It's time to start seriously talking about TBC

Classic tbc would be… well… continuing on from where we are now. It’s obvious where these discussions should be. The diehard vanilla fans are acting the same as the retailers did with their wall of no. Sorry not sorry but TBC discussions will continue here.



Not necessarily. BC can be handled in different ways:

  1. No BC servers, at all.
  2. BC overrides Classic, and Classic ceases to exist.
  3. Fresh BC server option with no character copies.
  4. BC server option with character copies.
  5. Copy the Classic server data (characters, progress, guilds, etc.) over to the new hosted server, and the old Classic server progresses to BC.

I’m pro option 5.


My assumption is that they would add an option to do character copies, similar to PTR formatting for TBC, when they do finally release it again.

That way you appease both sides, players who wish to continue their classic characters onto the TBC content, and then you also appease those who wish to stay in Classic.


That’s how it should be. 100%


They would be SILLY not to release TBC, it’s actually one of the most favored versions of WoW by far.

illidan stormrage. need I say less


beyond PTR, has there ever been a character copy in wow history?

Which is why I, also, don’t mind option 3.


I’d be very livid, if they went with option 2.


No. Don’t want TBC.

Garbage expansion.

I hate enhc shaman and arenas, but sone of the QoL changes, like summoning stones and interactions while in form are no brainers. I think it would be interesting if anything beyond classic happens there should be no flying mounts. Flying mounts were cool at first, but then it just took away all interactions on the ground.

If BC is released, blizzard will be taking my money for a VERY long time.


fantastic contribution to the conversation, I love all the reasons you listed. very compelling.


If you’re not interested in playing TBC, then don’t play it. You currently have both classic and retail. There isn’t a reasonable alternative to TBC beyond those 2 options. As for flying mounts, they were well-integrated into Outland and TBC was better for their inclusion. Sure they got bad in later expansions, but that’s not the fault of TBC. Classic TBC should be handled more or less the same way Classic was. No major changes, just modern graphics and basic stuff like showing cooldown numbers on action bars without needing addons. As soon as we all start pitching big changes we want to make we’ll end up with thousands of different visions of what it should be, and that will never satisfy everyone. Just release Classic TBC.

As for implementation, I think the phases should look something like this:
Phase 1: T4 and arena season 1
Phase 2: Faction improvements (Ethereum Prison, Skettis, Netherdrakes, Ogri’la) and the Lordaeron arena
Phase 3: T5 and arena season 2
Phase 4: Zul Aman and arena season 3
Phase 5: Hyjal and BT
Phase 6: Quel’Danas and arena season 4


I’ve actually talked about this before.

I would rather blizzard be more open to changes in TBC than they were for Vanilla Classic.

By that I DO NOT mean I want to see massive changes like LFR, Mythics, random loot, etc.

However I don’t want them going out of their way to recreate technical limitations of TBC. So don’t worry about adding batching, debuff caps, leeway, and other bugs back into the modern client/server system. Just give us the class mechanics, original instances, loot, etc from TBC.

Also, (in addition to regular servers) there should be one realm of each non-RP type that just has layering forever… and just enough layers to avoid queues with a max population of 2500 concurrent players per layer. Obviously, I’d prefer if they work on their layering system so it’s less derpy too. If layering bothers you, don’t roll on that server.

I don’t want attunements removed at first. Yes they were painful eventually, but they were a lot of fun on the first couple characters you did them.

I’m worried that they won’t properly gate some of the items that were available in later TBC patches though. For example, badge gear was VERY powerful compared to T4 epics.


You and all your friends would unsub within 6 months after naxx.

nothing to do, no progression, gets boring fast.


Seriously talking?

You mean about how bad it was compared to Classic and how it is mainly highly rated by the subset of the community most concerned with progression raiding and how it was the first steps towards retail as we know it today?

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TBC was WOW and by far the best version of WoW. The worst thing about TBC coming out is the inevitable release of WOLK and so ON is going to ruin everything.


Oh look. It’s the same kind of crap we heard from the retail community for a decade whenever someone asked for vanilla servers.

I wonder if you people will make a new “Wall Of No” to oppose TBC servers.


Until you queue for arena and realize it’s all warrior/rogue/rdruid and people start asking for changes to PvP balance. People already do it for classic, all BC did was fix broken specs for pve. PvP was broke, you did warrior or rogue and ran with a resto druid.

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we told them during beta that wolk naxx is not tuned properly.

the forums yelled “you don’t really think they’ll release like this - it’s just testing”.

we got consolation in “I told you so”.

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