It's time to up the max character limit

Yeah that was last year when I had one account lol

I actually did stream one time on twitch in … WoD? But I only had 23 characters at that time I think. No one wanted to watch me do DMF 23 times :frowning:

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So that means classic allows for how many character slots? Sorry I dont want to download it just for the answer

And that’s the type of toxic, disrespectful crap I’m talking about.

“I don’t play that way, so someone else clearly has mental problems!”

No. Those characters have value to people for all sorts of different reasons.

People play them enough to warrant not deleting them. Sorry you don’t agree. But this doesn’t affect you at all.

Literally putting words in my mouth, but alright. I never said anyone had mental problems.

So undelete the ones you want to play when you get around to playing them again and bypass the 50 character limit that way. I’m trying to propose a solution to a problem 99% of players do not have, so Blizz isn’t liable to implement a change for.

If not, you can pay for a 2nd account-- Because that’s probably what Blizzard will tell you. You want more, you have to pay more.
And as an added bonus, get that Recruit-a-Friend stuff with yourself.

You can create 50 Classic characters.

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You claim having more than 50 characters is hoarding. Hoarding is a mental disorder.

Try again.

No. They have achievs and all sorts of things that can end up being deleted if they’re deleted. They have value to people who don’t want to delete them.

You don’t have a solution nor do you have numbers.

Already been addressed time and time again. That’s not a solution.

And we already said we were fine paying for more slots.

No you don’t. It doesn’t work on the same Bnet account.

Again, this doesn’t affect you, so stop trying to dictate what we should do based on your opinion.


Is hoarding a mental disorder? If so, how is it different from collecting characters except that it does not take up physical space, but digital and mental space?

I legitimately tried to offer solutions, but you’re dead determined to be spiteful and treat it like it was a personal attack.

Have a nice life. Enjoy being locked at 50 characters because it’s not changing to suit your whims. (You can interpret that one as a personal attack, if you like.)

We don’t need many, 4-5 more slots would be incredible. I’d even take just 2 more. I do think if they up the limit they should re-impose a per server cap on characters, perhaps make it 40 characters. As someone who plays on two and sometimes three servers 40 characters on a realm is more than adequate (and interestingly the login screen addon screen character list is broken by having more than about 35 anyways as it has no scroll bar and can only display 30-35 on many screen resolutions).

For me, I made a male and female of each race on the Alliance side ready to go. The aim is to level them all and gear them to a degree. Pre-patch will determine whether I continue this line of thought.

given that there are 12 classes and 14 races now (not including plus one for panda on each side) that totals 168 possible characters to make.

One of each class of each race. Now, would that be something many of us would do?

Likely not.

The point is, there’s a heck of a lot of options, we’d love to test them all out, play around with them, figure them out as the game moves and changes.

Each alt could have a different purpose for the player, you could have some that are pvp only, some that are pet battle only, some that are collectors, some that are bankers.

There’s a whole slew of possibilities so yes, I completely agree they should up the character limit.

This is sage advice, honestly.

It’s how I’m hoping my movement will gain traction over time.



Thanks for the PURELY IMAGINARY walk through code you have never seen! Do you even code?

The WoW code is probably more than a million lines by now. In that million lines of code, how many arrays have a fixed size of 50?

Before 50 is changed, some dev has to find every one of those arrays. If even 1 array is missed, that’s a bug – an ugly, hard-to-find bug.

Because none of these people have a mental disorder. Having alts isn’t hoarding. Just because you don’t play around with a bunch of characters doesn’t mean others have a disability.

You started out your posts by grouping everyone with a bunch of alts into the category of mental disorder. Yes, you were going to get backlash for that. Because it’s insulting and shows a large amount of disrespect and ignorance towards others and this MMO.

You didn’t offer solutions. You told people pay double or delete characters. Those aren’t solutions.

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Thanks for giving a number. Most players complain that 50 isn’t enough, without ever saying what IS enough.

You are more reasonable.

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Bowel movements work but others not so much.

I have no idea what a bowl movement is and Google was really unhelpful.

What’s a bowl movement? (I’m guessing it’s a newer term)



They got stuff you can take if you are having problems with the movement.

I think a good solution to make them money and get more slots is to offer 5 slots for $5 up to whichever max they want. 60, 75, 100. Even if it was 5 or 10 more, it would be okay.

I don’t think anyone is trying to be greedy, which is why so many people leave it open for Blizzard’s discretion.


I buy another account so I can make more characters. Trust me it gets pricey real fast. 50 is not enough when you want to have a powerhouse server or play with a bunch of friends that play everywhere and you want to roll on their servers.


I don’t collect characters, that would be odd :thinking: I don’t know of anyone who creates characters simply to have them, they are usually made with a goal in mind. More characters = more mount chances.