It's time to up the max character limit

That is why I continue to post my support for it. Eventually, this change will happen.

That is why you use ambiguous wording to describe if it is needed or not.

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Ya never know!

I am glad you support more character slots!

I just bought 4 more accounts and multibox :man_shrugging: I have 124 max levels now with 5 more coming prepatch! If they want something in return my idea to

Is still there :smiley: Pay $30 a month for game time and $80 for xpacs :man_shrugging:

Sounds like you want Blizzard to support Hoarders: WoW Edition, if you ask me.

Here’s the thing-- characters over 60 remain indefinitely in your “deleted character” category and I’m not sure there’s a limit on that.

So delete the ones that aren’t in use, and if you ever change your mind, undelete them, because I can guarantee you are not playing 50 characters actively.

Willing to put all that on video or some other media to pass around in support of this topic?

I do :slight_smile: No one in my army goes unplayed!

1 Like You can see some of the top Alt bros on that website. You have to optin though so it’s not everyone.

1 point = 1 level
6000 points = 50 120s

Sorry, I meant are you willing to demonstrate that you actively play 50 characters per account?
Could be a big step forward for this topic.

Oh I thought you just wanted to see my characters.

So you want to see me repeatedly do the same content? Do Timewalking runs and emissaries? :rofl:

That would be a MASSIVE video since it takes me legit 4 days to do 50 timewalking runs

Everyone’s definition of “actively” is different that is the reason they used it in the first place.

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Whatever you do, is all that needs to be shown, yes.
Get the ball rolling, and hopefully more will come forward.

It would be a lot of work for sure, no doubt.

I don’t know if I have enough space on my computer for that amount of video :rofl:

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Doesn’t need to be high quality. Can also just stream it to a youtube channel on private then make a playlist afterwards. Doesn’t need to be all in one video.

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Well you can, but you have to delete some. I’ve been deleting toons for a couple of years now when I need heritage runs. I am not sure why Bliz doesn’t just sell +1 slots for cash/gold, it’s free money for them.

Because they introduce more classes and races to play, hence they should have already added more character slots.

Any for any activision shareholders creeping around the forums, more characters = more play time.


The idea has been planted!

Just come join #teamMultiboxer :slight_smile: I went from

To 130 characters with a cap of 250 :heart: I know that feel of wanting it all on one account but multiple accounts can give you what you want :+1:

What I got more 120s than you do? Oh, wait that is just one account listing…

That’s awesome to hear!! Been waiting years for some one to finally take this serious.
If you ultimately end up having the time and energy for this, contact me. I’ll make a video sharing your results and do whatever else I can to help get momentum rolling.