50 Character Limit

Exactly, and the ‘lul just delete them’ thing doesnt really work. Believe it or not, when you’ve had a character for more than half your life, you dont just want to delete it so you can make a new character.


So let’s say they raise to sixty, are you going to beg for 70 after? And then 80? 90? When does it stop?

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How about just removing the cap entirely? Theres no point to it.


It stops when they stop adding new races? I guess


If it is unlimited, it has to be programmed differently.

I’m an experienced programmer, but I do not know how this was programmed into the game. It could be quite easy, or it could be very difficult, depending on how it was programmed.

By now there are millions of lines of code in WoW. Is the 50 limit in 2 spots in the code, or in 2,000 spots in the code? I don’t know, and it really could be either.

IF (back in 2013) the programmer who set the limit as 50 PLANNED for expanding it later, then it is programmed carefully in a way that is easy to increase. Maybe it could be done by 1 person in a couple weeks.

But IF he didn’t…

Currently I’m at

120: 41
110-119: 4 (1 is 110 twink)
80: 1 (For Herald of the Titans FoS when I find a group :slight_smile: )
40: 1 (my newly made Zandalari)

47 characters

I still need to do Dark Iron and Kul’Tiran so that’ll be 49 and when Blizz adds a new class I’ll have hit the account cap :*( I’ve already come to terms with having to make a new account to go past the cap but I would really like it if I could just merge two accounts so I have access to all my characters in one window. Or the cap was increased :slight_smile:


“Your fun is wrong” applies so much in this thread. There is nothing wrong with having lots of characters.

Blizzard please increase the account limit. Any more allied races and I just might not be able to create any of them because there is no space. Deleting existing characters isn’t a solution. That is just shifting the problem to something else.


The random emphasis of words seems strangely… familiar.

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yeah, this is a you problem. you’re clearly addicted to an unfeasible level.

When I started WoW on release day I read that there was a 50 character limit. I thought to myself “50 characters, what kind of weirdo would ever have that many characters???”.

It is now 15 years later and those characters add up and I hit the max long ago. I obviously don’t play them all, but those characters are memories. Deleting them would be sacrilege, like burning your grandma’s family photo album.

Data storage costs a fraction what it did in 2004, they should really give us more characters per account.


There is a point though. Names alone right now is a major one. It took them years to free them up from inactive accounts. So by your standpoint I could make 150 toons on one account, lock up a ton of names and really only play two toons.

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I’ve played since Vanilla launched myself and I have a grand total of 33 created characters across 5 different realms. I have only 3 at 120 but 11 more at 110. The rest are mostly just name savers if I decide to make a new toon.

I don’t know in what world someone would need 100 character slots, like others have said I think this a you problem. If you triple/quad box like you say, you should have no problem running a 3rd or 4th account on the regular if having more space is so important.

As someone who’s been playing since launch I think 50 is more than enough.

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Now let me get this straight, are you saying you have over 50 characters you play across two servers? Because wow. When I see 50 characters, I can’t even imagine getting close to that.

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That’s called hoarding. It’s a disorder.


I’d be okay with upping the limit, especially since they keep adding more classes and races. I like making multiples and play both factions.
Not gonna hurt anything.


It seems that original developers used a lot of hardcoded constants instead of variables for character systems. This is one of the reasons why the original backpack was not expanded for a long time.

No sympathy for a multiboxer.

… no it isn’t. Hoarding and pack rat are two different things. Stop trying to label people with disorders they don’t have.


This post has definitely got out of hand. Trying races and classes and adding allied races is all the reason to up the character limit. This is IMHO. I don’t presume to judge anyone’s play-style that’s not my role.


i hit 50 limit in legion and went around deleting toons on servers I no longer had interest in playing on. I refuse to pay to transfer toons so when ever a guild wants to transfer I lvl a new toon and then all the support toons with it. They add up fast. When you figure it happens at least once every other expac or more its easy to see how people can get capped.