It's good to see Ion believes M+ loot is too good

Now if there was a dislike button

we already solved this problem with PVP

Give raid gear an item level boost in instance just like PVP gear has a boost in Arena.

Then you kill raiding. Pvp’ers already don’t raid. If there is separate gear then M+'s wont either.

I would rather they increase raid drops than reduce M+ drops. They already reduced M+ drops in SL.

I mean its the same sort of thing people say for torgast. It has no rewards besides legendary mats. Where arguably it was the best solo dungeon/content shadowlands got. Huge lack of rewards. But people didn’t want to feel like the had to do it.

The legendary mats and cinders sort of made them forced for example. But now do you have to do it? The same dilemna is in solo play right now. Season 4 didn’t give much if anything to many players. Only group content.

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Bad take. Raiding is a relic of the past and unless they want to make it all flex and condense the tiers then this isn’t really an argument.

They wont get more people to raid if they nerf mythic plus. We are probably just going to quit flat out because that is our preferred content.

Neither normal nor aotc is inherently difficult to do, They don’t need to be adjusted topkek

Well when you put it like that :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

GOOD sounds like a win win. If people like raiding cause they think its fun let them. If people are ONLY raiding because of high item level loot, then it doesn’t deserve to continue on

He doesn’t. OP is mistaken. Possibly on purpose.

They’re not, unless all you’re raiding for is gear.

Kinda begs the question, don’t you think?

I derped around on a ret paladin with little knowledge or practice on it and was able to randomly time at least a few of the 20’s out of the maybe 5 or so I did on it. I have a couple I did as prot. I’ll remind you, this wasn’t effort, it was “sure I’ll bring my ret, yolo, lawl, top 100 ret here I come”

Yeah me and likely 3/4 of my guild would be done raiding. We enjoy it as an aside from pushing keys, but if we have to jump through more hoops than we already do it’s dead.

can’t yall do m+ because you wanna do m+?

are u threatening my mythic plus gravy train?

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We do, people push beyond 15’s all the time when they’re max geared and there isn’t incentive beyond just doing it. Portals with 8 hour cooldowns aren’t incentive btw, lol.

The amount of people who raid log vs run keys who burnout and quit wow for X amount of time is substantially higher for raid loggers.

So I don’t see a problem.

there is beyond 15s?

You’re right, no reason to trash on M+ loot. Glad we agree.

i like ur mog val