It's time to start seriously talking about TBC

I played classic for months, and it was fun for a while. The pre-cata Azeroth feels like a real living world. The old leveling, class design, and social aspects made me care about my character in a way that retail hasn’t been able to in over a decade; however, classic has some key problems that need to be addressed in a way that TBC has been proven to be capable of. The class balance in classic is terrible. Specs like Shadow, Enhancement, Feral, and Affliction are barely usable, and other specs like Balance and Subtlety are downright deadweight. The pvp is terrible, with AV being a total waste of time and world pvp being little more than a meme. The pve isn’t much better either as 40 mans are a chaotic mess, and the raids and bosses are wholly uninteresting. Beyond that, there really isn’t much to the game. Classic seems designed for raid-logging, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

TBC lessens or fixes all of these problems. Class balance is miles ahead of classic, with nearly every spec being desired in some context. Arenas provide meaningful pvp for those who want to push themselves and, despite the memes about flying, the zone objectives and farming locations in Outland provided a solid foundation for engaging world pvp. 25 mans were way more fun than 40 mans, and the raids themselves were consistently better in TBC (Kara, SSC, BT, etc). Beyond all that, TBC brought in rep grinds and attunements that you could plug away at in your downtime without becoming the centerpiece of the game like in retail.

There’s really no area where classic was better than TBC. Class design was better, in part by introducing now iconic abilities like Spellsteal and Avenger’s Shield. Raiding was accessible, but difficult, and much more engaging overall than at any point in classic. The world/zone design was top-notch, with zones like Zangarmarsh and Nagrand which have yet to be topped in terms of visuals and atmosphere. I could go on and on about all of the advantages of TBC, which I know because I have several times among friends.

Obviously Blizzard is thinking about doing TBC and probably Wrath behind the scenes, but with classic winding down into its final few phases I think it’s time we start making it clear to Blizzard what direction we want them to go once phase 6 is out. I’ve unsubscribed because I’m done with classic, as have many of my friends. I can say without a doubt that we would all come back for TBC, and for all the reasons listed above I’m confident that we’ll stick around a lot longer than we did in classic.

The sooner we start having real discussions about the details of TBC like what the phases should look like, how the transition from classic should work, and what should be done differently from classic (like removing spell batching) the better chance we have of making TBC classic the best it can be.


I like this. Well said.

TBC was my jam. Take my vote.


I think blizzard has already been working on TBC. That’s my opinion. This is all subjective but I think it’s the most obvious choice in regards to moving forward. Giving all of us that do want to progress into TBC the option to roll on complete fresh servers and also have some variation of server/character copies or transfers so we can progress our characters journey if we wish, this would be ideal in my opinion.
I don’t think there would be anywhere near the negativity on TBC as there is currently on classic. Again, my opinion.
I look forward to a classic TBC option. I would play on there and that will be my lovely home for a while.


How about a nice tall glass of no? :milk_glass:

I appreciate classic for what it is. Me and a huge group of friends are staying subscribed solely for classic even way after Phase 6 provided it stays classic and it is very clear me, and my friends and many others do not want TBC



The great thing about having options to continue onto TBC or stay in classic, is that you can stay in classic if you wish.



It’s okay xx a heap of classic servers will diminish and start merging with each other to keep them alive while I will enjoy official TBC once again xx
You have your fun while I have mine :kiss:


Definitely agree with you, classic was great but has absolutely no engaging endgame content so my wow sub will be canceled until we get bc servers.


TBC implemented a lot of aspects into PvP that kept that player base around, as well. To be honest, a lot of people played classic for the world pvp who never got to experience it before back in vanilla, solely because of the saying that vanilla pvp was at it’s most raw and true form.

The fact is though, many players don’t want to grind several weeks, months just to see blues that will be replaced by epic raid gear, we want a chance to grind bg’s in a sensible manner to get some decent gear, TBC gave us that with arenas and bg pvp gear vendors if I remember correctly.

I also remember how much prestige it was to go to the Nagrand arena, and see folk of all walks of life combatting in world pvp with their newly acquired pvp gear. Some had their 1800 weapons, and they were detailed so flawlessly that you could tell their rank just from seeing their gear, and it meant more than just mindlessly grinding away in bg’s for months, it actually took skill.

Arenas is huge, whether many people disagree with me, but why do you think many pvp streamers fell off of classic, because no one wants to do this insane bg honor grind for rank. I hate to say it, but its fact.

I guarantee you bring out TBC and people will be flocking back to the game in MASS numbers, but this time they’ll be sticking around.


The thing is, there are a lot of ways in which TBC is arguably better than vanilla. Most of them, however, are ways in which retail is better than TBC.

Edited: wow, my first hidden and restored post… LMAO


Also looking forward to BC. I’m not resubbing after my 2nd 6month expires. We obviously had to support this or else BC wouldn’t have happened, and I’ll have paid more than most. I also contributed a significant amount of time in the forum, despite the awful trolls and moderators that seek to prevent it from being useful.

BC is better raiding, better PVP, better gear, better class balance, it’s just a better world of warcraft. The arena, daily quests, and flying mounts are bad, but there’s no denying that it’s still a FAR better game than classic. I firmly believe that most people are only here to support this so Blizzard will move on to hosting crusade, and that after they do, they will mass migrate over to it.


Here’s the thing that throws retail off, it’s a mess.

Someone in a post in the retail wow forumns was asking how to get gear, and he described the entire system as a plate of messy spaghetti, and I don’t blame him.

I currently have every class 120 on retail, if not they’re level 110 ready to be leveled. But there is no fun for me playing retail because it’s not the original game we loved anymore.

TBC didn’t take away from classic, it added to it. People still went to Azeroth, and were still going around in the old world because people still had to level up, there were no boosts.

TBC will by far always have my vote, I cant wait.


Classic TBC November 2020, make it happen Blizz


debatably that is the only option, actually.


It is very clear that me and most of the guild I’m in want tbc. So that is a big mug of oh hell yes!


No. The discussion is about where we are going after classic. That is related to classic and therefore can reside within the classic forum.

If we tried this discussion in the retail forums then they’d spam the thread telling us to move it to the classic forum. Therefore it resides within the classic forum.


This is world of warcraft claasic. Not World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade.

Classic here refers to nothing but the original, authentic wow vanilla released in 2005 and it is not going anywhere apart from original, authentic content.

TBC is a retail expansion and should belong in General discussion.

If they spam the thread tell them to love themselves.

Love yourself. Go post on retail forums.

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This discussion can stay here because it relates to classic. Classic has been mentioned within the OP.
If this thread was purely about TBC and classic was not mentioned then your argument would have merit. As it stands, it does not.


Also, your passive aggressive immaturity is unnecessary.


Supposedly, any discussion involving any form of legacy server is to be posted here. Allegedly.