It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons

How do you know it would be better? Slower, but hits harder with 1 ability is not better, it’s worse. For some reason you have this fixation on Obliterate when that isn’t where the damage comes from in frost, it’s mostly frost damage and losing razorice is a huge loss.

Where is the majority of the damage coming from in burst windows? BoS, stacked chains of ice, frostwyrm, all talents and all frost damage.

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Obligatory: I mean melee attacks which includes Frost Strike. Trim some of the damage from the other abilities and focus more damage into our melee attacks so it is more of an all-around spec that can be focused into AoE or Single Target with talents, gear, and other aspects of mechanical customization.


I’m glad someone is telling these people how Frost works finally. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Yes, but it would still mean messing with the spec which my post wasn’t about. It was bringing in 2h with what is in game right now. The damage would be pitiful, you aren’t going to see double or with what other people are critting, compared to what you listed, you would need to see a quadruple increase in damage from abilities. Then most of the kit is frost damage so losing out on razorice is going to hurt 2h damage as well, and if you use that instead of fallen crusader you are missing out a huge str buff that you should be trying to pair with pillar of frost. You can’t activate it, but when you get the fallen crusader buff you should be pairing it with pillar if you are able too.

If you just brought back 2h it is going to suffer without buffs. Again, your posts are just proving my point that if you just brought it back so frost could use 2h people wouldn’t be happy once they started to play the spec. You would see a dps loss automatically with the sam ilvl weapon.

A lot of the people asking for 2H Frost are only doing trivial content to begin with. I don’t think the performance is an issue for them. It is a straight aesthetic problem. You are looking at this differently than they are.

But it’s the next step that would be complained about. “Why doesn’t 2h perform like DW does, I want buffs!”

The difference between Wrath when the different wasn’t that big but still present, and all other expansions is mastery. If Frostscythe was different, which is probably why it’s designed the way it is, it would eventually take over obliterate in damage due to mastery. If it cost 2 runes, did a little less damage than obliterate but was aoe it would quickly replace obliterate. I bet it already does with km procs and enough mastery. I haven’t played in a long time, but if it even does the same amount of damage as obliterate with mastery it costs 1 less rune which means for the resources spent it does double the damage.

I could download the game, but there isn’t enough incentive for me to do that, and just getting a better understanding on a spec I didn’t like after it was gutted in BFA isn’t worth it.

We’ve mentioned several times that Blizzard couldn’t balance DW and 2H. It is not something they have been good at. They chose DW and did away with 2H. It’s dead and buried.

I wouldnt say its completely dead and buried. They could do a glyph or transmog to 2h. The other way around however doesnt work so far. Say they did bring back 2h and we have the Artifact 2h weapon. You would slowly attack with just the main hand which they dont want. Going from DW to 2h however is possible since they would just take the main hand attack and transfer that to 2h. The numbers on the screen wouldnt matter much, but the attack animations would be kind of immersion breaking.

Bringing back 2h as a weapon choice might be dead an buried since people cant really decide to the degree that they want 2h to be returned. It really does range from people wanting the transmog option (best possible chance) all the way to making frost 2h only and moving DW to Unholy for some crazy reason that has no basis, even the festerblight build that I have seen shows a 2h and the only DW Unholy that I know of is with the Sudden Doom bug.

But they chose DW for several reasons, balance, its been a part of frost since Wrath and the other 2 have been exclusively 2h. There were no benefits for DW for either Blood or Unholy. Blood has 2 hand weapon specialization as a talent, and Unholy had a Talent that did a certain amount of Shadow Damage per auto attack, and I think it was based on weapon damage, and as people have been talking about how here, 2h has better weapon damage.

Dear Blizzard,

Mistakes were made, but I’m willing to forgive you.

Bring back two-handed Frost.




I feel like you are talking to yourself at this point. Don’t you?

Balance, history, blah blah blah.

2h transmog only, is a dumb idea, and not the best possible chance. You even laid out why its so dumb.

Bringing back 2h is not some sort of crazy idea. Its not as hard as you and others want to make it seem. It is far less difficult to balance 2h than the grip of essences and loads of traits which we currently have.

I’ve built a UHDK play style which makes Festering Strike hit harder like it should. You know, like a giant 2h sword should hit. If they where able to create traits to make weapons hit different why could they not do it baseline??

