog runs, but their primary interest might not be in typical guild or group dynamics. Essentially, this feature is aimed at a different segment of players who have different gaming preferences, and it shouldn’t impact those who enjoy the current group content as it stands.

That’s not really my point.

I’m saying comparable difficulty cannot be achieved by simply replacing players in X content with bots and programming responsibility to match.

If you want comparable solo challenge it requires bespoke content, which due to the enormous number of roles classes and specs it has to work for, is a lot of work.

I understand your point, but AI could handle different roles, classes, and specs pretty effectively. Modern AI can learn and adapt to various playstyles by analyzing how different classes interact and adjusting its strategies. For example, it can handle tanks by focusing on endurance and damage-dealers by being more aggressive.
One advantage of AI is that developers can script it with different strategies for each class and spec. This means it can be prepared for any class or spec a player might bring into a fight, making it versatile in creating challenging solo content. While it might not perfectly mimic human group dynamics, it can still create engaging and dynamic solo experiences by simulating various class interactions and tactics.
In short, AI’s ability to adapt and use multiple strategies can help ensure that solo challenges are both varied and challenging, even if it’s not a perfect replacement for human players. But you are right it will be a lot of work but after the ground work is laid it can be improved upon.

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The op literally states the issue is with all forms of group content. Your experience is not representative of the majority, as this thread proves. Attempting to single me out isn’t going to support any sort of point you are trying to make, it just makes you look like a sort of victim blamer, in a sense.

Seriously, stop typing and start reading. There are myriad posts in this thread in support of op. You are the minority and so is your experience.

I have never used a DPS meter to insult anyone. Maybe to give pointers if anything.

But it largely exists so I can know if brezzing you in a boss fight is worth it or not. If you are too dumb to press buttons on your keyboard/mouse so you can out damage the healer, I’m not going to brez you.

The DPS meter helps with that.

(How do I post from my main, idk how to use forums.)

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But if you are only playing with yourself, who are you competing with?

Mythic + isn’t that bad to be honest. It’s the same as what you do on classic, play decent, have gear and it falls. It also incite more people to participate doing it because it gives them rewards and vaults.

Classic problem with dungeon, they’re fun, sure. But why I would want to help you farming Dire Maul when there’s no gain for me? Maybe a couple runs if we’re guildies but I won’t go constantly.