It's time to up the max character limit

Come on, it’s been 15 years now. 50 just isn’t enough anymore.

And don’t come in here with your “Nobody needs 50 characters.” crap. I’m tired of hearing that. Sure, some people like to stick with one or two characters, and that’s fine. But others, like myself, enjoy having multiple characters for many different reasons. Why is that so bad?

Please, Blizzard. I just want to be able to make a new alt again. I want to level them through the new starting zone, Exiles Reach. But i cant. I cant because the character limit wont let me. Just 10-15 more slots would be amazing. Shoot, id even take 5. Just let me play the game how i enjoy playing it. :disappointed_relieved:


Would you be okay with paying for more slots?


Honestly… yeah. It would be the last solution id want, but id take it. Making alts is my favorite thing to do in this game, and i just want to do it again.


Hell ya I agree!


I agree. +1


Well they have to set a number and they though 50 was reasonable. I don’t understand why anybody would need more characters but eh. Sure why not increase the limit.


Do you guys even play all 50 of your alts? I’m sure there are plenty that you could probably just delete and relevel. Unless they all all geared out or something…

Not against upping the character limit, just asking a question.

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i agree with this post 110% i have all sorts of toon ideas, but i’m so close to the limit. i don’t wanna hit the 50-cap, i wanna make more toons. :frowning:


Yup. I agree with asking for more slots.


If most people won’t make 50 characters anyway, then what’s the harm in adding more? It won’t change anything for anyone except altoholics.

If it’s to stop people from making tons of throwaway characters, make it so you can only create more than 50 if your first 50 characters are all above level 40 or something.


Aye! It’s really surprisingly easy to hit the 50 cap. And it’s not about playing all of those characters actively. Sometimes you want to hold on to them to have the options available or come back to them later. Or even just to keep their names reserved so you don’t lose them.

I see no harm in upping it at least a little bit more. :slight_smile:


Having another account under the same battle net will share your achievements etc. Could it be a solution to make another account - that way you can still enjoy those benefits and make more characters?

I do. I use them for mount and transmog runs. Or if they’re a Hunter, i like collecting pets on them. I like making them transmogs, and giving them backstories. I may not keep them all geared up, or use them all for endgame content, but i do get on them for different reasons. I love all my characters, and would never delete any of them.


while i suffer from the same dilemma just yeet a few that u never play anymore. I have a few that ill never delete becuase of memories but theres gotta be SOME alts you just never touch and could yeet.

50 Characters is never enough.


This has never been one of Blizzard’s priorities.

You’ll play how Blizzard enjoys it and pay them for the opportunity.


I think that’s the issue maybe? Since only a small % of players even hit that limit, why waste the man hours upping it? I’m sure there is some cost and Blizzard doesn’t see it as worth while to do. Or else they would have done it already. :neutral_face:

Just sucks paying two subscription fees


Of all the possible things to improve, this is what you want? It’s a legitimate point, but I would rather Blizzard improve other things first.

  1. New Classes (tinker/bard/necromancer)
  2. New Races (tuskar)
  3. Bigger Expansions (Wrath size)
  4. Armor Dyes

Not saying you shouldn’t ask for what you want. I’m simply saying that there are other areas of the game that it seems a lot of people want, and those requests have been out there long before you leveled your 50 toons.

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It requires changing a number. There is some part of the code that scans for characters and counts them.

When X=50, you get the message. It wouldn’t take one man hour to change the 50 to a different number.

This is an artifact of being a nearly two-decade only game. Those characters took storage and storage wasn’t cheap.