Does this build do as much DPS as the standard passive build everyone uses? No, but its close enough and I like the play style better. Could they EASILY buff Cankerous wound damage to make it better. Yes. Coding isn’t some mysterious lexicon you are making it out to be.

People think DW fits UHDK better now because of the said popular passive build. Weapon damage is pathetic in this build. Its all passive. Makes since to have quicker weapons with this play style. So there is a basis…

You should really play your DK again before being so adamant 2h should not come back. You think you know what you are talking about… but you dont.

Last. Even if 2h comes back I would stick to DW, except for maybe some pvp situations. So, I’m not some sort of blind 2h fan boy… I do not understand the infighting between the two.


How exactly did I say the transmog option was dumb? By saying that DW with a 2h appearance would actually work but the other way wouldn’t due to the limitations of the system?

You do also know that weapon strikes are based off of attack power now and not weapon damage? So it doesn’t matter what weapon you have 120% of attack power is 120% of attack power.

And if it’s so easy to balance then do it. Put your money where your mouth is, get a job at blizzard and do it.

Quit lying for crying out loud, never did I say I don’t want 2h to come back and actually proposed ways to bring it back using the wrath model as the basis, you know when there wasn’t this focus on trying to separate the playstyles? I don’t know why you and others have this infatuation with lying so much. It’s really getting annoying at this point, but no matter how many times I say I’m not against it, you guys have this disgust if someone doesn’t hold the exact same stance as you.

People have said that Frost Strike has been continuously buffed because DW was behind though when they linked the history of the spell most of it were nerfs. It’s just lies after lies after lies.



Oh man,…

get a job at blizzard and do it myself? You just sunk your cred right here.


You realize blizzard would be smart enough to modify weapon damage or ability damage based on the weapon equipped right?

Quit lying? So you writing walls of text about how 2h did not work in the past and would be too difficult to balance now is being in favor of 2h coming back? Got it. My bad.

Then you try to clump me in with people talking about frost strike in some bailout attempt. Smartest guy on the forum right here.


You dont know the difference of putting forward information of why something was removed and and saying “no more 2h!”.

And no, I didnt try to lump you in, i said “people have said” and its not my fault that you lumped yourself with others because you just dont like what I have said.

Quit lying.

Oh, and you said “its not that hard” in terms of balance. I told you to prove it. I dont know how that “sunk my cred”. You are the one that made those assertions, go prove me wrong. Make me a liar. Or is it actually not that easy to balance?


You logged into your other account and liked your own post :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


Evidence to support your claim? Where are the patch notes you are talking about? Can we see them? Why would you say this and then not post the notes to support it? Are we looking at different notes in the same notes?


I’m not sure where they saw that the history of FS was mostly nerfs,

shows a lot of buffs with one or two nerfs


Dreadmoore posted them in another thread to show how many buffs there was.

Most of them were nerfs. Wrath had a nerf with it being able to be dodged parried or blocked and weapon damage was reduced by 5%. Slight buff in Cata up to 130% weapon damage. Nerfed in MoP by 25% weapon damage and then buffed by 10%. WoD seen a 100% buff but with an almost 100% runic power nerf so who knows what came first there, the runic power nerf or damage buff since it seems like it was for PvP. When WoD was increased by another 30% over the course of the expansion which you cannot contribute this buff to 2h vs DW because it could be because Frost was behind other classes and if you actually look at raid logs, it was behind. Plus, it was a buff across the board.

Legion was the biggest buff making it deal 500% of weapon damage up from 88%. Which again, there had to be a nerf somewhere because according to the notes it was doing well over 100% weapon damage (for both DW and 2h since it was a buff to the ability that both weapon sets used) down to 88%.

But now its based on attack power for both hands and it is 31% of attack power + 31% attack power. If you have 7000 attack power that is still a low hit. That is only a 4340 hit. On the other hand if you have 7000 attack power with obliterate it will do 8.4k which should be a 16k crit, basically double that of a Frost Strike crit.

That is just base damage, you would have to calculate in the 10% increase from Razorice, what mastery you have as well, the only thing is you cant apply those buffs to Obliterate. Saying Obliterate has low base damage is just false, its everything else that boosts up Frost damage that Obliterate just doesnt have access too. Plus you have to calculate in the targets armor which will reduce Obliterates damage since it is physical damage. Frost damage, which is magic damage, doesnt have to calculate armor into its damage.

