It's good to see Ion believes M+ loot is too good

we should duel

Thx it’s mainly just mythic tomb gear. The axe goes really well with it tho.

Sure, you’ll prob win tho I don’t pvp really.

grats man or woman

how did u kill the red guy on the spaceship?

If there wasn’t so much trash and run back/wipe protection/summoning (have fun if you don’t have a lock).

Make raiding fun and people will raid. I feel like I’m wasting my time raiding more than 2 or 3 weeks.

Brewa, normally I feel like we’re in agreement about stuff but if they do ANY amount of this stuff they’ll absolutely kill one of the best forms of content they’ve ever had in the process.

I feel like they need to make raiding more desirable/flexible (i.e. the horrible Mythic lockout system they’re still trying to double down on) rather than try to do this to M+
 but at the same time, I think that’s kinda what you’re trying to argue here.

i am with u dread, kick rocks brewa

More that Ion is suffering from a serious case of tunnel vision.

They’re not going to make Raiding a popular stand alone feature.

It simply isn’t the heart and soul of WoW on its own.

Because people definitely can’t sit on the floor dead for 90% of the encounter in a raid, potentially get loot from the boss, and get vault progress from their raid group killing it for them :wink:


no one wants to die, kick rocks allor

Correct. They can leave raiding as it is, and do all of that to put M+ on par with it.

Or they can fix raiding. But we’ve been asking them to fix raiding for a long time, and instead they just keep making raiding WORSE. So

Like I said in the post, “here’s how to normalize raiding and M+”. Because that list shows how crappy raiding is by comparison, these days.

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In a “raid instance”, I fixed it for you. If you allow raid gear to have a boost over other gear in a 5-man instance group content, we’re effectively bad to Shards of Domination which was an utter disaster across the board.

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Ok I see what you did

buff arms warrs?

Easy. Use the same scaling up method used for pvp, for m+ and raiding. Every playstyle gets their inherent gear, that scales higher when you do that content. Problem solved.

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That’s right, there is no problem. As in, nothing needs to change.

this exists? what kinda unicorn is this

this wouldn’t even be worth optimizing loot for. it’s so unrealistic for someone to be purely CE and a not m+ player

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Good news! M+ gearing is ALREADY not comparable loot to raiding - it’s far, far better, quicker and easier!

Perfectly happy with that.

I guess by that metric you would agree my other thread has good support? Bring back 5mans


That’s quite a tally you’ve got, there.