It's Afraid

So you would be okay with RDF coming in ICC to be authentic?

This is 100% my opinion. Although that doesn’t mean opinions can’t be fact either.

Yeah, we can even look at old 2010 forum/reddit posts and see that people were very much in favor of RDF. Only a few complaints that basically summed up to “everyone got tier gear, we can’t stop them anymore” and “No fair, heroics give out participation trophies.”

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What is your claim that suggests LFG is a better tool than RDF. that isn’t a subjective single variable viewpoint about social aspects. Whats the gameplay advantage?

Post 139

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Of course.

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I can also pull up dozens of post after RDF has been in the game with people complaining about it.

The only real problem with this is it would only last 12 weeks. Not sure they’ll make that short of a commitment.

Uhh dont care enough to deal with trolls

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It’s not. RDF brings other issues to the forefront.

World immersion. I hate the automation and teleportation. You get to smell the roses with manual grouping!

You good sir!

I could see myself playing a ‘finished’ Wrath Classic for many, many years. So being put in later on isn’t a terrible thing. My only fear would be them forcing progress into Cata. But personally I don’t see that happening. I just don’t think there’s much demand for it. I’m willing to take that risk.


I don’t think it will ever come to fruition. If they’re making decisions on the initial Classic core group, there’s no way they would even think of bringing in Cata Classic without major changes.

I feel that this RDF decision is a precursor to that goal.

You still have no evidence to support this claim, there is no evidence, and it is not a fact. So it’s just an opinion and a troll attempt.

Again, you’re being self-serving and attempting to troll.

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I said it was 100% my opinion. Can you not read?

Why are Druids on the forums so mediocre?

Such as? Ninjas? People leaving? all the things that exist in both systems?

World immersion lawl, Having people doing things in the world while in Q is more immersive than staring at a magical chat window in dalaran.

What part of what I said was ignorant or self serving? RFD is an inclusive system by nature, thus thinking about more people being included in content.


This is a really good post describing why you want RDF in the game Shadows. I Just wanted to say that.

There are a couple of posters, on both sides, that I really can’t respect because they have shown themselves to be bad people at their core, but there are also a lot of people who are not in that camp. For the people like you, I’ll be really happy if they put RDF back in.

Ultimately Blizzard makes the call through. :frowning:


It allows for even more laziness. And with the teleportation and automation it removes agency from the group to correct bad behaviors as much.

That’s just your opinion. Stop being self-serving.

RFD is a dungeon good sir.

Nothing is prohibiting those players from doing dungeons now, other than lack of effort on their part. RDF is only a convenience, as it doesn’t solve any real problems.

So on a scale of 1-10 what level of laziness is questing and farming, and what level is sitting in dalaran hitting a LFG macro, or bypassing the whole ordeal and not bothering with the dungeon at all?

How is me thinking about other peoples time investment self serving?

You think being tied down to 3rd party add-ons and macro spamming is valued effort? Thats pretty funny.

Pretty sure it solves keeping old world content viable for one. Definitely helps lower pop. servers. Surely helps those with limited time to play the game.

So what does the system hurt that isn’t subjective immersion or social interaction?

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You’re only using one aspect of the whole situation. Sometimes the journey teaches us the most about our destination.

You’re not thinking of everyones time. So it’s self serving.

Is your plan to just dismiss any reason why I dislike RDF? Sounds fairly self serving.

I made a lengthy post on why I dislike it.

Sometimes easier isn’t better either. Should they add the PTR loot vendors to live so I can get the gear that hasn’t dropped for me?

Why is epic flying so expensive? Can’t they just lower it so everyone can get it?

Constraints make a game. Lets not remove them.

Weren’t you up in arms a few days ago about LFD possibly being implemented due to all the whiners?


I’m pro-lfd and always have been. What you may be thinking of is me postulating that they’re just holding it back so they can generate discontent so they look like heroes when they bring in a phase or 2 later.

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