Overall however, you cannot link Frost Strike buffs, even though it looks buffed and nerfed around the same amount of times, to DW being behind since it was buffed for both playstyles since it was just a general buff or nerf. 100% increase to Frost Strike is a 100% increase to Frost Strike, its both a buff to DW and 2h.

Its really not that hard to understand. I could go through it with Obliterate as well and come up with the same conclusion, it was just a general buff or nerf.

How about this, how about we actually do look at Obliterate buffs and nerfs using Gamepedia just like with Frost Strike. Your argument is that Frost strike had to be constantly buffed because I will assume its the same as Dreadmoore which is because DW was behind 2h.

So lets take a look at obliterate nerfs. Cata had a nerf from 160% weapon damage to 150%.

Now lets look at the buffs. Mists 150% weapon damage to 230% weapon damage. Then again from 230% weapon daamge to 250% weapon damage.

WoD 30% damage increase. 25% damage increase on both main and off-hand weapons, but no longer deals additional damage for each disease present on the target. Damage increased by 20% but deals only 80% of normal damage against player controlled targets. Damage has been increased by 10% with some hotfixes.

Legion, No longer has a chance to cause your next Howling Blast or Icy Touch to consume no runes, increased by 170%. Damage increased by 20%, and a hotfix which increased obliterates damage another 19%.

So if Frost Strike was buffed because DW was “behind” what is with all of these Obliterate buffs? From the arguments put out there, the only logical conclusion should be… 2h was behind DW.

Or just maybe you guys are wrong about the Frost Strike buffs, and it was just general across the board buffs for both Obliterate and Frost Strike because Frost as a spec was behind other classes and specs. Which one is more likely? Logs do show that Frost was behind, on some fights being almost 50% lower that other specs on certain fights which I would probably say those other specs were better for aoe situations.

So did I just completely destroy the entire “why was Frost Strike being buffed so much if DW was ahead” argument? Its just shows how 2h supporters will find anything and throw it out of proportions to suit their confirmation bias.

Oh, forgot to say there was one other nerf in Legion for Obliterate, a 10% nerf against other players.

2h coming back wouldnt magically make the spec better. It will still be the same thing with fewer KM procs, no Razorice, Obliterate damage would still be low because its based on attack power now, less auto attacks. Basically, you are taking the spec that you dont like right now, and making it just worse unless you start adding and changing things, unless people dont care that its just worse and just want to use it because they like the looks of it. But in that case just allow transmog from DW to 2h and call it a day.

Other classes’ ability to avoid an attack is not a nerf. That’s equalizing, because they should have been able to in the first place.

I was specifically referring to FS’s damage buffs.

Creationist fallacy. Explanation: Making a presumptuous conclusion based on what satisfies the individual’s personal beliefs as opposed to making a deductive conclusion of a situation or event that is supported by evidence that points directly to it. Source: Trumpknight’s head

Screaming externally


Adding this to the newly created bin: “Proof that Kelliste is Monkiy”

Mmmm nope. Frost Strike got far more buffs than Obliterate did.

Having said this exact thing I don’t know how many times, I have to assume you are just skimming through posts and not reading them word for word. I just said not a day or two ago that the entire spec needs to be deleted and replaced, and gave a detailed explanation as to why the spec is mechanically illogical, followed by an analogical phrase to help understand why it is illogical.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Frost Strike is a a level 55 Frost death knight that deals Frost damage.
Patches and hotfixes

Hotfix (2016-09-23): "Frost Strike damage increased by 12%."
Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now deals 500% of weapon damage, up from 88%.
Hotfix (2016-03-03): "Now deals 10% less damage against another player."
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.3 (2015-11-17): Damage has been increased by 10%.
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2.0 (2015-06-23): Now deals 20% more damage.
Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14):
    Now replaces [Death Coil] for Frost death knights.
    Damage has been increased by 100%, but its Runic Power cost has been increased by 5 (up to 25 Runic Power in Frost Presence, and 40 Runic Power in other Presences).
Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Now deals 115% weapons damage (up from 105% weapon damage).
Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Now replaces Blood Strike. Weapon damage reduced from 130% to 105%, and bonus damage removed. Runic Power cost reduced from 40 to 35.
Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Now deals 130% of weapon damage, up from 110%.
Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Changed to a Frost Specialization.
Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): This ability can now be dodged, parried, or blocked. Weapon damage bonus reduced to 55%, down from 60%.