It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Except for me, Whos done harder content than you or Kelliste could ever dream of. Im also going to mention that 2 handed would be significantly easier to tune than duel wield for frost and would be significantly better for frost overall than duel wield was. Itd be one less piece of gear to farm


You´re not wrong, but also both…you want to make dk great again then do both, nothing less than that

So, just to make clear here if blizzard come to see this thread

the only 2 people who don’t want 2H back, who are commenting lately are literally one person who play unholy and not frost, and the other who don’t play DK at all, and just have one with ilv lower than the WQ

they kinda speak for themselves.


Yep. Self admitted by them, too. I even have screenshots.


To be fair, i have a quote up a ways of Kelliste saying they would be fine if blizzard introduced 2h right now. They just prefer the spec gets fixed first. Which i understandable.

We just need to stop trying to prove X over Y from the past and stick on topic about wanting 2h frost back. Mods have already closed down threads for devolving into name calling. Lets keep that from happening again folks.

Edit: different thread

Personal opinion here is mechanical overhaul of the class and spec. Buff might help at end game and level cap. Big issue is all the abilities lost due to the prune. The dk starting zone is absolute crap to play thru now because of downtime. I am on board with this level squish. The frost spec doesnt flow. But really all the specs feel clunky to me now. Remember spamming icy touch 4 times first leveling your frost dk? Firing off death coils and using an occasional (gasp) blood strike or plague strike? Switch presence for armor/stamina boost rp generation boost unholy for speed boost? Glyphed Blood boiling everything? Im pissed that we lost 2 handed play. But even worse is everything weve lost that i would consider as class identity being scrapped and replaced with what we have now. A damage buff is what they kept using to fix 2 hand in the first place and eventually they just killed it. So maybe dw frost is on the chopping block now? I firmly believe dw has a place in the class. Specifically for the players that want to play as a dw dk. But i dont think it should be the only available option to frost. Frost needs an overhaul in a big way. Currently i wouldnt want to use a 2 hander the way the spec is now it wouldnt be fun or engaging to play at all. My opinion though. Not getting on your case here at all. This is just something im passionate about and just want it fixed. Peace.

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Werent you saying mastery didnt really do anything for frost a few weeks back?

You dont use razorice as a 2 handed frost dk. Never ever since the creation of the first hero class was that a go to option…ever. So of course razorice wouldnt make any sense for a 2 hander now lol probably just use deathstrike as an rp dump before you even ask “what about frost strike?” Id use fallen crusader or the new and improved stoneskin gargoyle for flat 5% stat boost.


Kelliste. I have to ask. Are you a blizzard employee? Were you at the round table when the vote was passed to kill 2 hand frost? Every forum i see you defending the poor decision that was made to remove it. This current iteration of DW frost…is this your baby?? In jesus’ name i command you to identify yourself demon! Who do you work for!!!


“I don’t like your opinion, so you must be part of the big, bad corporation that took my thing from me! How dare you agree with them! It’s obviously a conspiracy, you fiend!”

This baseless accusation has already been made at dissenters multiple times. It’s dumb, and unoriginal. It’s apparently that inconceivable that some people have a differing opinion.

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I think its just a joke man.

Anyone who actually believes anone who thinks differently is apart of a cooperation has mental issues. It was said as a joke and it was very apparent in its delivery.


You call it a joke, I call it detraction. I would like to think they don’t mean it literally, though others have already expressed they do previously. Serious or not, it has literally no bearing on the discussion, and just serves as a way to easily dismiss opinions without actually dealing in said discussion. It’s an attack on character, poorly represented at that, and nothing else.

I agree. Really like 3/4 the what has been said has no bearing on the conversation lol

i remember when you would predict disarm and swap to dual wield razorice/ chain rune enchant so that you could swap back to 2h to regain pressure fast. it was a neat outplay you could use to counter rogue/war/monk comps


Whoa 3 days an nothing new posted here? Dont let the fire burn out guys! We want 2 handed frost back. We want it back!!! Shadowlands sales will go through the roof. Subs will be at a record high since the launch of legion! The world we know is gonna change forever when we talk to Arthas soul and he gives us a quest to find and use the (2 hand) spirit blade of FROSTMOURNE to liberate the dead of Azeroth!!! Now that is some 2 handed hype.


And never forget. “Class fantasy” is what killed our class identity.


Sorry, of course you’re right. Dont let this die! Brign 2h back blizz!


A lot of arguments about 2h versus dw are based around the (IMO silly) way Blizzard implemented it in earlier expansions, with 2h benefiting obliterate and dw benefiting frost damage. This made them very hard to balance.

However if they just allowed 2h and dw now without this artificial difference, they should deal very similar damage. Over the years Blizzard have normalized the damage between a 2h and dual wielding two 1hs. White damage is designed to be very similar. Spells with a ppm chance have their chance of proccing normalized.

Special attacks are now based on attack power rather than weapon damage. Attack power is calculated from Strength I think, and two 1h weapons are going to give the same bonus strength as a 2h of the same item level.

(Although looking through wowhead the damage for howling blast and frost fever does use some complicated formula which includes “offhand attack power”, but that seems to be an exception).

So with some small changes, 2h would yield very similar dps to dw just by using the current mechanics. But it wouldn’t quite be the same. And even a difference of say 2% would cause a lot of complaints from players, which is maybe why Blizzard is so reluctant to implement it.


The formulae for several spells include a special MH Vs OH scaling. Essentially, they inherit more damage from MH than OH, pushing you towards using your higher ilvl weapon in your MH.


Your argument is very weak, because The Lich King isn’t “A” Death Knight… He is “THE” (ultimate) Death Knight!

When the Death Knight class was created, they were modeled after the Lich King. I’m sorry if that doesn’t fit your narrative, but it’s Fact.