It's time to start seriously talking about TBC

Possibly. Though, I suspect there are many people who would play BC Classic, who aren’t playing Classic.

Personally, if there are fresh BC servers, without the option to transfer to them, that would be my preference, and that’s where I’ll roll.


nah, pass on tbc

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If youre going to comment, please try to share some insight into why you feel that way. All you serve to do with a post like this is inflame the conversation.


says the 120 blood elf paladin.

tbc passes on you too.


I support TBC to be released, just because it should be easy for Blizzard, and many people want it. That said, I will definitely pass on it.

Many things you list are positives of TBC are negatives in my opinion. For example, I love some specs being unviable for raiding. I believe in the hybrid tax. Why would you main a mage, only able to DPS, if a druid can tank, heal, and DPS well? That’s one of the things I really dislike about retail, every single spec being viable. And TBC is a step towards that direction.

Another aspect is flying. If you can fly in Outland, why not fly everywhere? In my opinion, being stuck on the ground gives Classic its soul. I would prefer playing retail to TBC, because flying is integrated to all zones more seamlessly.

You speak of better “class balance”, and class balance in arena is a joke btw, but the faction balance is outrageous in TBC. There is absolutely no reason to play alliance, horde is better both in PvE and PvP. There will be no balanced PvP servers in TBC. And this is the biggest deal breaker for me.

Finally, I love 40-man raids in classic. It’s what defines Classic. Huge guilds, huge communities. 25 men is a downgrade. And raid-logging? I love raid-logging. It lets me level alts, or, you know, do other stuff than play WoW? Wanting to be able to do something 24/7 leads to retail. A bunch of stuff to do with no depth. And having to do them all if you don’t want to stay behind. And as long as I log in for my raid night in classic, I will never stay behind.

Thus, I will ride the train which is Classic and have my fun, but I am unsubbing if TBC is the way to go, and not Classic+. I am probably in the minority. But not everyone wants TBC.

sometimes you just got to stack resilience…

Give TBC but leave Classic. Thank you.


I think its time to bring a awesome game into the mmorpg world. Just sayin. I want newness and new dev’s and something we all can all grab on , rather than the past, ya know. I was there been there done that.

you should probably look to a different company, not actiblizzard.


as soon as TBC releases people will start begging for Wrath

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People are begging for wrath now lol. And rightly so! :heart_eyes:


Someone want to tl;dr that?

Im begging for Legion

Because Wrath is awesome.


coming out this summer.

We really need to know what will happen to our alts and mains. Fresh servers only vs transfers. I’d really love to hear a final decision on that. It’s really keeping me from leveling new toons.

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You might enjoy hybrids not being viable, but they certainly don’t. They are still 10% behind pure dps classes. I for one welcome Paladin and Druid tanks. The more tanks the better. Also, not every hybrid enjoys healing in raids. Let people play the way they want to play.

Flying is pretty neat when you first get it and I like the integration. There are dungeons and areas you can’t reach without it. It’s just part of BC good or bad.

40 man raids are just too big and annoying to manage. I for one welcome smaller 25 man raids and 10 man raids are amazing for a group of friends.

Classic is clunky at times. Collecting raid buffs every week to stay competitive. Debuff limit really screws over a lot of specs. Easy bosses and mechanics. Weird itemization.

Sounds like you just want to keep playing classic, and that’s fine you can keep doing that. You have to come to terms with the fact that classic is not everyone’s favorite version of wow.


They fixed it in BC, kind of why we look forward to BC.


For all the good, TBC has a bucketload of issues:

  1. Daily quests were introduced. F dailies.

  2. Welfare epics.

  3. No world PvP due to flying and the beginning of much less world interactions.

  4. Faction imbalance will only be more severe. Horde not only have the best PvP racials, but also the best PvE racials as well.

  5. Arena balance is crap for 2’s/3’s (the most popular brackets).

  6. Resilience is broken (and ‘fixed’ every expansion until they got rid of it).


You take what you can. It’s either classic, or BC. You can’t pick some of one with some of the other. It’s makes more sense to take 10 steps forward and a few back, as opposed to not moving at all.