It's Afraid

I’ve seen plenty of rogues in dungeon gear so you must be an exception.

It’s also unfortunate that you want to force players to play with you.

You want to force players to play the way you see fit.

At least you have the option to make your own group if we have RDF.

But if we get your way, we dont have the same option.


How so? You don’t have to do any dungeons if you don’t like.

Trolls gonna troll

no real argument.


They are either paying for runs or have guilds willing to take them. And before you say get a guild, I’ve been in several and they all quit. TBC has not been a good time for me. I was willing to put up with it though, cause I knew things would get better in WotLK, which is what I preferred playing anyway. Now all the gatekeeping is threating to ruin that too.

So you want to force others to play with you via RDF? Sounds kind of controlling doesn’t it?

Just the way the game works. I’m in my 3rd one for the expansion.

Even with RDF what makes you think you’ll be able to do end game content w/o the gate keeping then?

You shouldn’t talk about people not answering questions. You’ve been dodging plenty yourself. You been shot down in the vast majority of these posts just to scurry onto the next one and copy paste the same garbage.

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They will certainly try to gatekeep it. In original WotLK, there were enough new players coming into the game it was harder for them to do so. Getting rid of LFD means a lot of the more casual players won’t bother playing in the first place. That means fewer tanks and healers playing, which means it will be much harder for DPS to get groups. Every time I try to form a group for a dungeon, the holdup is ALWAYS the lack of a tank or healer. Having LFD means you have more players to group with, and the automatic grouping means gatekeeping certain classes or specs can’t happen.


How so? I’ve answered any reasonable question.

Shoot your shot champ, I’ll answer it.

Getting off topic. RDF doesn’t solve any gatekeeping around raids.

Are those the players we want to keep longterm? Those who quit if the game is slightly difficult or not straight forward?

Ding ding ding. The anti-Wrath side like to talk about community, but to have a community you need players. And removing a feature that would bring a large amount of players isn’t good for the community.

You think the average casual player looks at the dumpster fire that is the lfg channel in TBCC and has any interest in partaking in that nonsense? Of course not. It’s overwhelming. It’s nonstop buying/selling of dungeon runs. How is that good?! It’s not. It’s community destroying. The LFD tool is a simple system that makes the content more accessible to the mass audience.

What negatives does it have? Seriously? People not doing dungeons at all vs. doing randoms? That’s a negative? People not playing the game vs. playing the game. That’s bad?

Some posters are so caught up in ‘being right’ they can’t step back and look at the situation objectively.

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Yes it does. If I can’t get geared up in heroics, I won’t be getting into any raids in the first place. In OG WotLK there were a lot of pug groups for 25 mans, and I didn’t have much trouble getting in them because I had the necessary gear from heroics thanks to using the LFD tool.

More people playing is always a good thing. We should be helping them become better players, not pushing them away.


Rogues have plenty of gear that’s quality before raids that doesn’t require any heroics. Crafting, quest, repuations, PvP. You’re not limited.

Naxx is stupid easy. You can go there with your current gear and perform. People will hardly gear check phase 1.

We’ll see. No LFD for easy heroic runs and Gearscore becoming a thing means a lot of people are going to have a rough time.

Again, there’s plenty of pre raid gear from other avenues. You don’t have to only do heroics.

All of this and more, it’s like people forgot how toxic it was. I don’t use the word “toxic” much, but it was a pretty extreme level of elitism back then. Once dungeon finder was added and you could just grind heroics for current tier-1 emblems, you could actually meet the insane gear score requirements people imposed on raid groups.
I once again went back and looked at forums from 2009-10, and this was a huge complaint during all of wrath up until ICC, and then it was gatekeepers crying that LFD ruined their experience.

Which gatekeepers will gladly tell people that they can’t participate in if they aren’t over-geared enough for+ completed already. I believe it was already compared to the modern hiring paradox “You need experience to get a job, but you need a job to get the experience.”


What I’m realizing more and more reading these posts is the anti-wrath, anti-lfd side are mainly either elitists, or people who like to sell dungeon runs. Because that’s who lfd hurts. And that speaks volumes.

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You don’t need groups to do everything. There’s plenty you can do before joining a raid to be prepared.

Most the people who want RDF are pro retail.

Without any evidence, that is just your opinion. I am pro-RDF and I very much dislike retail. I have been looking forward to Wrath and everything it brings since Classic first launched.

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Really? Because I despise Retail and you couldn’t pay me to play that crap.

And you make a compelling argument. Oh wait, you make no argument. Like it or not LFD was in Wrath. That is not a ‘retail mindset’. It’s authentic Wrath.

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