It's time to up the max character limit

I think it’s time that you delete some unused toons rather than increase the cap.

I am glad you feel like you are part of the Blizzard decision making team.

I already told you it can’t be proven given the ambiguous statement.

There is nothing to act on except requesting more character slots. I support everyone that requests more character slots.

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Guess what? We literally do the same thing every thread and you still come in here blaming us.

The forums did. There were numerous topics. People like you shot them down. People who refuse to be respectful of how others play the game shot them down. They all devolved like this and Blizzard ignored them.

Someone even did a petition, but because of the rule on the forums that we can’t post petitions or apparently even post about them, those threads were flagged into oblivion and Blizzard ignored us.

Don’t try to say people have been lazy or we don’t care. There’s no way that we haven’t tried and it’s all gotten ignored or deleted or disrespectful people have thrown us under the bus.

They can shift the goal posts or whatever, but it wont be just them you’d be convincing.
Look at how many people in this thread alone don’t believe it.

You first convince the community who is on the fence about it.
That’s how these movements start.

Then, when enough people support it, Blizzard is almost forced to act.

Its whatever, I know I am not going to get through to you, as you were arguing with me about this years ago on this.

Not sure why its difficult to understand, but no worries.

I personally would like to see it changed too, so it bothers me when the people who can actually step up refuse to do so.

Best of luck!

No, I don’t start community movements.

Yeah, because you bring some nonsense to the table.

You can step up to whatever plate you want to. I am sure you can’t though.

The thing is, most people who do have 50 don’t play them all regularly.
That’s not why we want more than 50. We don’t want to go around actively playing 60 or 80 or 100 characters. That’s insane.

It’s impossible to prove that we actively play all 50 cuz nobody does.

People want them for various reasons - they like having many race/class combinations, they like having different characters with different transmogs, they like being able to roleplay as many different characters with different stories.

The game is an MMORPG - “play time” isn’t the only measure of a character’s worth to a player.


I can tell you are used to being met with hostility on this topic, but come on.
I am trying to help you.
I promise.
I want this to be changed too, but I do not possess the means to refute their statement on it.

For what its worth, its “devolving” because there is a clear path forward and you act like its a path backwards.

You must not have tried my suggestion, because this would work.
You would immediately silence anyone saying its impossible or whatever else, and clear up half the stuff “devolving” the discussion.

But no worries!
There is always the off chance they decide to act without intervention, but its just such an easy solution if you do indeed possess the ability to solve it.

I imagine a lot of people are like myself.
I have 50 characters, but really less than 20 of them I ever even think about, let alone play.

Wishful thinking, I suppose.

Why not though?
You don’t want it to be changed?

Trust me, I would LOVE to.
I would have done it if I could, but I do not play 50 characters actively.

There are times I wish I did, but for me its impossible.

Then sadly that is the end of the discussion, if you are sure of this.
I am starting to fear this too, based on the odd reactions I get around these threads.

Blizzard is aware that 50 is a limit, but doesn’t feel like they need to change anything because no one is actually being stuck at 50.

It would be on the community to disprove this, but you are probably right.
No one can.

Nah I still think there should be a movement.
The movement shouldn’t be to prove people can play 50 actively, but to explain to Blizzard why people want more than 50. Obviously tons of people want more than 50, and tons of other people just can’t seem to understand why.

If being able to play more than 50 actively was the only reason - then threads like this wouldn’t even exist. This means some people want more than 50 even if they won’t actively play most of them.

Why, they can be right sometimes.

People just don’t care to have that many toons. And the few who do just get a 2nd account.

I don’t see anything wrong with this request; a moderate fee would be appropriate, of course.



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Oh ya, people should continue to talk about why they might want more, but Blizzard has already ruled on the matter.
They are aware people want more, but it is not feasible for them to make a change, because they know no one would USE more.

There is probably something technical behind the decision.
Like, if they expanded it to 100 something in their end would have to change, that would just cost them more money without gaining anything in return.

There is also the concern about names too of course.

But in the end, I still think the best course of action is at least TRY to prove you need more than 50, not just want.

I could already come up with a few ways I could prove I need more than 30 something, but not much more than that without lying.

I’m sure others can do even better.

But the guy I know who plays the most alts, even he knows that having more than 50 isn’t something he can develop attachment to.

We will be stuck living with picking and choosing which 50 we want for now, it seems.

I hope some day it will change!

Except Discords did try. Because these forums are a toxic hell hole. And Blizzard ignored what people sent and all suggestions sent.

Yup, seems this way.
I know a few people who come close, but in the end they agree with Blizzard.

I am sure there is at least one person out there who can do otherwise though.
But sadly, no where near enough that it could spread as a talking point.

For me, just having a second account is perfectly fine.

Where can I see that?
The problem is though, you are still failing to understand what I am saying.
You are not trying to convince Blizzard. You start by convincing the players who are on the fence, and then the movement gets off the ground.

Have a look at how people have handled the covenant situation for a road map.

I left those Discords a while ago. I don’t even know if they still exist because people got frustrated and decided their work was ignored, so they left.

“We have a safe space where everyone agrees, because we dislike public places where people who don’t agree challenge our views” is what I read above.

The problem with safe spaces where everyone agrees is that you never see what’s wrong with your way of thinking.

Yeah, I have already proved I use all mine “actively” because I stated it and that is proof enough. Even Blizzard can verify my statement if they want to.

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Right, they are actively going to avoid doing that though, as they do not want to make this change.
Do you really not realize this?