I don’t rely on anyone!
It can and has been.
I don’t rely on anyone!
It can and has been.
It hasnt been balanced around world pvp except maybe for classic. They are not going to balance around wpvp and ruin the rest of the game for 20 people.
Are you talking about me? If so, when did I say PvP nerfs weren’t important?
There’s been several times, but MoP’s final patch (read: Not WoD’s prepatch) was the most balanced pvp this game has ever, ever had.
When I counted the nerfs to Frost Strike, you completely wrote all of them off so that it would look like only the buffs were important to suit your argument. I on the other hand listed its buffs and nerfs as well as the buffs and nerfs to Obliterate that your friend refuses to say, even after posting, that it was buffed continually more than Frost Strike.
Good, then you can wait for that expansion to come up in the rotation if they ever do more than just a classic relaunch. And it was balanced in terms of classes, not all specs were balanced. Each class had a spec that was close to other specs so that if you were a certain spec you werent completely ignored because your dps was so far behind.
This is the most asinine commentary I can think of, and if I had written it I would be smote with shame.
The Triple A game company has proven they can balance the classes – including with two handed weapons. They’ve proven it multiple times. Instead of holding them to the standards of doing their jobs, you’re riding that Schadenfreude high, trying to deny people what they want because it gets you your jollies.
You would literally rather suffer bad class balance than have Blizzard do their job to their fullest potential.
Bingo, can balance the classes, not all specs. Unholy was the true performer during these times since it only had to be balanced with other classes and specs and not itself and other classes and specs like frost. But you are going to probably say something like “I thought you said DW was the best ever” when I didn’t and I just said that it performed better than 2h.
Class balance is probably at its hardest right now since there are more variables than there ever has been. The base class/specs, azerite armore, essences, corruption gear is coming, and probably some other things that I’m missing. These things behave differently with different classes and specs. The players don’t even know what is good or isn’t good when they get a new item or a new item drops without running external programs or even paying for services that can tell them what is good.
The “do your job” statement doesn’t cut it. It’s just showing that balance is a pain when you start adding on layers on top of layers.
They did balance frost.
Balanced it against what?
Holy cow guys. These threads all get so derailed with what was or wasn’t.
Who cares.
The past is the past.
Future DKs (in my opinion) should have 2H frost. Idgaf how balanced they are or not.
It’s all about the look/feel.
They want Shadowkeep to be the DK expac again so let em.
Let them add something that, CLEARLY, there are so many DK players passionate about.
yes people will care and then the devs will be like ssooooorrryyy guys we did our best and take it away. only for the 2h supporters to cry out and the cycle continues.
it has to be done right
No. Give us back our 2 handed spec option and you go play a rogue or a shaman. And we are up to 593 posts now
Just wanted to point out the wod obliterate buff. That 25% is the 12.5% damage increase from blood plague and the 12.5% damage increase from frost fever that was baked in to make obliterate hit for full damage without diseases up. Smartest thing they ever did because it gave you 2 more runes for an additional obliterate lol
itd be cool to return to that and do yall think its time for 3 deseases while unholy has 4
I want the old UH back. Walking Pestilence feel.
As for 2h Frost. I have been tweeting Holinka just about every day in hopes it will return. But DKs in general need more than just 2h back. They need a rehaul mechanically with a lot of mechanics imo
If there was one reply to upvote in this whole thread, this’d be it.
I could not care less about all this historical back and forth that some people are engaging in. I don’t even bother reading any of Kelliste’s walls of texts anymore.
The matter is simple. An overwhelming number of people in the community (myself included) want to be able to play their DKs (in any spec) with a 2H weapon. Because that’s fun and thematically appropriate. Blizz’s responsibility is to provide that.
Bring back 2H Frost Blizz and don’t ever remove 2H as an option for any DK spec again!
I second both sentiments.
But you rather read people giving out false information… makes sense.
The walls of texts were because people kept twisting words all the time and I would continually have to correct it.
I don’t think people are twisting words, they just view the game differently and have slightly different priorities than you do when it comes to the future of Frost. But your point is also valid and I am happy to hear that you support 2H Frost!
Lets all call for Frost to be improved as a spec and 2H frost to be added as an option