It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

Just go to gamepedia and look it up. And somehow I knew that you were going to disregard all of what I said based on absolutely nothing because it doesn’t align with your ideals.

Guess what, there was also a buff between expansions to frost strike though these aren’t listed as changes. If the ability is doing over 100% weapon damage one expansion, and then less in a new expansion, or more, how does that not equal to a buff or nerf? It’s not some creationist fallacy, its information left out or do you have some better explanation of why it was doing over 100% weapon damage and then the next expansion doing 88%?

I’m seeing a lot of nerfs lol more than obliterate. How about you list those changes as well or do you not want people to see the 1 nerf and the rest being buffs?

This is quite literally, verbatim, word for word, the Creationist Fallacy. If you came to the conclusion that information was left out and knew that as a fact, then you wouldn’t need to ask me for an explanation.

Variables: Item level changes, stat crunches, scaling changes, mechanical weapon changes

Were all of these concepts ruled out?


Obliterate was nerfed and buffed a ton because Two Handers Obliterated players, and they needed it to be just right. Most of the changes that happened to Obliterate started in WoD, which was the first expansion that Blizzard tried (and failed) to shoehorn us into dual wielding.

Patches and hotfixes

Legion Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Damage increased by 20%.
Hotfix (2016-09-23): "Obliterate damage increased by 19%."
Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): No longer has a chance to cause your next [Howling Blast] or [Icy Touch] to consume no runes. Damage increased by 170% (35% for each weapon).
Hotfix (2016-03-03): "Now deals 10% less damage against another player."
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.3 (2015-11-17): Damage has been increased by 10%.
Hotfix (2015-06-29): "Obliterate should now correctly deal full damage against other players in PvP combat."
Hotfix (2015-06-25): "
    Frost Strike and Obliterate have been reduced to their pre-6.2 damage levels.
    Obliterate once again deals full damage to players."
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Damage has increased by 20%, but deals only 80% of normal damage against player-controlled targets.
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14):
    Now deals 25% more damage on both main and off-hand weapons, but no longer deals additional damage for each disease present on the target.
    Damage has been increased by 30%.
Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Now deals 250% weapon damage (up from 230% weapon damage).
Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now a Frost specialization ability. Weapon damage increased from 150% to 230%. Bonus damage removed.
Cataclysm Patch 4.2.0 (2011-06-28): Base damage has been reduced to 150% weapon damage, down from 160%.
Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): No longer consumes diseases.
Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.

Meanwhile, Frost Strike was just repeatedly buffed ad nauseum because dual wield-only death knight under performed.


Yes they were all ruled out. Let’s say obliterate does 100% weapon damage, you get a new higher ilvl weapon… what do you think happens? Does the ability now do 110% weapon damage? No it still does 100% weapon damage. You even suggesting that is spreading misinformation.

And I just asked what your explanation is on it. Why would something do less weapon damage, or more, between expansions if there isn’t a nerf or buff to that ability? The “variables” that you suggested do not change if it does 100% weapon damage or 200% weapon damage, that is done in the coding.

I think you are getting your abilities mixed up. It’s not like people can’t read what you are posting.

Obliterate had one nerf in Cata and that was it, according to what is important to Trumpknight.

MoP seen all buffs to the ability as did WoD and Legion. It’s right on the gamepedia page that anyone can go and look at.

Wait, is two considered “a lot”?
I count two nerfs for Frost Strike, and one for Obliterate.

I honestly don’t get the argument over nerfs and buffs, I think I missed the start of it.


MoP was the most balanced all of the classes (except shaman) have ever been. Ever. You could fight any class and have a reasonable expectation of killing them as long as you understood your class, and understood theirs. The changes during MoP lasted… hell, I don’t remember, a year and a half? Of excellent PVP.


If you just count where it says there is a damage nerf then yes. But there are more information in that list. There are changes between expansions that aren’t listed as a nerf or buff but if you follow the information there are nerfs and buffs, an ability that can’t be dodged parried or blocked now able to be dodged parried or blocked is also a nerf since you won’t be hitting with the ability as much, right?

Obliterate had one nerf with the rest being buffs though, right? So the other 2 people saying it was nerfed are lying. This is what people like me have been dealing with, they keep saying stuff is factually true but the information that is actually out there goes against what they are saying.

What does your post have to do with obliterate being buffed during those expansions?

First nerf.

This ability can now be dodged, parried, or blocked. Weapon damage bonus reduced to 55%, down from 60%.

Second nerf.

Now replaces Blood Strike. Weapon damage reduced from 130% to 105%, and bonus damage removed. Runic Power cost reduced from 40 to 35.

The only thing that could possibly be counted as a third was this hotfix.

Now deals 10% less damage against another player.

Which was a few months after

Damage has been increased by 10%.

So I’m more inclined to believe that was a buff intended for PvE, and they did not realize it would affect PvP so they “nerfed” it after a bit. Though I guess technically that would count as a third.

I have no idea what you’re on about as far as there being “more information in that list”. If you have something that for some reason isn’t included in the list, link it.

I should add, if we’re including the hotfix as a nerf, then Obliterate was nerfed twice as well.
EDIT: Thrice actually.


The buff was necessary to achieve the most balanced class equilibrium ever in MoP.

The Lion’s Share of Obliterate’s buffs, however, came from the era of trying to (and then later literally) enforce(ing) dual wield and how Obliterate worked with fast swing speed mechanics.

I’ve said it time and again: Obliterate hits harder the slower your weapon is. Of course they have to buff it when you’re swinging lightning fast baby swords.


I thought that obliterate was nerfed all the time because 2h was so much better than 2h, or are you lying to people?



Did you notice theweapon damage differences between expansions? At the end of WoD frost strike was doing, over 230% weapon damage since I don’t feel like doing all the math adding all the damage increases so I am taking the 115% weapon damage increasing that by 100% which would make it 230% and then saying it’s over that with the other buffs. In Legion it started at 88% weapon damage, that is a difference of around 150% weapon damage. Its another nerf, granted that nerf was overshadowed by the around 420% weapon damage buff putting it to 500% weapon damage. You can do this with obliterate too, but I was told it’s not important so I didn’t.

Pvp nerfs, your buddy told me those weren’t important. Oh and what about the rest of it? All pvp buffs was it?

Plus, in case you didn’t know, all those buffs were for DW as well because they both used the same abilities. Those frost strike nerfs and buffs were also for 2h. These abilities weren’t exclusive to each weapon set.

Okay. Maybe they aren’t to her. They are to me. I love WPVP.

Actually implying that Frost Strike was worth using over Death Coil for two handers :rofl:


You are the only person who has even suggested death coil over frost strike other than if you can’t get to the enemy. It’s just wrong due to mastery.

You used Death Coil to heal yourself with Lichborne, novice. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


With Lichborne yes. If you need that much healing however, friend some better healers. But again, not in pve. Sooo you are talking about some very niche scenario where you have no healers… oh yeah wpvp, which is dead and isnt balanced around. Right what was I thinking.