How about this, how about we actually do look at Obliterate buffs and nerfs using Gamepedia just like with Frost Strike. Your argument is that Frost strike had to be constantly buffed because I will assume its the same as Dreadmoore which is because DW was behind 2h.
So lets take a look at obliterate nerfs. Cata had a nerf from 160% weapon damage to 150%.
Now lets look at the buffs. Mists 150% weapon damage to 230% weapon damage. Then again from 230% weapon daamge to 250% weapon damage.
WoD 30% damage increase. 25% damage increase on both main and off-hand weapons, but no longer deals additional damage for each disease present on the target. Damage increased by 20% but deals only 80% of normal damage against player controlled targets. Damage has been increased by 10% with some hotfixes.
Legion, No longer has a chance to cause your next Howling Blast or Icy Touch to consume no runes, increased by 170%. Damage increased by 20%, and a hotfix which increased obliterates damage another 19%.
So if Frost Strike was buffed because DW was “behind” what is with all of these Obliterate buffs? From the arguments put out there, the only logical conclusion should be… 2h was behind DW.
Or just maybe you guys are wrong about the Frost Strike buffs, and it was just general across the board buffs for both Obliterate and Frost Strike because Frost as a spec was behind other classes and specs. Which one is more likely? Logs do show that Frost was behind, on some fights being almost 50% lower that other specs on certain fights which I would probably say those other specs were better for aoe situations.
So did I just completely destroy the entire “why was Frost Strike being buffed so much if DW was ahead” argument? Its just shows how 2h supporters will find anything and throw it out of proportions to suit their confirmation bias.
Oh, forgot to say there was one other nerf in Legion for Obliterate, a 10% nerf against other players.
2h coming back wouldnt magically make the spec better. It will still be the same thing with fewer KM procs, no Razorice, Obliterate damage would still be low because its based on attack power now, less auto attacks. Basically, you are taking the spec that you dont like right now, and making it just worse unless you start adding and changing things, unless people dont care that its just worse and just want to use it because they like the looks of it. But in that case just allow transmog from DW to 2h and call it a day.